79 thoughts on “FBI Investigates Anti-Muslim Hate Speech at Little Green Footballs – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. The fellow at LGF just called you a liar about this post.

    If you don’t sue him, you don’t have a hair on your chest…and the prophet raped a 9 year old girl.

  2. I see you’ve left out some facts in your fantasy. Good show, old bean. Too bad this is all iny your tiny head. Why must you be fuled by lies and hate? Give peace a chance 🙂

  3. Not surprising it takes a “civil right” advocate to advocate criminalizing free speech– that is any speech your don’t like. On the other hand, you are perfectly satisfied with people painting Israelis as the new Nazis. Anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish, anti-American speech you will die protecting, proudly holding the U.S. Constitution in your hand.

    Let me remind you that not one of LGF contributors has yet been arrested, let alone convicted, of committing a violent act against any Muslim, while your put- upon ” innocent” Muslims have murdered and wounded quite a few Americans before and after 9/11, and even if you consider the last few months alone (Georgia, Seattle, California), and had been caught planning many more, including some new and ingenious way to blow up civilian airplanes, which goes a long way in explaining why they are being monitored (at least I hope they are) .

    You truly remind me of the Communist Jews (some in my very family) who devotedly and blindly supported Stalin, while he was already building camps, getting ready to implement the second Holocaust.
    You exhibit the same blindness. Too bad that you don’t seek that the FBI investigate CAIR, whose member were already charged with support of terrorism, rather than target the lgf . But I forget, financing organization that blows ups restaurants is not a crime, arresting person who carries a bomb and building a fence is a true act of state terrorism in the new-left’s handbook. It is very unfortunate that you, as a Jew, lend your support to the very people who want to destroy the only Jewish state in existence and who have made Mein Kampf and The Protocols of the Elders of the Zion into best-sellers.

    My almost entire family was murdered by the Nazis, and I was forced to leave Poland by the Communist anti-Zionist government, thus I have very little sympathy for those who wish me and mine harm. Sorry, but I don’t buy your fake “liberalism,” even if you hide under the name of Tikkun Olam.
    BTW, are you going to complain to the FBI about DailyKos?

  4. The FBI, according to Hooper, recently investigated several threats of physical harm against Muslims posted by Little Green Footballs readers.

    Funny, it doesn’t say that they investigated “hate speech”. Which , afaik, is still protected by the 1st until there are actual calls for violence against specific individuals. But at that point they aren;t investigating “hate speech” any more.

  5. A Response to Mr. Silverstein’s Falsehoods

    “Finally, the FBI pays a visit to someone who deserves one (as opposed to the thousands of Muslim-Americans who’ve received unwanted visits from local agents since 9/11).”

    This is not true. The FBI did not “visit” Johnson. He was contacted by telephone. Are you trying to be “fake but accurate”, Mr. Silverstein?

    “… Little Green Footballs’ comments section in which readers egg each other on to see who can spout more homicidal and hateful speech and thought against Muslims.”

    This is also not true. Yes, such comments are sometimes posted at LGF. And very often, those posts are met with disdain and disagreement by other LGF commenters. Why do you fail to mention the fact, Mr. Silverstein, that Johnson and LGF readers police themselves?

    I have reported to Johnson, as others have, “homicidal” and other irresponsible reader posts. In fact, I’ve reported irresponsible reader comments to Johnson in last couple (or so) days, and Johnson has removed those comments from LGF.

    Your accusation that LGF readers compete with each other to be hateful is a lie. If that were true, then I wouldn’t have reported the irresponsible commentary to Johnson, I would have tried to top it.

    “After CAIR filed its complaints, FBI agents visited Charles Johnson twice.”

    As stated above, that is a lie. Don’t you think a clarification is in order, Mr. Silverstein?

    “Here’s the little that he had to say about the incidents.”

    Your assertion that Johnson didn’t say much about the FBI investigation is also a lie, Mr. Silverstein. Johnson explained the incidents, and it’s my opinion that the FBI did the right thing in contacting Johnson.

    The limited nature of your research in this matter shows that you are either sloppy, lazy, or an outright liar.

    It might have saved you from the need to post a clarification.

    “I’d like to know what Chuck and the G-men talked about; and I’d like to find out what was the content of the LGF comments. Anyone reading this who can provide more information would be most appreciated.”

    Again, why didn’t you research the matter yourself? You could have saved yourself the trouble of posting a false article in need of clarification if you had done responsible research in the first place.

    Nevertheless, since you seem to have missed it, may I direct you to this post: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=22010

    “Whenever I read sentiments like this from LGF or its various blog hangers-on I feel as if I’ve waded into a vat full of dog shit.”

    There’s a dog loose at your site, too, Mr. Silverstein. He must be invisible to you.

    The FBI’s involvement is bad enough for Johnson and for LGF. Nevertheless, I agree with the FBI’s actions. Your lies and half truths make it appear much worse than it really is. Is this on purpose?

    The truth should be good enough, Mr. Silverstein.

  6. “Finally, the FBI pays a visit to someone who deserves one (as opposed to the thousands of Muslim-Americans who’ve received unwanted visits from local agents since 9/11).”

    Indeed, if another major terror attack occurs on the US soil, it will be Charles Johnson who will perpetrate it and under no circumstances the perpetrators can be Muslim. Give me a chime, Mr. Silverstein, when you come up with another brilliant thought.

  7. Just a little note for you, Mr. Silverstein.
    You might want to look up Adam Czerniaków on Google. Just to help you out, here is the link to Wikipedia entry:
    Remember, the members of Judenraths were still sent to the same gas chambers.
    They might come after me first because I am a Jew, they might come after Mr. Johnson because he is on our side, but in the end they will still come after you. But at least Mr. Johnson and I will still fight.
    Good luck, Mr. Czerniakow. Oops, I meant “Mr. Silverstein”.

  8. “Whenever I read sentiments like this from LGF or its various blog hangers-on I feel as if I’ve waded into a vat full of dog shit.”
    Your quote, Mr. Silverstein. I can’t imagine using an analogy that I am not familiar with. So, I am curious, do you spend a lot of time wading in vats of dog shit?

  9. Mr. Silverstein, you need to get arrest warrants for all those bad LGF readers. I mean, every one of them should be thrown in jail and tortured, Abu Ghraib style, don’t you think?

    By the way, Richard, you forgot to include the hateful comments, cartoons etc. about Jews found all over the internet. However, I guess you give the people who create those a pass. After all, they’re just thrird worlders who don’t know better, right?


    (that means “sarcasm now off”).

    By the way, we may be related, which could explain your behavior. Lots of inbreeding in the shtetls in my family.

  10. Rickey-
    The goat-fucker comment you cite is indeed mine, and is in no way attributable to Charles Johnson. He deleted it moments after it was posted. I take full responsibility for the comment, in context, a concept you seem unaware of.

    For the record: I have served in the U.S. military AND with IDF. My way of participating in actual tikkun olam, chaver.

    BTW- I am not a Jewish Rambo. I continue to be humbled by the fact that Spec Ops troopers follow me.

  11. I feel as if I’ve waded into a vat full of dog shit.

    No, if you’re gonna be as famous as the REAL Silverstein, you’re gonna have to get your quotes right. Shel said, “They [the hippies] talk about the freedom of going barefoot, but they don’t talk about the… dog shit…” etc.

  12. Tikon Olam in no way implies you should become a self-hating Jew so please either change the title of your blog or change its contents. I am tired of seeing so-called Jewish people heading the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish movements. Why don’t you apply equal standards to Muslims as you do to the rest of the world? If 99% of terrorist acts were carried out by black people, wouldn’t you expect them to do something about it? It is no coincidence that the vast majority of terrorist acts are carried out by Muslims and mainstream Islam should publically take responsibility for this and take active steps to re-educate their children so they don’t grow up to become extremists. We can count the number of Jews to have perpetrated terrorist acts on a single hand, why can’t the same be said of Muslims? This is no coincidence.


  13. You sir are not only a fool and a “Terrorist Usefull Idiot” but, also a liar. I suggest that before you make factual assertions that you check the facts and then tell the truth. I am ashamed to claim you as a fellow Jew.

  14. Mr. Silverstein,

    I am currently reading “Hitler: A Study in Tyranny.” Odd reading for an LGF fascist, no? I guess you’d expect me to be reading Mein Kampf. Well, guess what? Mein Kampf is a bestseller in Muslim countries. They think Hitler was quite a guy. Which is strange, since they often call Jews “Nazis” like that’s a bad thing. I wonder if there’s a lesson in there somewhere? Perhaps it’s that the motives of people who call Hitler a hero on one hand, and on the other hand refer to their enemies as “Nazis,” cannot be trusted? Personally I have a hard time trusting people who on the one hand say “The Holocaust never happened” and on the other hand say “Hitler didn’t finish the job.” Particularly when many, many thousands of people who follow the religion of people who say things like this are busily engaged in repression, torture, and deliberate terrorism directed at civilians, all the while openly declaring their intentions of destroying the West and instituting Shari’a law.

    As far as I know, no LGFer has committed an act of terror, and neither has Charles Johnson. On the other hand, something like 99.9% of the terror acts committed since 9/11 have been commited by Muslims. If you can provide me with evidence that all these terror acts were actually committed by LGFers and masterminded by Charles from his nitrogen-filled chamber under Denver International Airport, then I will agree with you that the FBI should be questioning Mr. Johnson and not hassling Muslims. Do we have a deal?

  15. Oh, by the way, why do you call it an “alleged” Hezbollah propaganda video? Do you think the CIA created the video? Or maybe the Mossad? Have you ever been to MemriTV? Do you have any clue about the “scummy hatred” that people in the Middle East and the Islamic world watch and listen to all day, every day, on television and in their mosques? Did you know about the Holocaust cartoon contest that an Iranian newspaper (with, of course, full approval from the Iranian government) conducted? Doesn’t that qualify as “scummy hatred”?

    Get a clue, Mr. Silverstein. Hating people who want to kill you and destroy your way of life and the values you hold dear (liberty, democracy, human rights, etc., I hope) is normal. Do you hate Hitler and the Nazis? I hope you do. Why do you find it so easy to hate Charles Johnson and LGF, but can’t find it in you to hate people who want to put the whole world under the heel of a medieval religious theocracy that kills homosexuals, hangs retarded girls for letting themselves be raped, makes women and non-Muslims second-class citizens or worse, practices slavery, and basically repudiates every moral and social advancement humankind has made since the Renaissance? Why? I would really like to know.

  16. Just one more comment. I bet you’re shocked to find LGFers responding to your post with reasoned arguments instead of angry diatribes, ad hominem attacks, profanity, and lots of capital letters and exclamation marks. That’s because LGF is not a hate site. It is a site that is visited by whites, blacks, Hispanics, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, and even some Muslims. It is visited by people from every continent. What all these people share is a love for reason, liberty, democracy, humanity, the ideals and principles of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, and modern civilization in general. As well as an unyielding opposition–yes, even hatred, if you will–for the forces of barbarism and tyranny as represented by unreformed, militant Islam and its allies. Yes, we hate the headchoppers, the car bombers, the suicide killers, the murderers of schoolchildren, the repressors of women, the embracers of obscurantism, unreason, and irrationality, the practitioners of savage and unjust medieval law, the enemies of liberty.

    “I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” –Thomas Jefferson.

  17. Looks like all five of your readers have commented on your asininity. . . .Needless to say, the ole BS meter is now broken thanks to you!

  18. Here’s another comment. If the FBI should come after anyone, it should be you for posting false lies and smears about other people you disagree with. I am also ashamed that you are a Jew. It’s too bad fellow Jews can’t disown you. But I am sure that quite a few would like to do that. How petty and evil can you get?

    Apparently, there are no limits.

  19. You must think Tikkun Olam involves shariah law worldwide, because you’re doing a great job defending the anti-semitic nazis over at CAIR. Your parents were probably those Jewish kapos who took pleasure in “monitoring” their fellow Jews in the concentration camps. Thanks to Jews like you, the Arabs have half their battle won in eradicating our state, our people, and our religion. Keep up the good work so the Arabs don’t have to bother.

  20. I have reported to Johnson, as others have, “homicidal” and other irresponsible reader posts. In fact, I’ve reported irresponsible reader comments to Johnson in last couple (or so) days, and Johnson has removed those comments from LGF.

    James in Memphis: I am glad to see that you are helping Johnson police the comment threads at LGF. But it must be a Herculean task given how many haters you have there.

