John Mearsheimer, Wendell Harrison Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago and Stephen Walt, Robert...
I’m delighted to report that Aipac’s signature legislation to cripple U.S. Mideast policy by preventing our government...
Russell Feingold and John McCain (photo: Charlie Rose interviewed Sen. Russell Feingold on his PBS show...
Aipac’s annual hoopla conference began today with 4,500 delegates hearing speeches from the big shots like Ehud...
Leonard Fein, founder of Moment Magazine, is bucking the AIPAC juggernaut in calling its signature legislative proposal,...
I just wrote a post about AIPAC’s big annual bash, better known as the AIPAC Policy Conference,...
The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) published a revealing article heralding AIPAC’s upcoming national conference. This is THE...
Don’t believe the phony denial issued by the White House and State Department a few days ago...
A hat tip to Neocons Will Ban Me at Daily Kos for this alarming UPI story: U.S....
For those who follow my posts about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, you’ll know that one of my subthemes...
Today’s Haaretz carries the news that the political director of the Israeli Embassy in Washington will leave...
(credit: CBS/AP) CBS News broadcast a bombshell on tonight’s Evening News (FBI Probes Pentagon Spy Case) with...