Harrison Ford–starving out of work actor?
Before I start lambasting Hollywood celebrities and the non-profit groups which try to exploit their fame, let me say that I’m wholeheartedly in favor of the work of City Harvest and all similar groups working against hunger. I don’t begrudge them any success that they might have in alleviating this scourge from our society. I also applaud celebrities like Harrison Ford, Susan Sarandon and Whoopi Goldberg for commiting themselves to the fight against hunger.
Whoopi works for food too
. But couldn’t they have conceived of a more credible marketing campaign than this?
The City Harvest marketing folks–or whoever else might’ve conceived these Public Service ads–should have their heads examined. Sitting Harrison Ford (dressed by the way in nice clean–and expensive looking–jeans, running shoes and sports shirt) on an urban stoop holding a sign saying: “Will work for food?” Doesn’t do too much for me other than make me laugh in disbelief. Non-profit organizations and their marketing campaigns need to maintain a sense of credibility. Giving wealthy and well-fed celebrities signs asking for a handout strains credibility and credulity to the breaking point.
Susan Sarandon streetwalker?
City Harvest–get off it! Rein in whoever produced or executed these spots. They make me laugh with embarrassment. I don’t think you want your potential supporters laughing at you and your mission, do you? Your mission deserves gravitas. These ads make a mockery of that.