    Your accusation that LGF readers compete with each other to be hateful is a lie. If that were true, then I wouldn’t have reported the irresponsible commentary to Johnson, I would have tried to top it.

    I don’t know you from Adam. You may be one of the responsible readers & commenters at LGF. With 100,000 visitors a day he’s bound to have a few reasonable human beings who object to the hate spewed there. But just because you’re a decent human being who tries to do the right thing doesn’t mean there are other thousands, or tens of thousands who have diff. standards than you.

    The limited nature of your research in this matter shows that you are either sloppy, lazy, or an outright liar.

    I don’t do much “research” when it comes to LGF since I find it an odious undertaking & as I said I feel like I’ve walked through dog shit every time I review the comment threads there. Don’t you think you might’ve just provided that link instead of adding all the smarmy insults?

    There’s a dog loose at your site, too, Mr. Silverstein. He must be invisible to you.

    Whatever “dogs” are loose at my site, they don’t talk about killing anyone whether Muslim or Jew. They don’t celebrate the deaths of Muslims or Jews. They don’t call Muslims or Jews animals. You can’t say the same for LGF, I’m afraid.

  21. Eric: Calling me a member of the “Judenrath” is a perfect example of the calumnies that pass for reasoned argument at LGF.

    It is you & the bellicosity represented at LGF that fuels hatred between Jews & Muslims & eggs Israel on in its intransigent approach to Israeli-Arab relations. If Jews or Israelis die it will be much more likely your fault for telling Israel to fight to the death against the “Arab scum” or whatever you folks are calling them this day.

  22. Indeed, if another major terror attack occurs on the US soil, it will be Charles Johnson who will perpetrate it

    Though I despise Charles “Smoke” Johnson I don’t accuse him of wanting to kill or harm Muslim-Americans himself. It is his deluded, deranged & troubled readers I & the FBI worry about. It only takes one.

  23. do you spend a lot of time wading in vats of dog shit?

    Not when I can help it. There are times however, few as they are, when I do visit LGF in order to check out the latest Muslim hating hysteria. And when I’m there I sure know dog shit when I wade through it.

  24. Looks like all five of your readers have commented on your asininity

    Well, gee Chuck links to my post and sets the hounds loose on my site. That surely means that whatever you LGF groupies think of me must be 100% correct, right? There couldn’t possibly be any other way to look at the world, Muslims or Israel than the LGF way, right?

  25. Out of the thousands of comments on LGF every day, you quote a particularly down to earth one! One which I agree with entirely, btw. I haven’t been visiting LGF very long, but so far I haven’t seen anything said or commented on that is not truthful and that doesn’t have ample evidence to back it up.

    The bottom line is that leftist, anti-American, anti-Israeli, pro-terrorist, pro-Islamofacists like yourself and the wonderful refined and demure contributors to Koz, Huffington and Move On etc.
    love to dish out the filth, but you squeal like pigs in Iran when others voice opposite points of view that disagree with yours.

    I wonder, would you have supported a visit from the FBI to, say, Koz., when they were calling for the asassination of President Bush and American Servicemen?

    This is my first visit to your blog, so I don’t know if you are seriously defending the Islamofacists, or just trying to get in on some of LGF’s publicity, but if you are not able to recognize the threat to our country (USA) from the muslim hordes, then I feel sorry for you.

    In my opinion the more truth (you call it hate speech) that the blogosphere brings to light, the better chance we have to keep our countrymen informed of the danger that Islam means to our way of life.

  26. why do you call it an “alleged” Hezbollah propaganda video?

    Because I do not choose to watch videos published by LGF. And I will not trust anything said at that site until it’s been verified by an external & more reliable source. That’s why I call it “alleged.”

    Have you ever been to MemriTV?

    If I find visiting LGF like walking through dog poo why would I want to repeat the experience by wading through the propaganda that passes for authoritative research at MEMRI?

    Doesn’t that qualify as “scummy hatred”?

    As for Muslim hatred of Jews, I certainly detest it and have said so many times here. But unlike you I don’t feel that hatred emanating from a slim minority of Muslims warrants a similarly scummy response from Jews.

    Do you hate Hitler and the Nazis? I hope you do.

    Only ignorant fools like those at LGF liken Muslims to Nazis. Thankfully, the rest of the world sees this type of demagoguery for what it is: scummy hatred.

    Why do you find it so easy to hate Charles Johnson and LGF, but can’t find it in you to hate people who want to put the whole world under the heel of a medieval religious theocracy

    I hate senseless hatred of all stripes & varieties including what I read of it at LGF.

    basically repudiates every moral and social advancement humankind has made since the Renaissance

    The difference bet. us is that you make sweeping & false generalizations about an entire religion while I acknowledge hatred where I see it & only where I see it. In other words, Muslim extremists are a small minority of the world’s Muslims. I will not denounce an entire religion for the sins of a few (though I will denounce the sins of those few). Nor would I expect Muslims to denounce the entire state of Israel or all Jews for the sins of the Israeli government or haters like those at LGF. Those Muslims that do are worthy of denunciation & will hear it fr. me here.

  27. Richard,
    Thank you for your willingness to see all humanity as brothers and sisters, Muslim, Jew, and Christian, and your courage to publicly denounce hateful language and acts.

    To even log onto WWW sites where hate mongers are selling their inhumanity to others is an act of “courage.”

    No one, I don’t think, with a modicum of appreciation for humanity and the God of Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad really appreciates seeing the hate rash that appears on such sites as you depict.

    Why does 5% of humanity seeto dominate the other 95% with incivility and acts of hate?

    Might it be because they are, indeed, setting themselves up as “Gods,” greedy for their own selfish reasons to downtrod on others?

    Most Muslims, Jews, and Christians I know truly do want to respect and treat each other with dignity, recognizing that their are differing approximations of what Truth really is.

    God bless us all that we can find Peace and share it with others–and get out of the slime pit or poo pit of hateful behavior.

    Appreciate your blog,


  28. If you don’t sue him…

    Whenever I need legal advice I always consult first with LGF readers because I know the advice will always be sound.

    the prophet raped a 9 year old girl

    Keep that “scummy hatred” coming. I love it when you idiots show the world your bared fangs so they can see you for the vermin you really are.

  29. it takes a “civil right” advocate to advocate criminalizing free speech

    Threatening an individual with bodily harm or death is NOT “free” or “protected” speech. It is flat out illegal. But since Charles won’t provide either the comment that was reported to the FBI or the e mails that were sent from his site to Ibrahim Hooper, no one can judge the content. Unfortunately, Johnson seems to be a bit chary about disclosing this information. Makes you wonder what & why he’s hiding. But I know for sure that FBI wouldn’t have called him twice if his readers were offering to send Hooper a bouquet of roses.

    you are perfectly satisfied with people painting Israelis as the new Nazis

    That’s a flat out lie. I receive anti-Israeli or anti-Jewish hate mail all too often at this site & I am NOT “perfectly satisfied” with it. It receives the same harsh response that the LGF haters send my way. But clearly you haven’t even bothered to do an elementary site search to find this material because it would be so inconvenient for yr stupid, lying theories about what I believe or don’t believe.

    Let me remind you that not one of LGF contributors has yet been arrested, let alone convicted, of committing a violent act against any Muslim

    As I wrote here, it only takes one. Will you still be so smug after it happens the first time?

    You truly remind me of the Communist Jews (some in my very family) who devotedly and blindly supported Stalin

    You are a cretin. I’m not a Communist & never have been one & never supported Stalin nor any other dictator.

    Too bad that you don’t seek that the FBI investigate CAIR, whose member were already charged with support of terrorism

    I don’t need to because the FBI already has investigated CAIR as you yourself note here. Besides, I have no problem w. the FBI doing its job w/o regard to religion or ethnicity. Let it investigate CAIR AND LGF commenters who violate the law. I don’t want anyone threatened or killed whether they be Jewish, Israeli, Arab or Muslim. The only problem I do have is when the FBI selectively investigates based on the above criteria; or when it uses a diff. standard for judging behavior by members of one religion or ethnic group than for another.

    financing organization that blows ups restaurants is not a crime, arresting person who carries a bomb and building a fence is a true act of state terrorism

    No, financing terror IS a crime and I’m in favor of preventing this. But I am NOT in favor of targeting Muslim charities w/o strong evidence they have done something wrong. The Justice Department’s record in this regard is quite mixed. Arresting a suicide bomber is NOT state terrorism. I have never said this so do stop generalizing & assuming my views on issues which you know nothing about because you haven’t even bothered to read a word of my site other than this post (if you read that at all). Building a fence (as you so charmingly call the Separation Wall) is NOT state terrorism. I never said this. But it is a useless, deluded and extraordinarily wasteful act of short-sighted policy since the Hezbollah rocket attacks have proved that any Kassam rocket can make its way easily over such a wall.

    It is very unfortunate that you, as a Jew, lend your support to the very people who want to destroy the only Jewish state in existence

    When non-Jews start telling me what I should or should not do AS A JEW, that’s when I get my hackles up. The State of Israel is doing quite well and is under no serious threat from any of its neighbors (except perhaps Iran IF it gets nuclear weapons). I’m touched by your well intentioned, but unnecessary concern for Israel’s demise. But the rumors of it are greatly exaggerated as Mark Twain once said.

    My almost entire family was murdered by the Nazis

    I can do you one better in this stupid sweepstakes of suffering. Members of my family WERE actually exterminated by Hitler. So what moral advantage exactly do you feel your suffering gives you to insult my moral perspective on the Israeli-Arab conflict?

  30. Then why do you read them??

    Why do I read LGF? First, I don’t at least not regularly. Perhaps I visit 5 times a year if that. As for why I visit at all–because 100,000 people visit that blog shmatte every day thinking it’s God-given truth when it’s little more than dog shit on someone’s shoe.

    I think lies and hate deserve rebuttal.

  31. Notice how Charles protests “I took the comment down!” but doesn’t mention the one he didn’t? Pure avoidance. The other one wasn’t quite as moronic as the first, that would take some doing….but it’s out of the same playbook.

    And isn’t it wonderful that the LGF’ers chose to follow the link to your site and prove how screwed up they are!

  32. we may be related, which could explain your behavior. Lots of inbreeding in the shtetls in my family.

    Considering that there are tens of thousands of Jews with the same name, I’d say the chances of our being related are next to nil (tenks Got).

    I’m going to trust that you are an authority on the mental health of yr own family & if you suggest inbreeding & mental incapacity in yr own family well, that’s good enough authority for me.

    BTW, my brother shares yr first & last name name (shudder!). I do assume that if you were my brother that inbreeding wouldn’t have prevented you fr. realizing that fact & acknowledging it here. So I’ll thankfully presume that we aren’t related.

    you forgot to include the hateful comments, cartoons etc. about Jews found all over the internet. However, I guess you give the people who create those a pass.

    I don’t give hate a pass ever, on either side.

  33. The goat-fucker comment you cite is indeed mine

    I like a man, even if he is a jerk, taking ownership of the shit that passes from his rear end into the world.

    I take full responsibility for the comment

    You can’t possibly take full responsibility for a comment as irresponsible as that one.

    For the record: I have served in the U.S. military AND with IDF. My way of participating in actual tikkun olam, chaver.

    That’s rich. We have a soldier who claims to have served our country’s & Israel’s armed forces making statements like this:

    Goat-fucking koranimals. Unlike my last war, this war, I may have to consider collecting a necklace of ears.
    /loading more magazines/gotta finish post-FTX refit and weapons check.

    Don’t know ’bout you but I feel so much more secure knowing that a certifiable, homicidal lunatic was given a rifle to kill our enemies. But filled with such hate, how could he possibly distinguish between who was friend and who was foe?

    Pardon my skepticism but, you wouldn’t mind telling us which units you served in so we can verify your claims?

    And as for killing Arabs being considered tikun olam–neither the Zohar nor our tradition had quite this in mind when they created the term. There are no rewards in Jewish tradition for those who hate another religion or ethnic group. And you certainly don’t get to abuse the term tikun olam for yr own demagogic purpose.

    BTW- I am not a Jewish Rambo.

    We’ll just have to let me non-LGF readers be the judge of that, Rambowitz.

