11 thoughts on “Project Esther: Christian Nationalists Weaponize Anti-Semitism – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. The Kahane coalition in Jerusalem send a 27 page report to all members Dutch parliament on the root causes of virulent anti-semitism in the Netherlands and the terror groups responsible for Amsterdam “pogrom” against Jews. Of course Moroccan link to Hamas terror and indirectly to the Islamic State of Iran.

    The Islamophobic leadership in The Hague expressed their gratitude for the report in the first debate about permissiveness of the Green Party mayor of Amsterdam , Femke Halsema.


  2. First they came for the “socialists,” parties on the “Left” or peaceniks … Bush-Netanyahu and 9/11 – Palestinians are AQ terrorists … used propaganda to sell wars in the Middle East at the behest of Israel planned by neocons, need to get New Europe up in arms w anti-Russia war narrative … NATO expansion … today the silly Democrats fallen for the trap, joined the neocons in proxy wars … the Red Scare now comes after YOU ‼️

    No surprise whatsoever … written about it in a consistent manner for two decades. Lessons learned in my College years of the mid-60s … Vietnam.

    Which groups funded Islamophobia in the West?

  3. Since nobody died in the football riots in Amsterdam, calling those riots a “pogrom” devalues the meaning of the word pogrom. As a British Jew whose mother was born in Russia and experienced a pogrom (she hid under the bed while the Russians charged though her village shouting “death to the Jews”), I find calling the events in Amsterdam a progrom both insulting and antisemitic.

    1. @Jeffrey: Ask me whether I give a crap what you think is “anti-Semitic?” Scores of my relatives were murdered in the Holocaust. They not only experienced a pogrom, they were murdered during them. So don’t give me lessons on the Holocaust or pogroms.

      The Israeli thugs rampaged through Amsterdam beating people, destroying property–all the while shouting genocidal slogans at Palestinians & their supporters. That’s a pogrom whether you like it or not.

      1. Israeli football hooligans ran through the streets of Amsterdam. It was neither a pogrom nor Krystallnacht nor a Holocaust. Football hooliganism has been going on for more than a hundred years. More than a dozen have occurred during the past year or two in numerous European cities. Each one had a different basis for the violence. Netanyahu and his friends are using such events to prove their case that antisemitism is everywhere. Dont fall into his trap of encouraging people to refer to ordinary events as repeats of past horrors. The words pogrom, Krystallnacht, Holocaust and genocide refer to specific types of mass murder not to loutish violence.

        1. @ Jeffrey: You may only post 1 comment per thread. Do not post any further comments in this thread.

          Israeli soccer hooliganism is far worse than any other type. It specifically targets Palestinians and anyone supporting Palestine. It accompanies genocidal, homicidal slogans and mass violence directed at a specific national, religious and ethnic group. The pogromists even attacked Jewish homes in a Jewish district of Amsterdam.

          Netanyahu and his friends are using such events to prove their case that antisemitism is everywhere.

          Netanyahu is a liar and a fraud. I don’t care what he calls anti-Semitism. Further, his claims have been proven bogus. There were a very few anti-Semitic incidents and they all were responses to Israeli pogrom violence. The remainder of the responses directly addressed Israelis and Israeli violence.

          pogrom, (Russian: “devastation,” or “riot”), a mob attack, either approved or condoned by authorities, against the persons and property of a religious, racial, or national minority. –Encyclopedia Britannica)

          Limiting the definition of “pogrom” artificially as you have done is a classic hasbara tactic. A pogrom is an event targeting a specific ethnic, religious or national group involved mass violence. It is NOT restricted to murder, as you falsely claim. “Genocide” does not only refer to “specific types of mass murder.” It is a much broader term of which you appear to be ignorant.

          These pogroms below were committed by Judeo-terrorists which burned villages & towns. In most, Palestinians were injured. In most cases, no one was murdered. Regardless, they were still pogroms.

          West Bank pogroms in 2023 in multiple villages & towns. The pogroms led to mass expulsions of Palestinians from their homes & villages. Again, these were pogroms

          1. [Comment deleted: you may not publish more than one comment in aw thread, which I noted in my response to your earlier comment. Do this again and I will moderate you, which means I will approve your comments individually.]

    2. Indeed, well documented.


      Born Under the Bed During a Pogrom | Yiddish Book Center |

      See geography Pale of Settlements – large parts or the whole of modern Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, and Moldova. History The Pogroms in Ukraine, 1918-19.

      In 1926 Schwarzbard learned that Petliura, now the head of the Ukrainian government in exile, was living in Paris. He followed him and assassinated him. Arrested and charged with murder, Schwarzbard took full responsibility for killing Petliura to avenge the thousands of pogrom victims.

  4. The Middle East has experienced this act by Netanyahu before … March 2012.

    The Iran issue was the focus of the talks. It permeated everything from the agenda of the one-on-one meeting to Netanyahu’s gift to Obama: a decorated copy of the Book of Esther, which will be read tomorrow night and Thursday morning at Purim services around the world. [Haaretz]

    Combined with a Bibi lecture in the Oval Office.

    Netanyahu compared Iran to Nazi Germany, its nuclear facilities to death camps, and his current trip to the White House to a desperate plea to former U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt by the Jewish-American community to bomb Auschwitz. [Aluf Benn]

    Bibi Netanyahu: Book of Esther, Persecution, Deliverance and the Holocaust | Mar 5, 2012 |

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