Recently, Richard Cohen took Grover Norquist to task in Out of Their Anti-Tax Minds for comparing the...
Month: January 2004

Over the decades, I’ve seen politicians backpedal, backslide and flip flop. I’d say Bush’s retreat from absolute...

Sharon: It ain’t overtill the fat man sings Ariel Sharon’s bribery scandal has so deteriorated his political...
My dad, Jule Silverstein died in December, 1995. He was born (1925) and raised at 103 Hudson...
Parshat Ekev is filled with memorable poetic passages that resonate in Jewish religious tradition: the Sh’ma (Deut....
I am sorry to report that since Danielle Custer’s departure from 727 Pine (in the Elliot Grand...

Seems only fitting in the dead of a cold, wet, dark Pacific Northwest winter (2-3 feet of...

Wow! Only 20% of the American people have a favorable view of Dick Cheney! I knew I...
The New York Times interviewed Dr. David Kay just after his resignation as chief U.S. weapons inspector...

The New York Times’, Iraq Illicit Arms Gone Before War, Departing Inspector States reveals an extraordinary new...

This is Marcella Hazan’s Margherita pizza recipe from Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking. The crust is cracklingly...

Yesterday’s New York Times ran a story by Douglas Jehl, Ex-C.I.A. Aides Ask for Leak Inquiry by...