  34. Richard,. the hatred and venom I feel coming from YOU in your comments about LGF are palpable. It really does perplex me that this blog, LGF, and its owner Charles are able to arouse such a visceral reaction in you from mere words, yet the hatred and venom emanating from Muslims apparently bothers you not at all. The anti-Semitism, the calls to violent jihad, the bloody medieval punishments of Shari’a, the subjugation of women, the oppression of unbelievers, the shooting fleeing schoolchildren in the back, the cutting off the heads of Christian schoolgirls, the butchery in southern Thailand, the marching and burning things and carrying signs saying “behead those who insult Islam” over a set of cartoons, the bombings here, the bombings there, the bombings everywhere … none of this bothers you so much as people failing to be perfectly nice and polite at all times when discussing those who openly profess to wanting to kill us and destroy our values and way of life. You’re allowed to get angry, get your blood up about LGF, talk about “wading through dog shit” and such, but LGFers are not allowed to get angry and blow off steam about medieval religious fanatics who want to impose their violent backwards religion on the whole world by any means necessary.

  35. Tikon [sic] Olam in no way implies you should become a self-hating Jew

    I really have to start a contest for the 10th, 25th, 50th, 100th (ad nauseum) commenter to call me a “self-hating Jew.” The comment of course reflects far more on the commenter than on me. It indicates how narrow, how ideological, how provincial and how hidebound his or her definition of Judaism or Jew is. I’m a proud Jew (though not so proud to count Gili as among my co-religionists). No one can take that away from me.

    please either change the title of your blog or change its contents

    Thanks for the advice. I’ll get on it right this second & thanks for the ever so cogent & thoughtful suggestions. Now, do you think you can go back to whatever lair you slunk out of?

    If 99% of terrorist acts were carried out by black people,

    I do so love the patently fake “statistics” that emanate from the hate-based community over at LGF. Where did you get that number from? 99% of terrorist acts are performed by Muslims? Prove it.

    We can count the number of Jews to have perpetrated terrorist acts on a single hand,

    Either you are ignorant or you are a liar (or perhaps both):

    Chaim Arlosorof, assassinated by political foes1933
    Count Von Bernadotte, assassinated by Israeli nationalists1948
    Emil Grunsweig, assassinated 1979
    Yitzhak Rabin, assassinated by right wing extremist 1995
    Baruch Goldstein, murdered 29 Palestinians

    And I have omitted from this tally the innumerable settler attacks which have killed countless Palestinians over the years using guns, bombs & anything else they can get their hands on. If you do a search of this site you’ll find ample coverage of such incidents.

    I cite this information because I wish to indict Israel in a wholesale way. But to those who say all terror lies on one side & the other is pure as driven snow flies in the face of reality. In other words, you can lie but you cannot hide. At least not at this site.

  36. I am ashamed to claim you as a fellow Jew.

    I’m not too pleased to share my religion w. you either. But I guess you will have to hold your nose because I’m not going anywhere. I’m happy with my Jewishness. In fact, I’m quite pleased that mine gets under yr skin. Someone’s got to make you discomfited at yr & LGF’s distortions of Jewish traditions.

  37. Mein Kampf is a bestseller in Muslim countries. They think Hitler was quite a guy.

    And your proof for either of these contentions is??? Who is “they?” All Arabs? Some?

    they often call Jews “Nazis”

    No, Muslims do not often call Jews “Nazis.” Some Muslims may call Israelis “Nazis” but that may be a distinction you don’t wish to note.

    many thousands of people who follow the religion of people who say things like this are busily engaged in repression, torture, and deliberate terrorism directed at civilians

    Now, I thought for a second you were talking about Israelis. You mean you weren’t??!

    something like 99.9% of the terror acts committed since 9/11 have been committed by Muslims.

    You guys at LGF ought to check yr facts w. ea. other before coming on over here. Is it 99% as another LGF fellow traveler wrote here or 99.9%?? I challenge you w. precisely the same statement I delivered to him or her: prove it. Provide a single reliable source that verifies your stupid statement. You won’t because you can’t. Oh & btw evidence from LGF or Charles Johnson doesn’t count as reliable.

    Do we have a deal?

    Here’s the deal–you go crawl back under the LGF slime rock fr. which you came & I’ll try my best to live w/o yr company over here. Deal?

  38. I bet you’re shocked to find LGFers responding to your post with reasoned arguments instead of angry diatribes, ad hominem attacks, profanity, and lots of capital letters and exclamation marks.

    What, has Charles been giving all of you lessons in table manners?? You must be confusing this blog for another because I haven’t seen much in the way of reasoned argument fr. you LGFers. Thank God no profanity (yet) & no capital ltrs. or exclamation marks. But I’ve gotten just about everything else (“self-hating Jew,” “Communist” Stalin lover, ” Judenrath” member, etc.). Or do LGF comments w/o profanity, capital ltrs. or exclamation marks automatically count for “reasoned argument” over there?

    LGF is not a hate site

    No certainly not. You’ll never find an unkind word about Arabs or Muslims there, that’s for sure.

    What all these people share is a love for reason, liberty, democracy, humanity, the ideals and principles of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, and modern civilization in general.

    No, those are ideas that I value & believe in. LGF makes an absolute mockery of these. LGF believes in lunatic fringe thought, demagoguery, gratuitous hatred, & the ideals & principles of brilliant humanists like Baruch Goldstein & Meir Kahane.

    As well as an unyielding opposition–yes, even hatred, if you will–for the forces of barbarism and tyranny

    Funny, but that is pretty much how I would characterize LGF: a website full of barbarism and tyranny toward those with whom it disagrees, reserving of course special barbarity & tyranny for all Muslims regardless of what they believe.

    we hate the headchoppers, the car bombers, the suicide killers, the murderers of schoolchildren, the repressors of women, the embracers of obscurantism, unreason, and irrationality, the practitioners of savage and unjust medieval law, the enemies of liberty.

    Yeah, yeah. We all know what you hate. But somehow you only muster that hatred for Muslims who commit these atrocities. When the atrocity is perpetrated by a white westerner, say a U.S. soldier in Iraq, the IDF in Lebanon or Gaza, then you don’t seem able to muster the same level of high dudgeon. Why is that?

    The idea that you have the temerity of quoting Thomas Jefferson in support of yr cause is beyond belief. Jefferson would roll over & vomit in his grave if he could at the idea that his words are being used to justify the hate spewed at LGF & by people like you.

  39. the FBI should come after anyone, it should be you for posting false lies and smears about other people you disagree with

    Since you have such a firm grasp on U.S. criminal law why don’t you consider applying for the job of FBI director when it nexts comes open. Then I’ll look forward to that interview w. one of yr agents. Till then, I think they’ll find more worth examining in the comment threads at LGF.

    How petty and evil can you get?

    Oh I don’t know…about as “petty & evil” as the content of LGF?

  40. Your parents were probably those Jewish kapos who took pleasure in “monitoring” their fellow Jews in the concentration camps.

    “Jewish kapo.” That’s nice. Just the kind of compliments I expect from the slime at LGF. And I’ll have you keep my parents out of this discussion you filthy hazer. That’s off limits shit around here. Maybe Charles lets you barn animals shit all over his site. But you won’t do it here & you won’t insult the memory of my parents with such filth.

    the Arabs have half their battle won in eradicating our state, our people, and our religion

    Drone, drone, drone. The hysteria & histrionics are truly amazing & unbelievable. I have a lot more faith in the strength of the Jewish people and the State of Israel than to believe that Arab hate can harm it in any significant way. You unfortunately seem to believe that your religion & Jewish homeland are weak, vulnerable and subject to imminent destruction. What a fevered, delusional Jewish world view you have.

  41. leftist, anti-American, anti-Israeli, pro-terrorist, pro-Islamofacists

    You got one out of five right. But a .200 batting average gets you sent down to Class D ball, I’m afraid, which is where you belong.

    would you have supported a visit from the FBI to, say, Koz., when they were calling for the asassination [sic] of President Bush and American Servicemen?

    First, I don’t trust any statement you make characterizing what someone else said unless you provide a link and a quotation. Until you do whatever you say is even less reliable than a broken watch. But just for a hypothetical you don’t even deserve–if ANYONE, whatever their political affiliation advocates political violence or murder then yes they should be investigated.

    if you are not able to recognize the threat to our country (USA) from the muslim [sic] hordes, then I feel sorry for you.

    Save the pity for your own unmitigated ignorance of Muslims and the world around you.

    the better chance we have to keep our countrymen informed of the danger that Islam means to our way of life.

    I’d say the type of unreasoning hate represented by you & LGF is just as great a danger to our way of life.

  42. isn’t it wonderful that the LGF’ers chose to follow the link to your site and prove how screwed up they are!

    Yup, MJ, exactly right. I do so love when Johnson links to me usually doubling or tripling my site traffic for a few days. Not that most of them are going to have the foggiest idea of anything this site stands for. I’m just pleased that I needled CJ enough to giving me a wider platform to attack his lies.

  43. the hatred and venom I feel coming from YOU in your comments about LGF are palpable

    Yes, you see I have this wee problem w. people who call my parents “kapos” or me a “self-hating Jew.” I guess such lies, hatred & venom don’t affect you that way when people say such things about you or yr. parents. But I’m human I’m afraid. My dad of blessed memory (yeah the one who was a “kapo”) taught me to hate lies, hatred, racism & intolerance. I’m proud of the lesson he taught me.

    the hatred and venom emanating from Muslims apparently bothers you not at all.

    Oh let’s see–how many times in this comment thread alone have I contradicted your statement? Four, maybe five? “Eyes have they but they see not.”

    LGFers are not allowed to get angry and blow off steam about medieval religious fanatics who want to impose their violent backwards religion on the whole world by any means necessary.

    I don’t give a rat’s ass what LGFers say or write as long as it is truthful, accurate and authenticated by facts as opposed to mere supposition or prejudice. And btw, advocating the murder of Muslims is a little more serious stuff than “blowing off steam.”

  44. “I think lies and hate deserve rebuttal”

    and that is why so many are rebutting your lies

    I laugh at your “shit filled” ignorance

  45. I really have to start a contest for the 10th, 25th, 50th, 100th (ad nauseum) commenter to call me a “self-hating Jew.” The comment of course reflects far more on the commenter than on me. It indicates how narrow, how ideological, how provincial and how hidebound his or her definition of Judaism or Jew is.

    I don’t know about that. There has got to be something said for someone who spends most of his time defending nazis-wannabies, condemning fellow Jews yet at the same time claiming to be “a better Jew” than the rest of them. Frankly, I think I am in a better position to say that while I might not be an ideal Jewish person (who is?) I am not nearly as bad a Jew as you have become. I care deeply about my fellow Jews and act accordingly, unlike the hallow [sic]words you speak. Ever notice how all major anti-Israel hate groups have a Jew in charge of them? I am hardly surprised you’ve decided to become the poppet [sic] Jew.

    I’m a proud Jew (though not so proud to count Gili as among my co-religionists). No one can take that away from me.

    It is sad you are diluting [sic] yourself this way. There are so-called Jewish groups out there that openly advocate the destruction of Israel while wearing their orthodox black hats. They visit Iran and Syria and go to all the major protest rallies (I know because I’ve seen them in person) and yet throughout it all they claim to be the “better Jews” and no one can take that away from them. Well sir, if the vast majority of other Jews disagree with your views you might wish to consider how representative your views actually are of Judaism.

    Tikun Olam does not exist in a bubble. In the Torah, God openly advocated the mass-destruction of enemies of the Jews without hesitation or regret. Now, I am not in the business of interpreting what God wants (that’s his business) but I really don’t see how you can claim Tikun Olam is about unlimited love of people regardless of how much they hate us and/or try to murder us. That’s not Judaism, that’s some extreme twist of Christianity. Should you wish to convert, I would understand.

    There are many good Muslims in the world, but they pale in consideration to the number of Muslims who openly preach hate or sit silently while it is preached around them. I have been witness to countless speeches in synagogues that advocated living in peace amongst our neighbors and avoid jupming to conclusions when we hear rumors but I am afraid the same can’t be said of today’s Muslim religion. Maybe the religion is too young and has to go through its own chrusades [sic]-phase, but either way it’s not my job to become an apologist for them. I work with Muslims that are friendly and I condemn Muslims who are hostile, all without hesitation. One does not proclude [sic] the other.

    How many Muslim leaders dedicate their public speechs to calling their fellow Muslims to live in peace with their neighbors and repel back [sic] the extremism that is sweeping their society? I’ve only heard of a handful. Maybe that’s just me, but I try to digest as much news and articles as I can get my hands on, so if I haven’t heard about it it means it probably wasn’t very public to begin with. I constantly get told by fellow Jews that we should seek peace with those around us and be more humble and I feel it is only fair to expect our Muslim neighbors to do the same. Fair is fair.


