7 thoughts on “Israeli Artillery Murders 7 Palestinian Civilians Gaza Enjoying Day at Beach – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. They call on the PA to prevent terrorism when the IDF sends Palestinian body parts flying on a beautiful summer day on a Gaza beach?? What planet are they on”

    Why does Arab vengence already have your approval? Can your enemies perhaps show restraint? If it is shown that the deaths on the beach were not caused by the IDF will you remain silent, or will you show the same emotion in retraction that you had in accusation? Do you, trust the mercy of armed jihadists? Who, or what will ever restrain them? Even, devout cities in Saudi Arabia live in fear of their anger.
    You are scared and rightfully so, but somewhere deep inside, I know you realize, this is not about occupation, its about Jews ruling in Palestine. Submit to Islamic rule, surrender up our Jewish armies and police, live as a Dhminni , and you will have your peace with Islam. Then the left will again champion you, and Europe will deplore your depravations.
    Finally what sort of men take their families on picnics in the midst of bedlam, Gehenna, and dueling artillery? Do the Negev villagers frolic in the dunes when the rockets fly?

  2. You misunderstand my views either deliberately or unintentionally. Did I say that vengeance has my approval? Pls. show me where? I said that vengeance would come. It has to come. It is unfortunately an immutable law of blood feuds like the one bet. these 2 peoples. I approve neither of carnage caused by the IDF against Palestinian civilians nor carnage caused by suicide bombings or Qassam rockets against Israeli civilians.

    If it is shown that the deaths on the beach were not caused by the IDF will you remain silent, or will you show the same emotion in retraction that you had in accusation?

    It is now 3 days since the massacre. If Israel had any solid evidence whatsoever that it was not responsible it would’ve produced it by now. The more time goes by w/o such evidence produced, the more likely the IDF did cause the tragedy. I say provide credible evidence & let us be the judge. Until the IDF does so I will remain enraged.

    Do you, trust the mercy of armed jihadists?

    Men of war, whether jihadists or IDF soldiers should not be where we expect mercy. We should expect mercy from our political leaders who should be leading us out of such hopeless carnage and toward peaceful reconciliation–a so far hopeless wish.

    somewhere deep inside, I know you realize, this is not about occupation, its about Jews ruling in Palestine

    I will thank you for not trying to plumb my deepest soul for meanings I do not share. The IDF accident (if it was one) was ALL ABOUT the Occupation. Any Palestinian retaliation will be all about counter-reaction to IDF carnage. This is wholly about the Occupation & I utterly reject the notion that Israel will never live at peace with a Palestinian state next door. This WILL happen & I am convinced of it to my very soul.

    what sort of men take their families on picnics in the midst of bedlam, Gehenna, and dueling artillery?

    You, like all your Arab-hating brethren are a hard-hearted cold soul. When human beings are trapped in a cage with bullets and bombs exploding all around them, they yearn for the sea, for sky, for water. It is a respite from the horror inflicted by the IDF on Gaza. Only a ghoul would blame victims blasted to smithereens for their own death. As for the inhabitants of Sederot, if they had to live under Qassam bombardment all day, every day for months on end and were so impoverished that they could find nowhere else to escape to–then certainly they would do precisely what the Gazans did by trying to find peace for a few minutes at the seaside. And besides, what would you know of a life of such privation? Are you living directly under the guns as they are? How would you know how you would react were you faced w. the same circumstances.

    What I find most disturbing about your attitude is that you divorce yourself fr. any human sympathy with the victims. These were human beings seeking a drop of joy from a wretched miserable life inflicted on them by IDF tanks & artillery. They were doing what any human being would’ve done under the same circumstance. Yet you only find fault & blame.

  3. Oh my. Shrapnel recovered from an injured baby treated in Israel is not made out of the same metal used by IDF shells! Read all about it in the Jerusalem Post. I’d love to hear your spin on this one Mr. Silverstein.

  4. I’m always bemused by readers who believe that my blog exists soley to address their own interests & ideas as Hettie appears to believe. Anyway Hettie, I have a sidebar on the right side of this page which lists my recent posts on this subject. Next time, before writing a comment like the one you did, why don’t you do a tiny bit of research & look at my Recent Posts section? There are seven posts on the Gaza beach massacre all told & the most recent is here.

    Happy update.

  5. Who knows where or how I can get that photo of the cry on the Gaza beach
    I don’t know what URI is for me First saw it on the fron page of
    NYTimes earlier this summer. …Thanks,,Greg

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