Zionism is dying, before our very eyes. With every murder of every mother and child in Gaza,...
Jews & Judaism
Please read my latest piece for Jacobin Magazine on the prospects for a US-Israel attack on Iran....

Earlier this month, the Maccabi Tel Aviv football team traveled to Amsterdam for a match with one...

Let’s make something clear from the start: Jews don’t have to apologize for Israel’s sins. Israelis must...
במהרה בימינו. pic.twitter.com/u0RbnA1C9U — פעילי הר הבית (@TheTempleMoun) September 12, 2024 Messianic settler extremists have begun a...

DONATE: I am hosting a Facebook fundraiser for Tikun Olam. It reports on the war in Gaza,...
The answer to that question is Yes…and No. I’ll explain. The prayer book and Jewish holidays like...
DONATE: We are all horrified by events in Gaza and bear witness to it. To do so,...

Israel has now commenced what can only be called “creeping genocide.” Settlers, with the IDF acting as...
Zionist apologetics is based on two sets of claims which are each problematic. One is nationalist and...
Despite its acceptance by numerous US states and European parliaments, the IHRA “definition” of anti-Semitism rightfully elicits widespread...
בשב”כ חושדים: התארגנות קיצונית יהודית חדשה פועלת “מתחת לרדאר”, ברשתות החברתיות ודורשת גירוש הפלסטינים בכוח. Israel’s...