  46. you forgot to include the hateful comments, cartoons etc. about Jews found all over the internet. However, I guess you give the people who create those a pass.

    I don’t give hate a pass ever, on either side.

    Yes, you most certainly do. You oppose responses — other than mere words — to Islamist-based fascism. That is “giving hate a pass.” This pacifist response to triumphalist, supremacist movements with open, stated goals to kill Jews and others and spread the ideology of hate has been proven in history to have been an utter failure.

    Prove me wrong (and please do it via better research than you did in critiquing LGF).

    That you fail to see this is your own personal blindness. How many more Jews, Muslims, and people of non-monotheistic faiths will have to die before pacifists realize that their creed is one of social irresponsibility?

  47. I couldn’t help noticing the exchange in this comment thread having to do with how many acts of terrorism in the world are carried out by Muslims. I just thought of a way to approach this issue: Can anybody think of a case in which a non-Muslim killed himself in a terror-related “work accident”?

  48. There has got to be something said for someone who spends most of his time defending nazis-wannabies, condemning fellow Jews yet at the same time claiming to be “a better Jew” than the rest of them.

    Perhaps you don’t realize it but when you write “there has to be something said for…” that means you’re praising me. I assume you didn’t intend your words that way though if you did I accept yr compliment (I think). As for “condemning Jews” I only condemn those whose views would take Israel down a dead end of endless conflict, war and death. Those I condemn heartily. I and much of the rest of Jewry & humanity have a vision of peace that is realizable and sustainable. Not only that, but this vision is the one that actually will prevail in the end much to the chagrin of folks like you & all the rest at LGF. As for claiming to a be “better Jew” than anyone else, pls. tell me where I said that. I’m not a better Jew than anyone else. But I know distortion, lies and delusions about Jewish values and teachings when I see it. And I see it all the time there (that is, when I am there, which blessedly isn’t all that often). My Jewish education is quite a bit more comprehensive than most, if not all of those who comment at LGF.

    I am not nearly as bad a Jew as you have become.

    Don’t you dare go there. What puts you in a privileged position to know such things? I’ll stack my knowledge of Judaism & our traditions against you any day. Till then, shut up when it comes to making judgments on subjects you know nothing about. To make such a statement only reveals yr own hubris.

    I care deeply about my fellow Jews and act accordingly

    Yes, you lie and slander especially those Jews you care so deeply about. That’s a very convincing sign of your caring.

    Tikun Olam does not exist in a bubble

    What an odd, awkward locution.

    In the Torah, God openly advocated the mass-destruction of enemies of the Jews without hesitation or regret.

    I do so love it when people like you claim that God supports Jewish efforts at genocide. Yes, God seems to have endorsed the genocidal extermination of the Amalekites, Jebusites and others. It’s a dark stain on the Jewish conscience and Jewish history. But the fatal mistake of your argument is to abuse Jewish history for your own tendentious, propagandistic purposes. Muslims are NOT Amalek and no amount of your distortions can make it so.

    I really don’t see how you can claim Tikun Olam is about unlimited love of people regardless of how much they hate us

    I don’t claim that at all. I don’t love Muslims in the sense you wish I did. I want to get along with them. I want a world in which Muslims and all other religions live in peace with ea. other. I don’t want a world in which Muslims and Jews are in constant war against ea. other which is your vision, not mine.

    Should you wish to convert, I would understand.

    You’d like that wouldn’t you. Ain’t gonna happen. So dream on fella or whatever you are.

    There are many good Muslims in the world

    You must be talking about the ten who endorse the Israeli Occupation, convert to Christianity or Judaism, throw out their Korans and take up the Bible, praise Israel and denounce the Palestinians. Those “good” Muslims?

    I have been witness to countless speeches in synagogues that advocated living in peace amongst our neighbors and avoid jumping to conclusions when we hear rumors

    “Ears have you but you hear not.” Those speeches don’t seem to have done much good or sunk into that thick skull of yours.

    Maybe the religion is too young and has to go through its own chrusades [sic]

    Now I know you’ve taken leave of your senses.

    I work with Muslims that are friendly

    That’s mighty white of you, my friend, might white.

    unlike the hallow words you speak

    If you’re calling my words “hallowed” you’re again unintentionally praising me. If you meant “hollow” then you either can’t spell or have a tenuous mastery of the language.

    I am not in the business of interpreting what God wants

    At least you have enough humility to recognize that. I can’t say the same for some of your compatriots.

    …all major anti-Israel hate groups have a Jew in charge of them

    I have no idea what you’re blathering about. And no I’ve never noticed it because it’s yet another of your made up “statistics.”

    It is sad you are diluting [sic] yourself this way.

    Are you talking about my bodily fluids or my mental state??

    There are so-called Jewish groups out there that openly advocate the destruction of Israel

    Yes, we know all about them: Peace Now, New Israel Fund, Brit Tzedek, Meretz, the Labor Party. Nasty groups. LGF should do something about them like banishing them from membership in our religion and nation.

    while wearing their orthodox black hats

    Now you’re deep. You even know about Netura Karta? I’m humbled by yr level of knowledge of anti-Zionist Jews. I know, that’s not what you meant. But it was so much more fun imagining you actually knew something about Jewish life and views of Israel.

    They visit Iran and Syria

    Now what are you on about? Who ARE you talking about??

    if the vast majority of other Jews disagree with your views you might wish to consider how representative your views actually are of Judaism.

    Now we know how deluded you really are. I know precisely what level of support my views have in the Jewish community because unlike you I read reliable polls of Jewish opinion. My views of the Israeli Arab conflict are squarely in the mainstream of that opinion while yours are on the far fringes. If you don’t believe me I dare you to take a single one of your opinions on that conflict & compare it with one of these polls and show me where a majority agrees with you.

    The majority is in favor of Israel recognizing a Palestinian state. The majority is in favor of final status negotiations with the Palestinians toward that end. The majority favors discussions with Palestinian parties including Hamas. The majority is in favor of dismantling most settlements. The vast majority was in favor of the Gaza withdrawal. I dare say you oppose all those policy goals & yet you have the incredible chutzpa to say I’m in the minority of Jewish opinion? You’re either delusional or an ass or both.

    How many Muslim leaders dedicate their public speeches to calling their fellow Muslims to live in peace…? I’ve only heard of a handful. Maybe that’s just me, but I try to digest as much news and articles as I can get my hands on, so if I haven’t heard about it it means it probably wasn’t very public to begin with.

    Whatever you’re digesting it’s not very nutritional or substantial. You’re looking in the wrong places. You think CAMERA, MEMRI & LGF are going to provide Muslim sources for those who wish to live peacefully with Jews? That’s a laugh. Afraid you’ll have to look elsewhere among all the Jewish apikorsim like me whose blog is filled with profiles of such individuals. But you’ll have to do the work to find it since I don’t spoon feed people as abusive & insulting as you are.

    I constantly get told by fellow Jews that we should seek peace with those around us

    You should listen to them instead of your own prejudices & twisted notions.

  49. You oppose responses — other than mere words — to Islamist-based fascism. That is “giving hate a pass.”

    No, it is NOT. I oppose Muslim hate & I oppose Jewish right wing hate like that found at LGF. Because I denounce LGF does not mean I support hate. It means I’m a rational human being who believes that the Middle East will eventually be a peaceful place despite all the screaming & kicking you folks will do against getting us there.

    Prove me wrong (

    No, I don’t waste my time taming lions or curing the insane and the delusional. Better human beings than I will have to take on those tasks. I urge you to continue to bask in your ignorance and hate. It becomes you.

    This pacifist response

    That’s rich. I’m a pacifist because I don’t believe in murdering Muslism? Because I reject the notion of mass murder of Lebanese civilians? Because I reject a failed Iraq invasion and occupation? I am NOT a pacifist and you have absolutely no basis to make that judgment because you’re fatally ignorant of what I believe. I am prudent and believe military power (both regarding Israel and the U.S.) should be used sparingly and only when necessary. I’m opposed to military adventures like Lebanon & Iraq and I’m proud of that. That is NOT pacifism you jerk (even if we do share a name).

  50. “It is his deluded, deranged & troubled readers I & the FBI worry about. It only takes one. ”

    As it only takes one troubled muslim to go on a violent spree… but that never… oh wait, that has happened multiple times recently. Funny? Where should we be focusing?

    You seem like the guy who opposes “threat profiling” in airports… because 70 yr old grandmothers from Oaklahoma are just as likely to be terrorists and we wouldn’t want to offend anyone…. Right?

    When was the last time you have beent to the Middle East? I have spend 18months of the last 3 years there. Your comments wreak of ignorance and “if I wish hard enough, the world will be perfect and if we just like them enough, they will like us back” type of thinking. LGF (and to some part Daily Kos) both pale in comparison to the hate that is spewed from Mosques around the world in Fridays. You want to find hate… look to where it started. LGF would be irrelivant if it were not for Islamic Militancy. If you want to chase the tit for tat back to 600 AD’ish, you will find that it was Islam, not the west, that stuck the first blow of this current conflict. But that would require work… and you say you don’t do much research. I guess if “fake but accurate” is good enough for Reuters, it is good enough for you.

  51. Can anybody think of a case in which a non-Muslim killed himself in a terror-related “work accident”?

    The original bogus claim revolved around terror attacks not suicide bombings. As for your actual question–I find it irrelevant to this discussion. You’ve got a blog of yr own–why don’t you explore the question there?

  52. Where should we be focusing?

    You clearly believe that only Muslims pose a terror danger to our world. Have you forgotten individual Jewish & Israeli acts of terror against Palestinians & Arabs? And if we expand the notion of terror slightly do you think that the Lebanese have no right to complain of indiscriminate IDF terror rained down upon them for 6 wks. Or how about the terror of U.S. GIs murdering Iraqi civilians in cold blood. Sorry but Muslims have no monopoly on terror.

    I have spend [sic] 18months of the last 3 years there.

    Big deal. You want to appoint yourself a Mideast expert because you’ve spent time there recently? As for my bona fides, I lived in Israel two years, I am a fluent reader, writer & speaker of Hebrew, I have advanced degrees in Hebrew Literature. I’ve studied the subject of Israeli-Arab relations since 1967. Now what expertise did you want to claim that I don’t have?? And just for the helluva it whereabouts were you in the ME during that time that you learned so much about it?

    LGF would be irrelivant [sic] if it were not for Islamic Militancy.

    No, LGF IS irrelevant, but whether or not there is “Islamic Militancy” has nothing to do w. its relevance. LGF is irrelevant because it is based on a twisted, deluded projection of reality rather than anything that comes close to being real.

    If you want to chase the tit for tat back to 600 AD’ish, you will find that it was Islam, not the west, that stuck the first blow of this current conflict.

    Your grasp of Islamic history is simply breathtaking especially the facts, citations & references. I simply can’t compete w. you far superior command of prejudice & ignorance.

    you say you don’t do much research

    Ah that would be a lie. I do plenty of research–far more in a year than you’ll do in a lifetime no doubt. I spent 11 years of my life studying Jewish studies & the Israeli-Arab conflict at the undergrad & grad level. How ’bout you?

    But I choose to limit the amount of time I spend in the LGF slime pit. That’s the only sense in which I limit my research. I do have limits after all.

  53. Richard,
    It took me a day to get back to you a reply to your answer to my comment. I hope you still read this.
    I did not call you “a member of a Judenrat”. I did compare you to Adam Czerniakow, a chairman of the Judenrat in the Warsaw Ghetto. I also suggested that you should look up some information about him and even provided one possible link for it. I suspect you did not bother to look at it. I was making a point that you either missed or chose to ignore, choosing instead to get offended. You see, Adam Czerniakow was different from countless other members of countless other Judenrats throughout Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe. Those others were merely trying to save their own skin. Not Czerniakow. He, on the other hand, sincerely believed that by negotiating with the Germans and cooperating with them he would save the Jewish population of Warsaw along with many others who were forced into the Warsaw Ghetto. His mistake was understandable: he was a rational man. But you see, you cannot negotiate with people who simply want to kill you. When Adam Czerniakow realized his mistake, he killed himself. You also might choose to believe that you can negotiate with Islamo-fascists. A little explanation: the term “islamo-fascists” does not describe all Muslims, but rather describes the followers of a particular totalitarian ideology, political n nature, that based on the religion of Islam. If you would like to dispute the fascist nature of this ideology, before you do, look at this Time magazine photo essay:
    Aren’t these kids lovely?
    This is not even counting historical connections, which are numerous. This is now.
    You probably think that Charles Johnson is some right wing nut. He is very far from it. It is very interesting to read his archives immediately following 9/11/2001 and see the transformation of his view of President Bush. You probably think that you are a Liberal. You are probably even proud of it. I have a bad news for you. You are not a Liberal. I am. And so is Charles Johnson. In the original, classical sense of the word. I’d like to re-claim the term. I hope you would read this:
    Sorry about the shameless plug. By the way, this article also contains a photograph, originally published by Reuters. Unfortunately the original Reuters link does not work any more: it’s been a while. Nevertheless, you might find this photograph quite telling.
    Finally, I would like to recommend you to see the excellent NBC movie “Uprising”, mentioned in that Wikipedia link on Adam Czerniakow. The movie is very accurate, except it completely ignores the revisionist part of the resistance in the Ghetto (followers of Zhabotinsky). Still, do watch it. It is good.
    Good luck to you and shalom.

