4 thoughts on “Israel Plans to Destroy UNWRA. Will It Get Away With It? – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. The democracies of the West have been complicit/looking away for decades …

    Israeli interrogators routinely ill-treat and often torture Arab prisoners.

    This central conclusion emerges from a five-month inquiry into Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.  The methods used vary.  Often there is just prolonged beating – which could imply that there are merely a number of “rogue cops” exceeding orders.

    Insight has evidence, however, of techniques which go well beyond this, and place Israel’s practice firmly in the realm of torture.  Prisoners are often hooded or blindfolded or hung by their wrists for long periods.  Many are sexually assaulted. Others are given electric shocks. At least one detention centre has (or had) a specially constructed “cupboard”, about two feet square and five feet high, with concrete spikes set in the floor.

    All Israel’s intelligence services are implicated., and it is implausible that knowledge of these practices is confined to the interrogators.

    Torture is sometimes used to obtain information, and it also evidently helps to pacify the occupied territories. But one of its main purposes is to try to justify Israel’s claim that it administers the West Bank and Gaza through the rule of law.

    Source: Annex to a UN Report:
    Article published in “The Sunday Times” (London) on 19 June 1977
    Israel tortures Arab prisoners
    Special investigation by INSIGHT

    Abu Ghraib were lessons learned how to (mis)treat prisoners and dehumanize men of Muslim faith. The Fallujah attacks in urban warfare were based on training camps in the Negev modeled after Jenin massacre.

  2. Part of my comment is directed @oui too.
    Is there any country that can still boast of being a “Democracy”? The so-called, Democracies of the West have never “looked away”, they are looking DIRECTLY at Gaza even as they arm and fund the genocide.
    Given that situation, which nation will hold Israel accountable for its war crimes (including UNWRA).

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