9 thoughts on “The Zionist Fallacy: Genomes Don’t Lie – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. WHY do I never hear any mention of:
    Genesis 16
    And Abram was fourscore and six years old, when Hagar bore Ishmael to Abram
    Hagar was Egyptian and Ishmael, along with Abraham are the forefathers of Islam
    By having Egyptian AND Hebrew it could easily be said the land was to be shared

  2. Please document the authenticity of the 2 genetic tables
    withouth any real attribution and understanding of how they were created, I cannot use them in any situation
    thank you

      1. postings on Mr Musk’s “X” is far from a credible resource

        Neither is “Miro C’s Threads’s Genetic Algebra and Population Genetics. Plausible Deniability 😇 IDK how long I’ll frequent this cesspool. ” with 4 subscribers @ https://threadreaderapp.com/user/MiroCyo

        I can’t find ANY information about the guy himself, let alone what research his charts are based upon and judging from his name and posts, perhaps Miro and his research is from…
        https://miro.com/ -“A single, AI-powered collaboration platform that helps teams move faster from idea to outcome” – definitely not a resource I would fall back on

        1. @ Victor: Miro C has 9,100 Followers. I know distinguished professors who have fewer.

          I have tweeted questions to him about the charts, but not received any replies. I will update when I do.

          perhaps Miro and his research is from…

          Why in heavens name would you assume someone named ‘Miro C’ would have a website miro.com? That’s ridiculous.

  3. I agree with your discussion and conclusion. The Zionist viewpoint makes the assumptions that a Jew today has a line of Jews in his/her ancestry going back at least 2,000 years and at that time they were living in Palestine. This is an assumption that is clearly not true. My grandparents came from Russia, and I can trace them to the early 1800’s but before, 500 years ago, a thousand years ago , I have no idea where they were or even if they were Jews. Maybe my family converted to Judaism 1,000 years ago. Maybe they came from Greece or Persia or Rome, and were converted to Judaism 2,500 years ago by Jews coming from Palestine. There are so many possibilities. Why should I have the right to go to Israel because of some imagined unbroken ancestry line?

  4. As there’s no scientific doubt that all humans came out of Africa, the Zionist line of reasoning could have been used by South Africa’ apartheidists claiming to own the lands they had colonised.
    Not that it’d do them much good, though, as – unlike some other colonists – they’ve never acquired a stranglehold on the US congress.

  5. Why are you taking the Zionist argument seriously? It’s pretty scientifically well-documented that Ashkenazi Jews have both European and Middle Eastern ancestry, that Jews pretty much everywhere had kids with at least a few locals, and that for Ashkenazim this largely stopped after moving to the Rhineland. Whether the migration was willing or not doesn’t matter. What some guy on Twitter hypothetically modeled on some genetics thing is a watered-down conclusion taken from genetics for its actual usage. It’s the same as horoscopes or MBTI. Were Ashkenazim “100% Caananite”, whatever that means, would colonizing Palestine be okay to you?

    And what does it matter who has “more” or “less” DNA more common in the Middle East? There is no such thing as “pure” DNA. Palestinians also have ancestors who came from other places too. There are Palestinians who are descendent from Europeans even, for example Bushnaks. That doesn’t make them any less indigenous or oppressed by the Israeli government. Native Americans in the United States are often measured in terms of percentages like this to decide whether they get land, government resources, etc, this is called “blood quantum” – why are you doing this to yourself?

    I’m Mizrahi and seeing antizionist Ashkenazim like you rely on race science like this to position yourself as white and European as possible gives me the same bad taste in my mouth that I get when I hear people call themselves “Judean”. Why do you want to be European so badly? You are not one or the other, you are both. And if you live in a country that is neither in Europe or the Middle East, you are neither. Neither you or Zionism seem to accept that.

    1. Why are you taking the Zionist argument seriously?

      I am only taking it seriously enough to refute it.

      Whether the migration was willing or not doesn’t matter.

      It does matter quite a bit. The Zionist claim is that Jews were exiled by the Romans and that Zionism brought them back to their homeland. This is a false historical claim and important to refute.

      Were Ashkenazim “100% Caananite”, whatever that means, would colonizing Palestine be okay to you?

      Again, this misstates my argument and its purpose. My purpose is to refute the claim that Jewish indigeneity historically predated Palestinian, and that therefore the Zionist claim to the land supercedes the claim of Palestinians.

      why are you doing this to yourself?

      I’m not. You are. Your framing of my argument is wrong & doesn’t represent what I said or believe.

      what does it matter who has “more” or “less” DNA more common in the Middle East?

      3rd time’s not the charm. Misstating my argument. The issue of DNA is used by both Zionists and anti-Zionists to prove or disprove Jewish connection to the land of Israel. One side uses it to claim the land; the other uses it to claim Jews have no direct historical or genetic connection to the land. To me, it’s irrelevant. Do not use me as a straw man, when you can’t even understand my argument.

      I’m Mizrahi and seeing antizionist Ashkenazim like you rely on race science

      That is odious and offensive. Using the term “Ashkenazim” as a pejorative is disgusting. The term “race science” in the context of my post is despicable.

      to position yourself as white and European as possible

      I have no idea what you’re talking about. I am white. My ancestors were European. My country is the USA. I’m not “positioning” anything.

      gives me the same bad taste in my mouth

      That bad taste in your mouth is your bad faith account of my views.

      Why do you want to be European so badly?

      My ancestors for centuries back (and I’ve done geneological research tracing these roots) lived in Krakow and what is now northern Slovakia. They eventually migrated to Vienna. All European. My ancestors have lived in this country since the 1880s. My argument has nothing to do with what you claim. Instead, I’m arguing that I have no direct physical connection to Israel other than prayers in the liturgy and stories in the Torah. Therefore, neither I nor Diaspora Jews have legitimate claims that Zionism says we do to the land, Right of Return, etc.

      You are not one or the other, you are both.

      Again no. As I wrote above.

      I have a one comment rule. You’ve had your say. I’ve had mine. No further comment in this thread.

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