  54. I did not call you “a member of a Judenrat”. I did compare you to Adam Czerniakow, a chairman of the Judenrat in the Warsaw Ghetto.

    What sophistry! You didn’t call me a member of the Judenrath, but rather compared me to its chairman. Forgive me for the nuance is lost on me. Give it up. You as good as called me a Jew traitor to my people. A well-intentioned traitor perhaps, but a traitor nevertheless. I don’t take too kindly to such calumnies.

    I also suggested that you should look up some information about him and even provided one possible link for it. I suspect you did not bother to look at it.

    Only an incredibly presumptuous person would believe that someone like me needed to be informed or educated about what the Judenrath was & who Czerniakow was. I don’t need you to provide links to this information as I’ve studied the Holocaust, read the sources, & pondered the issues for many decades. As well, several family members died at the hands of the Nazis. So pls. no lessons on this.

    And comparing me to Czierniakow is a dastardly calumny. Besides, for the umpteenth time here Muslims are not Nazis and I reject the very notion that there is anything to learn about the Israeli-Arab conflict or Muslim extremism by reference to the Holocaust. This is a misuse of Jewish history which your side seems quite expert at.

    You also might choose to believe that you can negotiate with Islamo-fascists.

    I reject the terms entirely. First, I don’t know what you mean by the repulsive term, Islamo-fascist. If by this you include Hamas or even Fatah and Mahmoud Abbas, then certainly I firmly believe that there will be successful negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians which will inaugurate a peaceful resolution of their conflict.

    You probably think that Charles Johnson is some right wing nut

    Gee, you think?

    You are not a Liberal. I am. And so is Charles Johnson. In the original, classical sense of the word.

    Edmund Burke is rolling over in his grave. You do remember that the greatest practitioner of Liberalism adamantly opposed the Revolutionary War and thought it was a waste of the King’s treasury. Apparently, you’re happy to wrap yourself in Burke’s political philosophy while ignoring how he played those views out in political reality.

  55. Richard,
    I do appreciate that you are still reading this.
    No, the Muslims are not Nazis. But neither were the Germans. Not all of them, anyway. The interesting thing about the Holocaust is that the Nazis kept it a secret from their own population. That is why the women’s revolt succeeded. I am talking about that event that happened in 1943, when a bunch of German women demanded the return of their Jewish husbands who were arrested. And they succeeded.
    Adam Czerniakow was not a traitor, in my opinion. He was a good man, but incredibly naive.
    Please don’t get offended by my suggestion to look up some info on Czerniakow. I did find that many people in this country, especially on the Left, have very limited knowledge of history. Perhaps you are not one of them. If you followed that link to my article, you now know a little bit about my background. I’d like to add to it that World War 2 history is a hobby of mine. My particular areas of interest are the WW2 aviation and Jewish resistance, both in the underground movements and in the Allied armed forces.
    All the arguing aside, what did you think about that photograph of Palestinian policemen saluting at their graduation ceremony? How about those kids in Hezbollah camp? What did you think of them?
    Again, best of luck to you and shalom.
    The Holidays are coming, so Shana Tova.

  56. I did find that many people in this country, especially on the Left, have very limited knowledge of history. Perhaps you are not one of them.

    PERHAPS I’m not one of them?? You have a lot of gall! If you cannot tell by reading my posts & replies to comments here, some of which enumerate by Jewish educational background, that I am not one of the unwashed, illiterate leftists you imagine lurk throughout the online world, then you are dense.

    Besides to say that those on the left “have limited knowledge of history” is condescending & arrogant. There is just as much ignorance of history (perhaps more) at LGF as there is at Daily Kos or any other progressive website. Ignorance unfortunately doesn’t have any political affiliation.

  57. Richard,
    Please forgive me: there is a lot of comments on your site, so I read only the ones addressed to me.
    You still haven’t answered my questions about those photographs. Have you seen them? What did you think of them?
    I have another question for you: what’s with this combative attitude? Why do you keep getting offended by anything I write? Doesn’t my “Shana Tova” at least warrant something like “Happy New Year to you too”?

  58. Eric: Your last comment was the only one in which there wasn’t something either downright insulting or so condescending that I had to take offense. If people dispense w. name-calling & ask civil questions or post civil arguments then I can deal w. them civilly as well. If you find my replies uncivil, how do you find the comment threads at LGF or even Daily Kos? Now there’s where you’ll find “combative attitude.”

    Frankly, regarding videos & photographs I don’t put much stock in them in terms of shedding light on truth or political debates. I use photos periodically at this site but w. very few exceptions they’re meant to be more illustrative than key pieces of evidence to prove one pt. or another. Charles really goes in for videos & photos in that way & I just don’t.

    Text is my chosen medium & discussion, argument & debate are more my way rather than through a visual medium. So if you want to make a pt w. me or persuade me of something, it’s more effective to use those terms. All that by way of saying I haven’t had time to review those links though I will try since you’ve asked me to several times.

    BTW, I assume the photos you’re linking to are meant to prove some damaging allegation about Muslim extremists. I’ve got news for you–there are plenty of damning photos of Israelis engaged in hateful activities that one could display as well. What does it prove really? That there’s hate on both sides of the conflict? That both sides glory in the wish to kill the other side? Don’t we know that already?

    Sorry about my lack of civility, but 40 LGF readers have been bombarding this site w. comments over the past 2 days & they’ve been pretty nasty so I’ve reacted in kind. All that by way of saying Shana tovah u’metaka to you. May you have a good & sweet year.

  59. Richard,
    I don’t spend a lot of time reading comments on LGF: usually it is just a bunch of people agreeing with each other. Incidentally, I do agree with them as well, for the most part. Those of the comments that are informative usually end up on the front page. If I think that I have some interesting point to make, then I also post a comment there.
    The photographs are useful as evidence, if they are not doctored or staged. Whenever I see photographs on LGF that I find interesting, I follow the link to the original, as I’d like to see them in context. The Time magazine photo essay that I linked, I did find on LGF. But Charles had just the first picture. The photograph of those Palestinian policemen, that I included in my article, I also found on LGF. Charles did not have the Reuters caption under the photo. But I included the whole picture along with the caption. I do hope you will look at them. Since you studied the Holocaust, I am assuming that you are aware of historical connections between radical islamists and the Nazis. These pictures just illustrate the continuation of this connection.
    As for the both sides of the Arab-Israeli conflict hating each other, Golda Meir once said: “There will be peace when they love their children more than they hate us”. Are you going to say that someone who simply hates the other side said that?
    BTW, in most of the research of the Holocaust, the most neglected part is the resistance. Why do you think that is? This is not a trick question, I simply would like to know your thoughts on this.

  60. Golda Meir once said: “There will be peace when they love their children more than they hate us”

    While I have a generally favorable view of Golda, this quotation makes my skin crawl. It is absolutely ludicrous and repulsive sentiment.

    What, Arabs don’t love their children as much as Israelis? And don’t give me the crap photos of little Palestinian children with toy guns. You don’t think that Israeli children are inculcated with a culture of hate by their parents or schools? If you believe there is any difference between the two sides on this you are mistaken.

    in most of the research of the Holocaust, the most neglected part is the resistance.

    I’m not sure what you mean or why you say that. I think the resistance is quite well known.

  61. Richard,

    I am just loving your put downs of the LGF boys and girls, do you not think it is unfair taking advantage of the disadvantaged?

  62. Richard,
    Why do I have the feeling that you seem to dismiss anything I write out of hand?
    About that Golda quote. When she said what she said, she did not mean that Arabs love their children less than Jews. She was simply attempting to describe the level of hatred toward the Jews that exists in the Arab world. Does it include all the Arabs? No, of course not. But there are enough people in that part of the world that do have those feelings. Are there similar feelings on the part of the Israelis? Not to the same extent. How do I know? Perhaps I should tell you my background. I am a naturalized American, originally from the former Soviet Union. I have many friends and relatives in Israel. Nobody I know hates the Arabs. Nobody. They do hold views similar to mine, which are that the terrorists should be hunted down and killed, but nobody wants to just go out and kill Arabs. On the other hand, I heard myself Al-Awda activists calling for the destruction of Israel. One said it to my face. It happened at one of the demonstrations against the war in Iraq. I was participating in the counter-protest. So, I was talking to one guy from the other side, the guy I met before. There was an Al-Awda activist with him. Our conversation turned to Israel. When we both agreed that we could both live with the 1967 borders, the Al-Awda guy said: “No, Israel should not be there”. How do you negotiate with that?
    Please take a look at this: http://www.teachkidspeace.org/
    And then this: http://www.memrifilms.org/
    Please don’t dismiss it, do take a look. And then tell me if you can find anything like this in Israel or America. And about those photographs that I linked earlier. Have you seen them? What do you think?
    Now, about Jewish resistance during WW2. Perhaps it is known to those who dig for the information on the subject. Although, I did read in one of the books on the subject, that it was, in fact, neglected. But popularly it is not known. Out of many films about the Holocaust the great majority depict the Jews lead to slaughter like sheep, and occasionally some righteous gentile saves them. In one movie, I don’t remember which, they were showing the Germans shooting the Jews at Babiy Yar in Kiev. Among the people that were shown was whole bunch of young men of military age, along with women and children. That just infuriated me: there were no men. All the men were at the same place both of my grandfathers were: in the Soviet Army, fighting the Nazis. There was another movie, about Danes saving the Jews. And at the end, when the Danish Resistance loading the Jews on to the ships, the Germans arrive. So, the Danes shoot it out with the Germans, while the Jews just escape on those ships. No Jew picks up a gun and starts shooting. Of course, in real life it did not happen like that: there was no shoot-out in the port. But that is not the point. Why do they show Jews not fighting, but escaping? Why are there no movies about Jews fighting back? The only movies that I know off that do show resistance are that NBC movie that I mentioned, “Uprising”, and, from long time ago, “Escape from Sobibor”. I think it just spreads the stereotype of a Jews as a perpetual victim. Thus, whenever Jews are fighting back, it does not fit the stereotype. I do think that this is part of the reason why many people in Europe hate Israel. So, what do you think about all that?
    I hope you won’t dismiss what I wrote out of hand. Please take a look at the links I gave you, as well as the links I gave you earlier.
    I hope we can continue this debate.

  63. Note how polite Eric is in his conversation with Richard and how Richard consistently dismisses everything he says out of hand (rudely I might add). The lepard shows his colors.

    Eric, I went to Concordia University in Montreal (you might have heard about it in the news) and prior to arriving there I didn’t have a care in the world one way or another about Arabs. Then one day I tried striking a peaceful conversation with SPHR (a local Palestinian group) and by the end of it I got exactly the same result as you: initially they pretended to just want Israel to go back to 1967 borders, then revised their story. The guy told me: “Look, it’s in your best interest to give us what we want now, because either way in 50 years we will destroy your country one way or the other and you better be on our good side.” Like you said “How do you negotiate with that?”

    These guys always pretend to want reasonable things and once they get it they want more and more and more. Bottom line is they want nothing less than the utter destruction of Israel, which is why Arafat could have never accept 98% of the land he was asking for even if he could exchange one land for another and get more of Jerusalem. It’s simply not enough. Not only do they absolutely refuse anything less than 100% of what they ask for (how is that negotiating when you refuse to compromise even a bit?) but even the 100% they ask for isn’t enough either.

    I would negotiate with anyone on good faith any day of the week, as would the majority of Israelis I know, but nothing is gained by negotiating with people who want nothing short of your death.

