Recently, I wrote a post here analyzing the hard-right Likud-type orientation of many of the blogs then affiliated with Pajamas Media. I felt it was important for potential readers to know that this project had a distinct, and rigidly neocon approach to the Mideast conflict.
There were howls and screams from some PJM participants which you can read in the comment thread for the post.
But lately Jeff Goldstein and John Cole (see links below) have dug up the old anti-Semitism card/canard in mischaracterizing my criticism of Pajamas Media. They say I attack it because of the Jewish affiliations of participants. I put them and all my readers on notice that Goldstein and Cole, in their anti-Semitism infused minds, are mischaracterizing my post and my criticism. I would never write disparagingly of someone being Jewish because I am myself. I criticize the political orientation of the project. That is all. Many (though not all) PJMers have a pronounced tilt toward hard-right Likud-style politics when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. That’s all I said.
If Jeff/John want to go around the blogworld (see examples below) and throw these charges around that’s their blighted prerogative. But it’s mine to call them willful distorters of my meaning. If they continue saying this in light of my denial, then he’ll just become outright liars. Let them try to present one scintilla of evidence supporting my so-called anti-Semitism. They haven’t done so yet and they can’t because there isn’t any. So shut up already guys. Go pick a fight with some other unsuspecting shlump. I’m tired of your whining.
Goldstein wrote this comment at Blog Herald:
Tony [Pierce] accused me of being a paid Bush shill for making an argument that was perfectly valid. He didn’t address my arguments at all.
In reply, I asked him why he didn’t go one step further and point out how many Jews and Likudnik apologists are on the PJM payroll — just like this guy did.
Jeff, you do understand there’s a difference between being a Likud supporter and being Jewish, don’t you or are they one and the same to you (if so, that’d be passing strange since I’m Jewish and support Labor)???
Here Jeff merely plays the card against Tony Pierce, but thankfully leaves me out of it:
Surprised you didn’t bring up the fact Stephen Green and I are both Jews, Tony. Because the Jews not only like money, but lot’s of us like them neocons just a bit too much, if you catch my meaning.
And here’s John Cole’s inane reference to me and so-called Jew-baiting:
That is right. You caught us. Paid shills for the Bush administration. Or is it the JOOS we work for?
For anyone wanting to know what I wrote about Goldstein’s blog in my PJM post here it is:
Here’s what passes for ‘wisdom’ over at Protein Wisdom. In a discussion of Palestinian suicide bombings, he writes this ‘witty and urbane’ passage:
“…Exploding Arabs absolutely cannot be good for the environment — what with all that heat and those burning chemicals and what not.
Which means the Jews are to blame for the CO2 blanket, as well — which in turn is responsible for killing furry forest dwellers of all stripes.
A banner spotted at yesterday’s “peace march” in D.C.: “Jews: killers of all things cuddly!”
(Okay, so I made that up. But mark my words: it’s coming…)”
Even in the randomly culled post I note in this post Jeff refers to imaginary enemies blaming Jews for an imaginary environmental catastrophe. This guy’s got a real persecution complex.
Richard, I’m sure you’re a nice guy. Though you do have a penchant for attracting the more aggresive bloggers, to your comments section. You’re an unrepentant peacenik. Fine (you have your own cross to bear).
I could be wrong here (shoot me), and I may go to hell for it (defending Jeff G.). But I think he was joking or being heavily sarcastic about DNA rersults. Which would make it the only time so far, that I’ve gotten one of his jokes (quotation marks optional).
I suppose if everyone stopped beetching about nothing, bandwith meters would suffer.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Elmo.