.@jaketapper Thanks! Happy to, I’ll email it. My point is that the positions of the radical left (virulent Anti-Israel views, pro BDS, intersectionality) are just as dangerous and worrisome for the Jewish community as the rise of white nationalists. https://t.co/Zjl7Vv1Q3D
— Matt Brooks (@mbrooksrjc) July 13, 2018

Matt Brooks is just an average pro-Israel apparatchik. He earns far more than he’s worth as boss of the Republican Jewish Coalition, as many Jewish communal executives do. He caters to the Jewish fatcat 1% who constitute the entire donor base of the RJC. He’s at their beck and call and makes sure he orders the chocolate bobke for board meetings. He wouldn’t know a working class Jew if one bit him in the ass. Normally, I would ignore anything he said or did unless he stripped naked at a Congressional poker game.
But the tweet above which he posted today, responding to a comment from Jake Tapper noting the anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi GOP Congressional candidates, really takes the cake. Brooks has the unmitigated gall to claim that the “radical left”– by which he means the BDS movement and “intersectionality,” by which he means Black Lives Matter and its alliance with pro-Palestinian activists–is as dangerous to American Jews as white supremacists. Now keep in mind that neo-Nazis have murdered hundreds of Americans over the past few decades, including a number of Jews. Meanwhile no BDS leader or supporter, nor any BLM leader or supporter, has ever harmed anyone physically, let alone murdered them.
But he did have to fend off Tapper’s criticism of the GOP for fielding blatantly anti-Semitic candidates along with a Jewish Congressional candidate who hates African-Americans and Muslims and is fond of quoting white supremacist websites. So he took the easiest way out: attack someone you think everyone will hate. Or at least all your political friends will hate. Truth? Accuracy? Who cares?
It’s as if these Jewish Repugnicans live in a fairy land. I don’t know if Brooks is intelligent enough to understand the difference between a bluff and a lie. Does he really believe what he’s saying, in which case he’s an idiot. Or does he say the first thing that comes into his mind, not caring how close it is to truth–in other words, a blatant liar.
Have Jewish Republicans stooped so low that they defend neo-Nazis because their president does? Have we come to the point where a Jew believes he has less to fear from such dreck than from peace activists?
The problem with these guys is that refuse to accept 1 important issue: the biggest threat to Jewry is Israel and its surrogates.