    One final note: Richard, you might find the term Islamo-Fascism “repulsive” but you’d be wrong to do so unless you also find the term “Nazi Germany” repulsive. Islamo-Fascism does not imply all followers of Islam are fascists, nor does Nazi Germany imply that all Germans were Nazis. The term correctly identifies those extremists who are acting as Fascists with an Islamic idiology. You do not deny that Bin-Laden and his bunch are inspired by a perverse Islamic idiology, do you? I mean, how is it that the majority of Muslims I talk with agree with this sentiment and you do not? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

  64. A note on “Islamo-Fascism”: There is a little bit of a slur involved in yoking the two terms. It reminds me of Rush Limbaugh’s term “Femi-Nazis.” It is funny that Bush was slammed for saying “Islamic Fascists” since that way of putting it avoids the problem. I use the term “Islamist” myself.

  65. About that Golda quote. When she said what she said, she did not mean that Arabs love their children less than Jews. She was simply attempting to describe the level of hatred toward the Jews that exists in the Arab world.

    You’re being disingenuous. She meant that Arab mothers do not love their children as much as they hate Jews. That is flat out utter propagandistic narischkeit (“foolishness”). Arab mothers love their children just as much as you or I or any Israeli. But unlike you or I or any Israeli they’ve been fighting for their national rights since 1965 & even earlier & still have not won them. So yes, just like any human being in such a situation a Palestinian mother might resign herself to the fact that her children might die resisting Israeli oppression & abuse.

    I want to make clear once again that I do not support Palestinian violence against Israeli civilians. But I am not Palestinian & do not know what I would do or how I would feel if I was.

    Are there similar feelings on the part of the Israelis? Not to the same extent

    Not true. Even today there are those in the settler movement who worship Baruch Goldstein and Meir Kahane. And those too who support Yigal Amir.

    I have many friends and relatives in Israel. Nobody I know hates the Arabs. Nobody.

    Yours is but anecdotal evidence. And if this slender slice of Israeli opinion represented by your friends symbolizes the whole, can you explain the thousands of acts of terror against Palestinians by Israeli settlers & other extremists, including multiple murders? Do they harbor the same positive feelings toward Arabs as you & your friends allegedly do?

    They do hold views similar to mine, which are that the terrorists should be hunted down and killed, but nobody wants to just go out and kill Arabs.

    I’ve got news for you, when the IDF “hunts down” people it suspects of being terrorists but instead kills multiple civilians that to me is the equivalent of “just going out and killing Arabs.” Extrajudicial assassination doesn’t work as it targets the innocent as well as the guilty. It is indiscriminate killing which can only happen when you don’t value any of the lives you take, whether they be innocent or guilty.

    I heard myself Al-Awda activists calling for the destruction of Israel.

    Well golly gee, I’ve read and heard Israeli activists at LGF calling for mass murder against Lebanese, and not just Hezbollah but Lebanese civilians. I’ve read and heard Avigdor Lieberman calling for the forced expulsion of Israeli Arab citizens of Israel from the State. The Arabs don’t have the market cornered on mindless hate I’m afraid. By the way, in case you want to chime in w. all the other idiots here on my alleged love for Muslims or Israel-haters, I condemn in no uncertain terms hatred & violence on both sides: Al Awda AND LGF.

    the Al-Awda guy said: “No, Israel should not be there”. How do you negotiate with that?

    Who said Israel is negotiating with Al Awda? Does Al Awda control the PA? Does it control anything? It’s like a Palestinian saying: “How do I negotiate with extremist settlers who wish to exterminate my people?” I’d say the same thing to that Palestinian. You’re not negotiating with the settlers. You’re negotiating with the State of Israel & its government.

    Please don’t dismiss it, do take a look. And then tell me if you can find anything like this in Israel or America.

    I wish you would read this comment thread more closely before publishing yr comment. I’ve had a long discussion here w. someone else who touted the MEMRI trash. I have absolutely NO INTEREST in viewing hack pro-Israel propaganda. Sites like MEMRI, CAMERA, LGF & their ilk are nothing but demagogic propaganda. Find something you want me to see at a site that is trustworthy, reliable & not extremist, then I would view it.

    And as I said before (again you didn’t bother reading this apparently), there are mounds of images, & visual & documentary evidence of Israeli and western hate for Arabs & Muslims. What does any of it prove? That both sides hate ea. other enough to do, say & write stupid things? Well, gee that’s real news.

    I did read in one of the books on the subject [of Jewish resistance during the Holocaust], that it was, in fact, neglected. But popularly it is not known…

    Out of many films about the Holocaust the great majority depict the Jews lead to slaughter like sheep…

    Why are there no movies about Jews fighting back?

    The issue you raise is not new. In fact, it is quite old. Elie Wiesel’s Night & Jerzy Kozinski’s Painted Bird take up this subject. In fact, they are responsible for popularizing the very idea you claim isn’t popularly known.

    You make the last statement in the passage above & yet contradict it immediately after making it by pointing out two films which do precisely what you say none have done. Pardon me but, there have been MANY TV or feature films & multiple books about the Sobibor rebellion (as you mention), the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, Jewish partisans, the White Rose (though this is not about Jewish resistance), etc. Not to mention every Holocaust museum in the world which all highlight such activities. I just don’t buy what you’re saying on this subject. That being said, I do believe it is important to highlight such resistance & that it should be even better known than it is.

    whenever Jews are fighting back, it does not fit the stereotype. I do think that this is part of the reason why many people in Europe hate Israel.

    Dead wrong. Europeans (why single them out when virtually the entire world agrees with this European viewpoint?) don’t resent Israelis defending themselves from terror. They resent Israel raining down indiscriminate death on Arab civilians as they did in Lebanon & continue to do in Gaza. They resent thousands of civilian deaths with Israel offering nothing but excuses (& bad ones at that). The problem w. yr mindset is that you cannot distinguish between acts of legitimate self-defense and acts of militaristic adventurism that do not advance any political agenda (which is, after all, what von Clausewitz said that war was meant to do).

  66. I use the term “Islamist” myself.

    I’m hoping you don’t use the term “Islamist fascist,” because if you did I would have a serious problem. If you use the term “Islamist” alone then that would be more acceptable. Though again it would depend on whatever sentiment you expressed alongside that word.

  67. Note how polite Eric is in his conversation with Richard and how Richard consistently dismisses everything he says out of hand (rudely I might add). The lepard [sic] shows his colors.

    Let’s see how polite Gili has been to me in his previous comments in this thread:

    “self-hating Jew”
    “so-called Jewish pe[rson]”
    “poppet [sic] Jew”
    “your own personal blindness”

    You have a lot of f(&%(n’ never is all I can say.

    What is this obsession of people like you with politeness?? You surely are a very selective reader not to have read the ocean of bile & spite (some of it from you personally) directed at me by almost all the 40 or so hellions who came here from LGF bent on savaging me.

    Besides, if you find me rude that’s your own look-out. I don’t run this site for your reading pleasure or comfort.

    “Look, it’s in your best interest to give us what we want now, because either way in 50 years we will destroy your country one way or the other and you better be on our good side.”

    This ludicrous statement (& your ludicrous belief that his threat could actually happen) remind me of the New Yorker profile from the early 1980s of Soviet-era ‘men in the street” (& women) about their attitudes toward their own country and the U.S. Several of the interviewees said that their country would eventually annihilate us. Sure, it was chilling at the time because then we didn’t know that the CIA had been selling us a sack of lies about Soviet military capability. And look at the Soviet Union now. Besides the fact that it doesn’t exist. The Russian army couldn’t fight its way out of a paper bag, much less annihilate the U.S.

    That’s the same way I feel about such vacant Palestinian threats. Unlike you, I deal with reality. How much of a real threat do Palestinians, even the worst of the militants or even Hezbollah for that matter, pose to Israel’s existence. None.

    which is why Arafat could have never accept 98% of the land he was asking for

    You misrepresent that Camp David negotiation. It offered roughly 90% of what Arafat demanded. Would you accept a negotiation regarding our country in which the other side offered us 90% of our territory leaving out a few small bits like New York City or Los Angeles?

    they absolutely refuse anything less than 100% of what they ask for (how is that negotiating when you refuse to compromise even a bit?)

    Are you just ignorant or a willful idiot? Mahmoud Abbas has never indicated he insisted on receiving 100% of the Occupied Territories. In fact, most initiatives like Geneva and even the Saudi 2002 proposal make allowance for small territorial adjustments by which Israel might retain a few of the largest settlement blocs in return for exchanging some of the Negev.

    Regarding negotiation, how is it “negotiation” when Israel refuses to even meet with any Palestinian representative for serious negotiations. You can’t test what your enemy’s positions are unless you actually sit down face to face & discuss the issues dividing you. It’s not Abbas’ fault this hasn’t happened. It’s Sharon’s & Olmert’s. In other words, your contentions about what Palestinians will or won’t accept are baseless because you simply don’t know unless you negotiate.

    I would negotiate with anyone on good faith any day of the week,

    Are you in favor of final status talks between Israel and Palestine? If not, then you’re a damn hypocrite to accuse the Palestinians of having supposedly extreme or unrealistic negotiating positions. Gili probably refuses to negotiate with Palestinians because he claims they don’t negotiate in “good faith” (whatever the hell that means). That’s simply a convenient way of getting out of the inconvenient bind that makes you look bad when you refuse to negotiate with an enemy who constantly states his willingness to do so.

    Islamo-Fascism “repulsive” but you’d be wrong to do so unless you also find the term “Nazi Germany”

    Alas, now I know you’re an idiot. “Nazi Germany” was a term used by the German Nazis themselves. To this day, Germans continue to use this term to describe the government that ruled them from 1933 to 1945. “Islamo fascist” is a term that is not used by any Muslim that I know. Not only is it deeply pejorative and only used by those who hate Islam like you & LGF, it insults all Muslims. And you are an ignorant, hateful swine to try to defend its usage.

    Islamo-Fascism does not imply all followers of Islam are fascists,

    You are being fatally disingenuous. The vast majority of people who use this detestable phrase believe that all Islam is a dirty disgusting religion. You are either misinformed or willfully blind to argue otherwise.

    The term correctly identifies those extremists who are acting as Fascists with an Islamic idiology [sic].

    Wrong again. “Fascism” is a term that is always associated with a statist ideology. No state, not fascism. Since Islamic extremists reject the western notion of states, it is a distortion to associate fascism with Islam. Besides, the very phrase ISLAMO fascist deliberately associates the religion of Islam with fascism thereby refuting yr argument.

    You do not deny that Bin-Laden and his bunch are inspired by a perverse Islamic idiology [sic], do you? I mean, how is it that the majority of Muslims I talk with agree with this sentiment and you do not?

    Most Muslims do not believe that Bin Laden represents an accurate portrayal of Islam. The believe that his views constitute a willful distortion of their religion. Besides, Bin Laden & his followers are a minuscule proportion of the world’s Muslims. You make the stupid mistake of painting Bin Laden as a true representative of Islam when he is no such thing.

  68. Richard,

    How can you claim that Muslim mothers love their children as much as Jewish mothers when you have these kinds of things going around?

    Iran used children to clear minefields with their bodies:

    Palestinian mothers hope their children grow up to become martyrs:

    You claim Israel didn’t try negotiating with Palestinians because Abbas wasn’t given a fair chance. First of all, Arafat was given numerous “fair chances” and yet you discard this completely. Secondly, Abbas *was* given a fair chance when Israel pulled out fully from Gaza. What did we get in return? Missiles and more suicide bombings and promises to train terrorists in the west bank to do the same. Abbas repeatedly declared the Gaza pullout was the result of the martyrs’ efforts (i.e. suicide bombings): blog.camera.org/archives/2005/08/what_about_the_1.html

    You don’t even have to believe my references, there are countless other sources which will show you the same thing.

    When you discuss the Saudi “peace plan” you conveniently neglect to mention that it requires Israel to allow all “refugees” to enter it, thereby eliminating the country by swamping it full of hostile Muslim forces who will automatically gain voting rights and complete their destruction of the Jews.

    You argue that Bin Laden represents the views of a minority of Muslims yet poll after countless poll show that the majority of Muslims living in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and obviously Saudi Arabia support him and his views. Just because they do not actively participate in attacks does not mean they do not offer political and material support to extremists, which they do day after day. Muslims in Canada (and elsewhere in the world) repeatedly try to pass Sharia law and are repeatedly rejected by the non-Muslim population. If this does not represent the views of the majority, how come polls show otherwise and they keep on making so much noise about it?

