3 thoughts on “Leonard Fein: AIPAC’s Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Bill “Piece of Meddlesome Foolishness” – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Mr. Fein,

    Have you had even the slightest indication during the 18 year history of Hamas, that it would live side-by-side with Israel in harmony? Hamas is gearing up for a violent battle with Israel, and you still believe it is interested in peaceful relations. Why don’t you believe the leaders of Hamas, and its very charter, that call for the destruction of Israel. That is the reason for the terrorist thugs’ existence. Generation after generation of Palestinians have grown up to loathe Israel; now, they are being raised with the hope of being martyrs.

    When will you face reality? I have liberal views on various issues, and I am an idealist. However, the reality here is too strong to ignore. Israel withdrew from 25 communities, and has seen its security deteriorate dramatically. What will it take for you to give up on the peace idea? Will Tel Aviv still be standing? What about Jerusalem?

    The Islamic Terrorists’ slogan is: First, the Saturday people; then the Sunday people. Believe them, and, ACT ACCORDINGLY!

  2. Mr. Fein…

    You idiot. I’m not Mr. Fein. I quoted Leonard Fein in this post.

    Hamas is gearing up for a violent battle with Israel…

    Evidence my friend, evidence. At this blog, we don’t go around spouting declarative statements like yours w/o producing evidence to back it up. You’ve produced none so far, so your statement is worthless–nothing more than yr own unsupported opinion.

    I didn’t say that Hamas is “interested in peaceful relations with Israel.” Hamas is interested in whatever is in the best interests of the Palestinian people and Hamas. Right now and for the foreseeable future Hamas sees a ceasefire as in its interests. Israel should build on this opening (though it has not & probably will not) by probing for mutual interest.

    Why don’t you believe the leaders of Hamas, and its very charter, that call for the destruction of Israel

    Old news, fella. The charter was written in 1988 & not even Hamas’ senior leaders know what’s written in it (I wrote a blog post about this). Hamas’ current leaders are not now calling for Israel’s destruction. I have no doubt that they WISH this would happen. But I also believe that most of them are pragmatic enough to understand that it will not happen. Besides, Israel’s is far and away the strongest military power in the Middle East (and one of the strongest in the world). Hamas doesn’t threaten Israel existentially except in your mind.

    I have liberal views on various issues, and I am an idealist.

    I love hearing from deluded souls like you here. Your “liberalism” and “idealism” is worthless as far as I’m concerned. Apparently, these “values” of yours stop very far short of allowing you to empathize with the plight of the “murderous” Palestinians. With friends like you, Israel doesn’t need enemies.

    What will it take for you to give up on the peace idea?

    Can a leopard change its spots?? I will never give up the “peace idea.” People like you will lead Israel to endless war (in which I note you will not be shedding a drop of your own blood). That’s not the future I envision for Israel.

    The Islamic Terrorists’ slogan is: First, the Saturday people; then the Sunday people.

    Where do you get this crap? From Charles Johnson? Thanks for proving that Israel’s most rabid supporters are crass and craven Islamophobes.

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