21 thoughts on “U.S. Poll Finds Near Plurality Favor One-State – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. When I read the questions, they seem skewed in order to get a response that is less than favourable to Israel.

    I’m referring to the tone, the order of the questions, the difficulty to read and comprehend the questions and, of course, their wording.

    I’m sure another pollster, using a different questionnaire, but that essentially addresses the same policy concerns, could poll the same group get a more favourable response to Israel.

    Easy peasy.

    1. @ Fast Lane: Shibley Telhami has been doing polling for 30 years at the University of Maryland. and your bona fides and expertise in the field are precisely what?

      I’ve been reading, following analyzing and writing about polls on this subject fur 15 years. Those are my bona fides.

      Other than the single question i commented on the other questions were totally objective and not leading or biased. This is a complicated subject. Questions have to be somewhat involved in.order to give the respondent enough information to answer properly.

        1. @ Fast Lane: No, polls aren’t’ ‘slippery’ unless the people producing them are. Different polls ask different questions or different respondents and get different results. The Gallup poll to which you refer was created by a GOP oriented polling operation and it has been for decades. Its polling on all political subjects shows this bias. That doesn’t mean it’s illegitimate. It just means that it’s likely an outlier poll in measuring the real numbers on the subject.

          You also neglected to mention the Pew poll on similar issues which offered results far less favorable to Israel. Pew is acknowledged by most to be a more reliable polling operation than Gallup.

          That was your last comment in this thread.

          1. What about ComRes? According to “a sweeping new survey by CNN” conducted by ComRes, Europe is deeply anti-semitic.

          2. Hmm, actually, the survey looks different on their own website than the headlines generated by CNN.

          3. @ Elisabeth: God, these articles on anti-Semitism in Europe are so full of crap. They slap together a few anecdotes and create a trend. Send me a link & I’ll take a look.

            UPDATE: I just took a quick glance through the CNN article and I find that the headline is completely misleading. The poll found a wide variety of results but didn’t find any overwhelming consistent evidence of anti-Semitism, except perhaps in Hungary which, given Orban’s rise, isn’t terribly surprising. There were results of answers to specific questions that raised concerns. But nothing stands out as a red flag to me that there is a rising tide or alarming phenomenon of anti-Semitism in Europe.

          4. The fact alone that CNN changed outcomes is telling. They ‘abbreviated’
            “One in five (20%) adults say Jewish people have too much influence in media across the world compared to other people” to
            “One in five said they have too much influence in the media”.

            Well, the poll also found that 39% of ‘Europeans’ have negative views on Roma, 37% on Muslims, and only 10% on Jews. Nevertheless , I have not found even ONE headline screaming about prejudice against Roma or Muslims. Across the net, it was all about anti-Semitism. May I conclude that Jews have MORE influence in media across the world than Roma and Muslims?

            What bothers me also, is that they seem to have middeled outcomes in countries like Hungary with western Europe. (Netherlands was excluded altogether from the poll. The last survey I know about, found 5% anti-Semitism over here, so maybe we would have dragged the desired outcome down too much.)



          5. @ Elisabeth: You should write to Comres and complain. Since they did the poll for CNN & it was their client they may not be inclined to take your concern seriously. But you should raise it with them.

  2. Personally, I try to stay out of the 1-state vs 2-state business. Mainly because it IS none of our business (unless we’re actual Palestinians). I feel it’s up to us to support the Palestinians in whatever they choose to do, and and are able to do. I understand the arguments on both sides. But my point is that the Palestinians themselves are not monolithic. They too have their own divides (most of which were artificially created). If the Palestinians have anything approaching a unified political approach, it is one headed either by the imprisoned Marwan Barghouthi or by the democratically-elected Hamas majority in 2006, which is still the nearest they’ve come to a truly democratic, representative government. Abbas was the stumbling block then (aided and supported by Israel and the US, of course), and he remains the probable biggest stumbling block now, perhaps bigger than the Israelis themselves. They, of course, deliberately foment this divisiveness, which benefits them. But the bottom line is that the 2-state approach has international law firmly on its side, and that MUST be used to advance EITHER approach! If we choose to impose our own solutions upon them, that is just perpetuating the evils of imperialism, colonialism and, as Edward Said termed it, Orientalism.

    1. @ Tom: I agree with you completely. That’s why I rarely weigh in strongly on one side or the other. However, I do think that Israel’s bad faith approach over the decades militates against 2 states being viable. But I don’t think it’s my place to argue decisively for that approach as opposed to two states. But I certainly will support the right of those Palestinians who support one state to do so (unless it involved ethnic cleansing of Israeli Jews from what has become their homeland).

      1. One has to seriously wonder how “Israel’s bad faith approach over the decades” could “militate against a two-state solution” whereas the Palestinian’s presumed “good faith approach” would entitle them to think a one-state solution is within their rights.

        Do you listen to your own reasoning?

        1. @The Donald: you’ve completely misunderstood my point and the existing Palestinian position on the issue: the PA and even most of the Israeli Palestinian political parties support a 2-state solution despite Israeli rejectionism. Support for one state is largely in the Diaspora; among foreign pro Palestine activists, political leaders and academics; and among left wing groups inside Israel.

          Also, this has little to do with ‘rights.’ It has to do with feasible solutions. If Israel rejects 2 states and the world rejects the current 1 state (Israel, no Palestine), then the only remaining solution is a single unitary state.

          1. [comment deleted: Go now and read the comment rules and do not publish another comment till you have done so. This comment was off-topic. Publish comments that only deal directly with the subject of the post. If I wanted to discuss the Peel Commission I would write a post about it. But I didn’t. Making your comment way off topic.]

          2. [Comment deleted: I own the blog. I make the editorial decisions. Don’t like ’em? Go elsewhere. Simple as that. If you continue complaining about this you will lose your commenting privileges.]

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