    When the recently Lebanon war broke out there were countless cars driving around with Lebanon flags but not a single car carrying an Israeli car. Do you know why? Because we Jews know that if we put up an Israeli flag on our car, someone will smash it. There has been another firebombing attack on an elementary school in Montreal, the second in two years. How often do you find Jews firebombing Muslim institutions? In Canada, not a single Jew was arrested with this charge. On the other hand, Muslims have been arrested for torching Jewish schools and synagogues repeatedly in the past years.

    It doesn’t matter if the majority of Muslims are not active in these attacks because at the end of the day there are enough of them doing it that it amounts to a systematic attack on Jewish people and they’ve been doing *nothing* to stop it or appologize for it in years. And this is in Canada. When Muslims attack Jews in Canada for their percieved injustices in Israel that is pure and utter racism because Jews living outside of Israel have absolutely no relation to Jews living in Israel. There are very many Jews just like yourself who consistently demonstrate that not all Jews are pro-Israel so their attacks on our institutions are racist. And yet, no one is holding them accountable.

    All I am expecting Muslims to do is step up to the plate and publically announce that the views of Ben Ladin and other extremists are contrary to their beliefs and are wrong. Left-wing Jews consistently do this with regards to Israel. I might disagree with them but the fact of the matter is they do it. There are an estimated 12 million Jews in the world and an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims. I am expecting that for every Jew who speaks out against Israel there should be 133 Muslims speaking out against Ben Ladin. Clearly, this isn’t the case, which is why I feel justified in criticizing them.

  69. How can you claim that Muslim mothers love their children as much as Jewish mothers when you have these kinds of things going around?

    Your mind and heart (if you even possess them) are so impoverished that you cannot grant a fellow human being the right to call themselves human. If you have children yourself and you make such an abhorrent claim, then you have no heart. If you do not have children yourself and make such a claim then you are an ignorant fool. Which is it?

    You claim Israel didn’t try negotiating with Palestinians because Abbas wasn’t given a fair chance. First of all, Arafat was given numerous “fair chances”

    Get this through yr feeble brain: Arafat is DEAD lo these many yrs. Abbas has been the head of the PA for a good long time. Abbas is not Arafat–I know this concept is hard for you to accept since by some apparent transmigration of souls Arafat has apparently inhabited Abbas’ body. Or is it merely that Abbas is channeling Arafat? Abbas has different political views than Arafat. But how would you or the Israeli government know since both refuse to engage in negotiation.

    Abbas *was* given a fair chance when Israel pulled out fully from Gaza.

    You are truly out of yr mind. What kind of “chance” was he given? Did Sharon share even a single word w. him regarding the disengagement, let alone negotiate? Did Sharon ever do anything whatsoever either to support or even acknowledge Abbas’ existence? Don’t make me laugh!

    What did we get in return? Missiles and more suicide bombings

    Yes, that’s what Israel gets for foolishly believing that unilateralism (that is, pretending that the Palestinians don’t exist & that Israel can impose its will on them at will) would work. It won’t. Only a full negotiation between the 2 parties as equals will work. BTW, those missiles (which have largely stopped flying) were fired by renegade Palestinian groups like Islamic Jihad & the PRC which are under no one’s control & certainly not Abbas’, who decries them whenever they are fired. As for the suicide bombings, that’s old news fella. There hasn’t been one in ages because Hamas, which used to use this tactic, has largely observed a ceasefire for nearly 2 yrs.

    Abbas repeatedly declared the Gaza pullout was the result of the martyrs’ efforts

    So you mean to tell me that Sharon pulled out of Gaza merely out of the goodness of his heart? You can argue that he came to understand the demographic threat of the Palestinians to Israel being a majority Jewish state & so decided to relinquish the non-critical territory that Israel held. That might have held some weight for him. But the fact that Gaza caused Israel nothing but grief (just as Lebanon 1982-2000 did) played a factor in the withdrawal. If you deny this you are burying yr head in the sand.

    You don’t even have to believe my references

    Phew! Thank God for that.

    When you discuss the Saudi “peace plan” you conveniently neglect to mention that it requires Israel to allow all “refugees” to enter it

    You provide no source to authenticate what you say so I don’t choose to accept yr word at face value (though I wouldn’t deny what you say is possible). But the main pt. is that as I’ve said umpty ump times here at this blog, any plan is a STARTING POINT, not an end pt. Only the pro-Israel hacks believe the end result of the negotiation must be agreed upon before talks actually begin.

    No one, Arab or Israeli, who genuinely wants to see a final settlement believes that at the end Israel will agree to several hundred thousand Palestinians returning to their ancestral homes in Israel. Only someone of willful bad faith like you posits this as a view that is held by Abbas or any other front line state leader who would negotiate a settlement with Israel (as opposed to Arab radicals who may indeed believe in full Right of Return but who will play no role in actual negotiations between the parties).

    yet poll after countless poll show that the majority of Muslims living in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and obviously Saudi Arabia support him and his views.

    You can claim the moon is made out of blue cheese. That doesn’t make it so. Show me actual, reliable poll results (not from MEMRI or CAMERA or the Jerusalem Post) that say what you claim.

    Muslims in Canada (and elsewhere in the world) repeatedly try to pass Sharia law and are repeatedly rejected by the non-Muslim population. If this does not represent the views of the majority, how come polls show otherwise

    SOME Muslims, NOT THE MAJORITY, in Canada attempt to make Sharia the law for their fellow Muslims (not all Canadians). Pls. again show me a single poll that says the majority of Canadian Muslims support Sharia law. Until you do, you’re full of s(&t.

    When the recently [sic] Lebanon war broke out there were countless cars driving around with Lebanon flags but not a single car carrying an Israeli car.

    I can’t make head nor tails of what you’re actually trying to say. Ah, after reading more I see you’re talking about Canada. Did YOU fly an Israeli flag fr. your car? If not, why not? And did you ever stop to think that the majority of yr fellow Canadian Jews might’ve actually been ashamed of Israel’s behavior in Lebanon & not wanted to be publicly identified w. it? I’m virtually certain this is the case in this country. Except for a single rally here in Seattle I saw no public expression of support for Israel. The reason is that most Jews were at best ambivalent about what was happening; and at worst they were aghast. You of course are in a distinct minority in yr full-throated support for mass murder of Lebanese civilians. And before you jump to conclusions, I in no way supported Hezbollah’s attacks on innocent Israeli civilians.

    There has been another firebombing attack on an elementary school in Montreal.

    And you know the perpetrators were Muslims how?

    How often do you find Jews firebombing Muslim institutions?

    There is Jewish terrorism (attacks on people and on property) against Palestinians relatively frequently in the Occupied Territories.

    Muslims have been arrested for torching Jewish schools and synagogues repeatedly in the past years.

    A source??

    When Muslims attack Jews in Canada for their percieved [sic] injustices in Israel that is pure and utter racism because Jews living outside of Israel have absolutely no relation to Jews living in Israel.

    IF Muslims in Canada attack Jews then you are absolutely right. They have no right to mistake Canadian Jews for Israelis and their policies. Their grievance is with Israel and not with you or your fellow local Jews. But I’d like to see legitimate media sources for yr charge before I believe this is the case.

    There are very many Jews just like yourself who consistently demonstrate that not all Jews are pro-Israel so their attacks on our institutions are racist.

    I AM pro-Israel, just not a flag-waving Israel partisan like you. If you amended your statement to say “Many Jews like yourself who are critical of Israel…” then I would agree with you completely. It is wrong for any Muslim to confuse all Jews or all Israelis with the bad deeds of a group like the settlers or even the Israeli government. But in just the same way, it is wrong of you to conflate the actions & beliefs of a minority of Muslims with the whole of Islam.

    All I am expecting Muslims to do is step up to the plate and publically [sic] announce that the views of Ben Ladin and other extremists are contrary to their beliefs and are wrong

    I have posted a link here in this blog to an entire site devoted to publicizing denunciations of terror by leading Muslim leaders including clerics and laypeople. Muslims do precisely what you believe they do not do. That shows how narrow & insular yr views of Islam are.

    I am expecting that for every Jew who speaks out against Israel there should be 133 Muslims speaking out against Ben Ladin [sic].

    You ARE a piece of work aren’t you? Is all you’re interested in proving that Muslims are bad? Or are you genuinely interested in learning about Muslims & encouraging dialogue so they would be willing to see Jews in a more favorable light? If all you’re interested in is scoring pts.–& anyone who says he expects 133 Muslims to speak out against terror for every Jew who does is interested in nothing but scoring anti-Muslim debate pts.–then you’re pathetic & boring.

  70. hahahaha! Richard, try actually answering my questions this time around. Abbas was in charge of the PA when Israel pulled out of Gaza. Then Hamas once he lost elections to them. Regardless of the crap you wrote the fact of the matter is Palestinians launched hundreds of rockets at Israel after it pulled out of Gaza when in fact they could have acted like normal human beings and happily declare independance and try to live in peace with their neighbors. If unilateralism is so bad I guess Israel should go back into Lebanon since they shouldn’t have withdrawn back in 2000 eh?

    Both Abbas and Hamas had their chance to accept Gaza and role peacefully or continue their terrorist attacks. They chose the latter and this is a fact that you cannot ignore.

    Secondly, I will keep on repeating this point to you until you answer it: if there are 133 Muslims for every Jewish person on the face of the earth, why is it we don’t have 133 Muslims condemning violence by their people for every Jew who does? It doesn’t even have to be 133 Muslims for every Jew, a single one to one would be a start. Fact of the matter is that these numbers do *not* exist hence you can’t claim Muslims are as peace-loving as you claim. Where is your wondering Religion of Peace Richard? Where? 🙂

    How many Muslims have been convicted by their peers of commiting attacks against Jews and have gone to jail for it? Your blog seems to rejoice in naming Jews who have been found guilty of attacks Muslims and have been put in jail but that proves my point even further: we put our extremists in jail, yet they do not put theirs away. I challenge you to link to cases where Muslims have put their extremists in jail for attacking Jews. I’d love to see that. The only justice they seem to love is publically executing Palestinians who they claim collaborated with Israel. And in Canada and Europe they execute anyone who voices views opposing to them.

    Jyllands-Posten posts cartoons of Muhammad to prove the point that people fear violent Islamists so much that they self-censor. All the bombings and killings that followed as a response to the publishing of these cartoons are proof of how right he was. Now these same idiots are busy condemning the pope for pointing out the fallacy of engaging in violence in the name of religion. So again they will burn buildings and kill people and in the end prove yet again how peaceful their Religion of Peace really is. Fact of the matter is you don’t see Jews or Christians doing the same when cartoons routinely make fun of the pope or Jews. We don’t burn down local Iranian institutions every time they incite violence against Jews.

    Richard, I have no doubt you will continue mocking anything I write regardless of its validity because deep down inside you know you can’t win a debate on them.

    Muslims firebombing Jewish schools in Montreal? Here’s your proof: cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2005/01/18/firebombsentence-jewishschool0118.html

    and more recently: cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2006/09/02/school-firebomb060902.html

    A recent EU report states as much: jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/anti-semitism/report_index.html
    You can find it in PDF format from other sources using Google: google.ca/search?q=%22manifestations+of+anti-semitism+in+the+european+union%22

  71. Palestinians launched hundreds of rockets at Israel after it pulled out of Gaza when in fact they could have acted like normal human beings and happily declare independance [sic] and try to live in peace with their neighbors.

    There is only ONE way that the rockets will end & Israel will live in peace with its neighbors: return to 1967 borders & end the Occupation. Palestinian violence of one kind or another will continue until this happens. There is no shortcut & Gaza withdrawal was certainly meant as a “shortcut” by Sharon. But it didn’t work, as would a West Bank “convergence” or whatever Olmert’s calling it these days fail as well. “Declare independence?” Again, you’re out of yr mind. What would their independence consist of? Would they have freedom of movement? An independent economy? No, they’re a bantustan surrounded by a strangling IDF. This would be sovereign independence? I have to laugh.

    Regardless of the crap you wrote

    Here’s how things work here. I give you license to comment at this blog. If you don’t like what you read or what I say to you go away. But if you choose to stay you will NOT talk to me that way. If you do again, you lose yr license & will be here anymore. Your choice.

    If unilateralism is so bad I guess Israel should go back into Lebanon since they shouldn’t have withdrawn back in 2000 eh?

