3 thoughts on “Barghouti-Pollard Prisoner Swap? Say What?? – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “Therefore, it is impossible to achieve trust before the occupation ends and we establish an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, the refugees will return, all prisoners will be released, and our people will enjoy freedom and independence.” Barghouti warns that the attempt to reach a phased peace deal utterly failed and must not be repeated “under any circumstances.” (Barghouti’s interview on al-Ayyam, reported by Yedioth Ahronoth)


    They look shortsighted indeed as Israel might be well aware of Barghouti’s statements. Nonetheless keeps walking its “divide et impera” patch, maintained that Hamas got support to get rid of Arafat’s OLP.

  2. The “hero-ization” (for lack of a better word) of Pollard has always bugged me. Most of my life I was a typical “Secular American Jew” (I’ve become modestly religious the past few years) and I despised Pollard for what he did. First of all his motiviations for treason were purely financial.

    Secondly, Jailhouse conversions always raise my skepticism whether it’s Chuck Coulson (nothing like a Watergate felon’s moralizing) or Pollard.

    But most importantly – his behavior feeds every anti-Semitic meme one can think of. How can we trust Jews in high government positions if they are going to feed secrets to a foreign government?

    Pollard should be treated no better nor worse than anyone else convicted for his crimes – whether the recipient of confidential material was Soviet Russia, Israel, or even Al Qeida….

    I can’t speak to having knowledge of what that consistent punishment would be – and whether or not his sentence term in prison would make him eligible for consideration for release at this time – but that should be the ONLY criteria for considering release (whether in context of an exchange or simple parole).

    And from the perspective of an Israeli citizen, perhaps it’s a different context. But speaking as an American Jew, either from my current outlook as a practicing Jew, or my previous as a secular Jew (let alone purely from the perspective of an American Citizen), he is no hero.

    Nation’s need to keep their secrets even from their friends.

  3. New hardcore french writer:

    “Idéologiquement Cash/Chiotte

    L’aplat de niaiseries répandu sur le texte a empêché de dévoiler la puissance colérique des propos en général. Une sorte de philosophie en parfaite adéquation avec l’époque. Ni avant-garde, ni conservatisme.”

    To be continued: http://hirsute.hautetfort.com

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