12 thoughts on “Netanyahu Spy Scandal: Leak Sabotaged Hostage Deal in Order to Save His Skin – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. … to continue the war and stay in power

    I must disagree … over the years and recent months you have convinced me it’s to fulfil his father’s Zionist dream {Jabotinsky). Bibi exploits every opportunity to block peace as in the 1990s, assassination of Rabin, spewing hatred and negating the Oslo Accords. 9/11 was exploited that same month to equate Palestinian movement to Al Qaeda terror … the PNAC covered the neocon wars to the delight of extremist rightwing in the US, Europe and Israel.

    To my great disappointment, Joe has been a warmonger for decades and a fellow traveller with Bibi. Joe has a goal of punishing Iran … convergence. Joe has aligned in too many ways with Trump on MAGA and Abraham Accords. Bibi (UAE too) and Vlad want a Trump victory.

  2. Banana republic.

    All this effort and the best they could do was to have Elon Perry, who is not even a journalist and who is clearly a next-level fabulist, to write their fabricated story? That choice was their downfall. I am very curious how Elon fitted into all this. He is a nobody, who tells made up stories about his fake biography on cruise ships and to Wizo ladies in the suburbs. How did he cross paths with Bibi’s crack team of propagandists?

    1. @Summer: “Crack team” indeed. What petty dictator wants to have skilled experienced staff? He’d prefer work drones who performed their tasks with the minimum of intelligence necessary. Hence turning to stenographer journalists like Bild & Perry.

  3. Bibi announced that he is joining the appeal of the gag order, but he did not. Nust one more lie from a lier who is rapidly destroying tbe Jewish homeland.

  4. Having the ‘Police’ investigate this is also a fraud, surely, given that Reichsfuhrer ben-Gvir owns the Police?

    Surely they’e just going to bury this?

    1. @ Jon Cloke: Actually, Lahav 433 is pretty independent of the larger police force. It does special investigations of major crimes. That doesn’t mean it’s perfect. But it has done some very damaging investigations including the four corruption cases against Bibi.

    2. The police will only be involved after the shabak has completed its investigation, and then the evidence will probably be a rehash of the shabak notes transformed to police statements without extra questions.

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