    This is so mixed up I don’t know where to begin. You don’t have the first clue about the difference bet. Lebanon & Palestine. Israel makes no claim to Lebanese territory as it does to Palestinian territory. When it withdrew in 2000 it withdrew from all Lebanese territory (except Shebaa Farms which may be Syrian & not Lebanese). Because of this there was relatively little friction bet. Israel & Hezbollah till last July.

    However the Gaza withdrawal was totally diff. It was not a complete withdrawal fr. all disputed Palestinian territory. If Israel did unilaterally withdraw from all disputed Palestinian territory I’m sure that would resolve the Israeli Palestinian conflict. I’m certain that’s not something you intend.

    Abbas and Hamas had their chance to accept Gaza and role peacefully or continue their terrorist attacks. They chose the latter and this is a fact that you cannot ignore.

    No, it’s no ‘fact.’ It’s a lie. ABBAS has never supported any terrorist attack ever. Hamas has not supported or perpetrated a terrorist attack in nearly two years (w. the exception of the Shalit kidnapping). I’ve already told you this. Is it that you don’t read, you don’t understand, or you don’t believe claims that can be verified by both reality & thousands of references in the mainstream media?

    I will keep on repeating this point to you until you answer it:

    No, you won’t. I have answered yr twerpy, noxious screed about the 133 Muslims & I won’t respond to it again. Bring it up again & you lose yr license.

    It doesn’t even have to be 133 Muslims for every Jew, a single one to one would be a start.

    Have you ever heard of Google? Before you spout nonsense, try using it to answer yr own stupid claims. A search on “Muslims denounce Muslim terror” brings up 10 pages worth of results some of which are:
    Germany: Muslims Denounce Terrorism
    American Muslims and Scholars denounce Terrorism

    “It Is Not the Islamic Way’: Muslims Denounce Terrorist Acts”

    Muslim Condemnations of 9/11

    Iraqi Urges Muslims to Denounce Terror

    ‘Nuf said.

    How many Muslims have been convicted by their peers of committing attacks against Jews and have gone to jail for it?

    You’ve got to be kidding. Israeli settlers who spit on, push, club, & beat up Palestinians receive no punishment whatsoever. The Palestinians have learned it’s not even worth reporting such incidents because a) they won’t be investigated & b) the Israeli Border Police who do come to the scene are just as likely to continue the beating or attack using far more savage means. When you can show me an Israeli settler who’s sent to prison with a sentence commensurate w. his crimes then I’ll entertain yr question.

    Your blog seems to rejoice in naming Jews who have been found guilty of attacks Muslims

    You’re insane. You think I rejoice in Jews killing Muslims? You think I find something enjoyable in Baruch Goldstein spraying automatic rifle fire & killing 29 Palestinians? You think I enjoy any such violence based on hate (whether of one side or the other). You’ve truly lost yr senses. When such incidents happen I write about them because they turn my stomach & because I do not want any Muslim (or any human being) to think that they represent a “Jewish” approach to this conflict.

    we put our extremists in jail

    We only put extremists in jail who kill Israelis–like Yigal Amir. Israelis who kill Palestinians if they get any sentence, get extremely light ones. If they’d killed Israelis their sentences would be much more severe (that’s the only reason that Amir has received a life sentence). That’s because Palestinian blood is far cheaper than Israeli.

    in Canada and Europe they execute anyone who voices views opposing to them.

    More baseless accusations. A source??

    these same idiots are busy condemning the pope for pointing out the fallacy of engaging in violence in the name of religion.

    You will not call Muslims “idiots” in this blog. Do it again & you’ll be banned. Since you’ve used the term first, it’s you who is the idiot. Muslims condemn the pope for quoting from a moldering 14th century emporer who made the ridiculous claim that whatever new Mohammed brought to the world is based on violence & hatred. It is this patently false claim that Muslims correctly object to.

    And by the way Pope Benny has a lot of goddamn nerve clucking at Muslims about violence in the name of religion. His boys marched through Germany on their way to kill Muslims in the Holy Land during the Crusades. They tuned up for the battles by killing thousands of defenseless Jews in their path. And if that’s not bad enough. Merry Old Kind Ferdy & Queen Isabella really put the screws to those Jews who hadn’t already fled for their lives during the Spanish (Catholic) Inquisition. Those Jews who stayed behind & tried to pass for Catholic they rooted out mercilessly & tore limb fr. limb on the rack. They were called Marranos or “pigs.” Or how ’bout the Church’s deafening silence while Jews were being slaughtered in their millions during the Holocaust. And the Church’s providing a lifeline for scores of SS goons allowing them to escape Europe after the war by fleeing to Latin America. So Benny’s the pot calling the f-ing kettle black on this one.

    I have no doubt you will continue mocking anything I write regardless of its validity

    I will mock you when you talk narischkeit which unfortunately is virtually any time you open yr mouth on this subject.

    because deep down inside you know you can’t win a debate on them.

    You’re a raving loon who’s taken leave of his senses. Not a single argument you’ve advanced here–except for the single valid point about Muslims making a mistake in blaming all Jews for the crimes of a small minority among us–makes a single bit of sense. I’m not debating you chum. I’m pointing out to any readers who read this thread what an utter fool you are.

    Muslims firebombing Jewish schools in Montreal

    That’s reprehensible behavior which should be punished. Now you’ve proved that a single deranged Muslim has attacked a Jewish institution. Precisely how does that reflect on all Canadian Muslims? Have you bothered to include any links to the statements by Canadian Muslims denouncing this hateful incident? If not, why not? Might it be that denunciations of violence by Muslims don’t fit into yr convenient hateful bubble of reality when it comes to Islam??

    Regarding anti-Semitism among Muslims. It’s foolish to deny it exists. As it is also foolish to deny that hatred of Arabs exists within Israeli society as well. When polls by Israelis of Israeli attitudes show there is no anti-Arab prejudice in Israel then I’ll take to the ramparts with you in denouncing Muslim anti-Semitism. Not that I minimize this phenomenon. It’s worth combating. As it is worth combating Israeli anti-Arab prejudices. When you do the latter, then I’ll join you in yr fight. Until then, you’re just a 2 bit hypocrite.

  72. You’ve proven my point by threatening to censor my comments if I express beliefs which do not jive with your own. How is that freedom of speech?

    There was no “occupation” back in the 1920s when local Muslims decided to massacre the Jews. There was no “occupation” in Gaza when Israel withdrew all its soldiers and civilians from it. There was no “occupation” in Lebanon between the years 2000 and 2006 when Hezbollah decided to shell Israeli towns, kill our soldiers and kidnap them. Peddling the term “occupation” is just an excuse for carrying out heinous murders in the name of nationality and religion.

    It is downright racist for Palestinians (and their supporters) to insist on the one hand that Muslims be given equal rights as Jews in Israel yet at the same time refuse to allow any Jews to live in their land. Some settlers have openly asked to live as citizens of a future Palestinian state and the PA would have nothing of it. Why must Muslims be given equal rights in western nations when they refuse to give westerners equal rights in their own nations? In most Muslim countries, trying to convert Muslims to Christianity is punishable by death. Christians and Jews do not have equal rights in Saudi Arabia as Muslims. As I pointed out earlier, Muslim nations worldwide have refused to prosecute their extremists in a court of law. Contrary to your allegations, Israel has repeatedly investigated any complaints against its Army and citizens and those found to be guilty were put in jail. I don’t argue you have to be happy with the number of people found guilty but at the very least they even bothered investigating it. The PA has never bothered bringing up charges against suspected terrorist members even when Israel has repeatedly provided them with information to back up its claims. How many Muslims have gone to jail for their violent attacks on Israel?
    [links removed by blog owner]

  73. You’ve proven my point by threatening to censor my comments if I express beliefs which do not jive with your own. How is that freedom of speech?

    My blog is not the town square, it’s not your local newspaper, it’s not the halls of Congress. There you have First Amendment rights. You don’t have the foggiest idea about what blogs are & how they differ fr. those other forums. I am under no obligation to suffer your outrageous hateful expressions. My blog, my rules. The rules for comments are clearly inscribed right above the box you use here to write yr screeds here:

    Profane, abusive or insulting comments directed at the author or other commenters may be rejected and result in being banned from future participation. Disagreement is fine. But play nice or don’t play.

    If you don’t like ’em don’t comment. If it really pisses you off that I won’t let you call Muslims “idiots,” well then you can take a hike. If however, for God only knows what reason, you think it’s worthwhile commenting here you’ll abide by my rules.

    God forbid, if you had a blog and I wanted to comment there (ahem) I’d expect to follow yr rules. If I didn’t like ’em I’d leave.

    There was no “occupation” in Gaza when Israel withdrew all its soldiers and civilians from it.

    What are you on? No Occupation in Gaza when Israel withdrew? Israel controlled virtually everything that happened in Gaza and still does. Nothing goes in or out w/o Israeli approval. No Gazan moves w/o Israeli approval. Israel moves at will inside Gaza. Israel bombs at will inside Gaza. This was the way it was pre-Withdrawal and the way it is to this very day. You clearly do not have a clue what life is or was really like for Gazans. There doesn’t have to be a single IDF soldier in that place for it still to be fully controlled by Israel. That’s the way it was & that’s the way it is. And that IS Occupation.

    There was no “occupation” in Lebanon between the years 2000 and 2006

    You’ve made my point precisely. There was no Israeli presence inside Lebanon during that period and that is why the border was relatively quiet.

    Hezbollah attacked Israel for many reasons in July. One reason was the thousands of Lebanese prisoners Israel holds & has held for decades. Another was Israel’s retention of Shebaa Farms. And third was Israel’s cold shoulder to Syria regarding resolving the issue of the Golan. There was absolutely no interest on Olmert’s part in negotiating any of these issues. That is why Hezbollah attacked.

    It is downright racist for Palestinians (and their supporters) to insist on the one hand that Muslims be given equal rights as Jews in Israel

    You’ve completely bollixed up what Palestinians want. They want a state of their own and the return of their lands. Anything else is secondary including the idea (wherever did you get this idea from anyway?) that they insist on equal rights for Israeli Arabs within Israeli society. Besides, you pro-Israel hacks are the first ones to claim that Israeli Arabs already have equal rights. You mean to say you’re acknowledging that they don’t??

    Some settlers have openly asked to live as citizens of a future Palestinian state and the PA would have nothing of it.

    That is another lie. Palestinian leaders have said explicitly that any Israeli wishing to remain in the Territories after Palestine assumes control would be welcome there. Remember, Google is yr friend. Do another search & you’ll find this confirmed. However, such holdovers would be living under Palestinian & not Israeli law. I don’t know of a single settler who’d be willing to accept such terms except perhaps Rabbi Menachem Froman.

    Why must Muslims be given equal rights in western nations

    Because the constitutions of those nations say that they should. That’s why.

    Contrary to your allegations, Israel has repeatedly investigated any complaints against its Army and citizens and those found to be guilty were put in jail.

    Another lie. This blog is full of posts and links to cases in which IDF troops and settlers have committed heinous acts against Palestinians and gotten off SCOT FREE. The IDF DOES NOT investigate abuses of Palestinian rights by its forces. There are hundreds of links I can provide you to the Israeli press which confirm what I’m saying. In fact, I just read this in today’s Haaretz:

    The severity of the “existing situation” [settler impunity in attacking Palestinians] can be gleaned from a report by the human rights organization Yesh Din. Based on a sampling of 92 files opened in the Judea-Samaria police district, the report reveals only 10 percent of Palestinian complaints of Israeli violence in the West Bank ended with indictments. An examination of closed cases revealed a number of serious flaws and failings…

    [Defense minister] Peretz expressed surprise that at the end of the previous olive harvest, during which hundreds of trees were destroyed [by extremist settlers], no one stood trial. Peretz said attacks on peaceful farmers push them into the arms of terror organizations, shame Israel in the eyes of the world and impair its international standing.

    At most, only a very small handful of cases are prosecuted. This only happens when there is incontrovertible evidence like video footage proving the incident. Are you saying that Yediot Achronot and Haaretz–whose reporters are far more knowledgeable about these issues than you– lie?

    And how are Israel’s pathetic lapses when it comes to policing its forces somehow justified by the fact that Palestinians do an equally poor job at policing their own? Are we now claiming that Israel’s only obligation is to match or exceed the woefully bad record of our enemies? No, Israel has laws and standards on these matters which it ignores. That is all that matters.

    I have absolutely no interest in arguing ancient history regarding the Israeli-Arab conflict. If you want to argue about what happened in 1920 or 1020, you’ll have to try to provoke someone else into such an argument.

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