9 thoughts on “Israeli Media Fail in Appeal Against Nir Hefetz-Keren Sidkovsky Gag Order – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. How do you make the world a better place by publishing her name?
    It doesn’t change the facts or shed light on the case, it just violate the privacy of a young woman who has no stake in the game beyond the fact she slept with a married man like many others.

    1. @ Dina Schaiek:

      beyond the fact she slept with a married man like many others.

      You mean beyond the fact that she voluntarily chose to conduct an affair with a married man who was the PM’s media spin doctor, and who turned state’s witness in one of the most important corruption case in Israel’s political history? A case that could topple the PM? YOu left out a few key elements of the story…

  2. Your argument for violating the gag order doesn’t hold water. It’s enough to know about the police tactics and make up your mind if they’re acceptable to you – there’s no need besides “yellow” reporting to provide a name and a picture. You disappoint me greatly.

  3. Why is it your business who is she sleeping with?
    How you improve anything (beyond your fetish for breaking all Israeli gag orders) by revealing her name?

    Is there is no gag order which you will considered justified?

    Stop deflecting and think about what you are actually doing!

    1. @ Dina Schaiek:

      Why is it your business who is she sleeping with?

      It isn’t “my” business. It’s your business and business of every Israeli. And that’s why i do it. You all should live in a society based on transparency, truth, and justice. Not lies, secrets, gag orders and censorship.

      think about what you are actually doing

      I think about what I am doing virtually every moment that I write this blog. Your problem is that I’m not thinking what you think I should be. And that’s deep remorse I will have to live with all my days.

      Is there is no gag order which you will considered justified?

      I have never met an Israeli gag order I didn’t hate. There may be one that I would consider justified. But I haven’t heard of one yet.

  4. Apparently twitter removed your twitt. I wonder why you don’t run blaming them for censorship. Actually I don’t. You know as well as I do, you are in the wrong here.

    No one will defend you for exposing a name of a girl that was dragged into this sort of mess. The idea that everything has to be transparent is insane. Have you no personal info you woyuld like to keep hidden? not to mention secrets?

    Exposing her name makes no difference whatsoever except for disturbing her life. NONE!

    Oh, I forgot, you get a kick out of it. Apparently that is enough for you.

    1. @Dina Schaiek:

      Apparently twitter removed your twitt.

      No, it didn’t.

      You know as well as I do, you are in the wrong here.

      You are as dense as a bowling ball. I have no patience for this. No more comments in this thread from you.

      No one will defend you

      I could care less whether you will defend me; or anyone will defend me. BTW, why don’t you shrey gevalt at the 3 major Israeli dailies who appealed for the gag to be lifted in the case?

      The idea that everything has to be transparent is insane.

      No, it’s not. It’s actually the hallmark of democracy. The reason you believe as you do is that you don’t live in a democratic country.

      Have you no personal info you woyuld like to keep hidden? not to mention secrets?

      Not really. Other than the time I peed in my first grade classroom. That was pretty embarrassing. But now you and whole world knows.

      Exposing her name makes no difference whatsoever except for disturbing her life

      Why should anyone care about disturbing the life of a woman who became the mistress of a married man?

  5. [I warned you not to comment again in the thread. You ignored me. The rule exists to prevent hasbaroids like you from monopolizing the comment thread and repeating arguments ad nauseam. You are now moderated and only comments which respect the rules will be published.]

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