For the life of me, I don’t understand the relative uniformity of opposition among the progressive blog and media community to the Dubai ports deal. The only bloggers besides myself whom I’ve found who support the deal are Dennis the Peasant (a conservative with heart–he detests Pajamas Media and that earns him points in my book) and Lounsberry. If there are others I’d like to know about them. There has been one other Daily Kos diary entry (besides one I wrote there) supporting the deal. Tblogg, a blog I respect–and laugh at–enormously couldn’t even find any progressives supporting the project. I do give him credit for being inquisitive enough to want to know what supporters of the deal are saying in its favor.
I’m glad to report that Daniel Schorr tonight on NPR (audio stream) rendered his judgment:
Globalization has run head long into xenophobia…It is almost as if mention of the word “Arab” is enough to ignite a bi-partisan flame in Congress.
In ordinary times, this contract might’ve been considered as just one more example of globalization…In relations with the Islamic world, these are not ordinary times and public figures feel compelled to react to anything that suggests some vague ill-defined Islamic threat.
The White House says President Bush didn’t know about the Dubai deal before it was completed. Why should he have? Because these days, when you hear the word “Arab,” you watch your step.
All I ask is that my fellow progressives give this issue more thought before they jump on a bandwagon that also contains blog vermin like Michelle Malkin, Little Green Footballs, and Captain’s Quarters, among others.
Yesterday, one of the “arguments” used to question the UAE company’s campaign to take over the U.S. ports was that UAE refuses to recognize Israel. Yet another wild and pointless argument. Think how many Arab governments recognize Israel. Most of us know that Egypt has relations with Israel. Perhaps Jordan does too. I suppose you could count Turkey though it is Muslim but not Arab. There are no others. What the UAE has said is that it would consider talks with Israel when it comes into agreement with its Arab neighbors. I don’t know of many (or any) other Arab countries to be so forthright. So let’s stop blaming UAE for not doing what almost no other Arab countries have done. And let’s stop blaming Dubai Ports World for the supposed political sins of its government, which have absolutely no bearing on DPW’s ability to administer our ports.
I support the deal and have been denouncing the xenophobic opposition on my blog.
Well, at least there are some people with some sense in their heads about the issue.
Glenn Greenwald’s exc ellent “Unclaimed Territory” at is another voice of reason on this issue.
John R.: The post by that title isn’t about Portgate. I think you may’ve meant this post.
I am against the neo-con style hysteria attached to this issue and have posted about it and from places people actually read there are 2 really good ones: