Aaron Bushnell was a US Air Force cyber-defense operations specialist, who tragically gave his life (click CAPTCHA...
The Israeli spyware company, NSO Group, has been in the line of fire after a major international...
NOTE: Al Jazeera has just published my latest piece on how the incoming Biden administration will address...
DONATE: As many of you know, I support my blogging as a freelance journalist writing for publications...
We don’t like Russia sabotaging western democracies including our own, do we? We’re disgusted that Vladimir Putin...
This is an updated version of the profile originally published at Unz Review. Thanks to Ron Unz...
With the world-wide fallout over the Paris attacks and ISIS’ bloody role in them, pundits and journalists...
Canadian media offers a shocking new development in the intelligence wars. This involves a honeypot security officer...
David Ignatius and the Wall Street Journal reported this week that after the Mavi Marmara massacre, in...
Aluf Benn, writing in Haaretz (Hebrew here), reports an enormous increase in the budget of the Mossad...
This is my latest video for Israel Social TV which combines reporting on two of my most...
They finally read Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his Miranda rights and appointed him a lawyer. He’s been accused of...