Amnesty International today released a statement seeking an international arms embargo against Israel due to the indiscriminate slaughter it is wreaking in Gaza. Photographs of today’s protest at the Great March of Return reminded me of the portrayal of the Final Days in the battle between Darkness and Light. Smoke from burning tires, waving Palestinian flags, Israeli snipers taking cold aim behind their fortifications, bullets whizzing through the air; the dead, the dying and the wounded. If not the Final Days, then perhaps it was Hell itself.
Another three Palestinian protesters were murdered in today’s weekly protest, bringing the overall death toll to 41 with 5,000 wounded by tear gas, live fire, and rubber bullets. Six emergency medical personnel and four journalists were among today’s wounded. In past weeks, the IDF murdered two Palestinian journalists who wore vests emblazoned with “Press.”
Many of the wounds are severe and have led to paralysis or amputations.
Today, hundreds of Gaza demonstrators stormed the border fence and in response IDF snipers opened fire. Israel, rather than deal with its actions, blamed the protesters for their own demise. Israel’s UN diplo-hack, Danny Danon said (with a straight face):
“The terrorists are hiding while allowing, even hoping, for their people to die. This is evil in its purest form,” he said.
First, unarmed civilians who die are not terrorists. They are martyrs for their national cause, just as Israel worships early settlers like Yosef Trumpeldor who gave their lives for their country. To diminish the Palestinian sacrifice and reject any connection to similar Israeli sacrifices is beyond perverse. Second, calling Hamas “terrorists” and blaming them for the Palestinian civilians who stormed the fence is patently false. Hamas has not ordered them to do anything. Nor can it. It can order its own fighters to defend Gaza from Israeli attack. But today’s dead were not fighters. Again, they were civilians.
Amnesty’s statement comes in the background of such mayhem:
Israel is carrying out a murderous assault against protesting Palestinians, with its armed forces killing and maiming demonstrators who pose no imminent threat to them, Amnesty International revealed today, based on its latest research…
The Israeli military has killed 35 Palestinians and injured more than 5,500 others – some with what appear to be deliberately inflicted life-changing injuries – during the weekly Friday protests that began on 30 March.
Amnesty International has renewed its call on governments worldwide to impose a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel following the country’s disproportionate response to mass demonstrations along the fence that separates the Gaza Strip from Israel.
“For four weeks the world has watched in horror as Israeli snipers and other soldiers, in full-protective gear and behind the fence, have attacked Palestinian protesters with live ammunition and tear gas. Despite wide international condemnation, the Israeli army has not reversed its illegal orders to shoot unarmed protesters…Some of these cases appear to amount to wilful killing, a grave breach of the Geneva Conventions and a war crime,” said Magdalena Mughrabi, Deputy Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International.
“The time for symbolic statements of condemnation is now over. The international community must act concretely and stop the delivery of arms and military equipment to Israel. A failure to do so will continue to fuel serious human rights abuses against thousands of men, women and children suffering the consequences of life under Israel’s cruel blockade of Gaza. These people are merely protesting their unbearable conditions and demanding the right to return to their homes and towns in what is now Israel.”
The USA is by far Israel’s main supplier of military equipment and technology, with a commitment to provide $38 billion in military aid over the next 10 years. But other countries, including EU member states such as France, Germany, the UK and Italy, have licensed large volumes of military equipment for Israel.
Though I’m not fully versed on Amnesty’s past history regarding such Israeli attacks, I believe this is the first instance in which any international human rights body has called for a full arms embargo against Israel. It’s about time. I hope more such NGOs will join this call for immediate action. Of course, the UN should join the cause, but the U.S. veto precludes any meaningful action by the Security Council. So Trump permits flagrant, brutal murder to flourish in Gaza.
Let’s not blame Trump alone, who just announced he may join the “festivities” at the opening of the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem next month. Who do you think approved that $38-million military weapons package? Barack Obama, of course. The devil is not just in the details, but in the White House.
‘Today, hundreds of Gaza demonstrators stormed the border fence…’
That’s not my impression — could be wrong, though. What’s your source for that statement?
Hamas has, in fact, hijacked the Great Return March.
Citing the New York Times on Palestine has gotten to be like quoting Volkischer Beobachter on the threat posed by Jewish plutocracy. It’s sad; but they’re no longer a trustworthy source.
[Comment deleted: exceeded daily comment limit]
Israel has awful PR.
I was looking for a video like this but couldn’t find it.
Thanks for sharing.
‘Frank’ is a reincarnation of one of the juvenile hasbarists banned here earlier. He is back at his old tricks, posting vomiting scenes and trying to suggest the country of origin of the people posting here discredits them. (A hasbara golden oldie.) Hi ‘Frank’, I do not think you will last long here.
@Frank: Hamas has no.more hijacked the March than you’ve hijacked this comment thread (though not for lack of trying).
I’d say genocidaires have hijacked the IDF, but they didn’t even need to hijack it. It was already an army of slaughter.
You gotta admit: the Zionists do have a sense of humor.
‘…Israel’s UN envoy, Danny Danon, told the security council on Thursday that Hamas in Gaza was responsible for Palestinian casualties and that it was using innocent Palestinian women and children as human shields. “The terrorists are hiding while allowing, even hoping, for their people to die,” he said. “This is evil in its purest form.”…’
A bit twisted, but it did have me chuckling. Those guys…
Hello there,
@Colin and Richard
I don’t see the leaders of Hamas, much less their children, on the front lines, throwing rocks and burning tires.
The leaders of Hamas are telling their people that they have a right to return to all of Palestine, yet a few months ago, these same leaders were telling the Western press that they would agree to a peace plan based on the 1967 borders. I’m confused.
In the United States, a fifteen year old can’t buy liquor or drive a car, but in Gaza, a fifteen year old is allowed or encouraged to riot, even if it means risking life and limb.
It is a question of societal norms. It is a difference in governance.
And BTW. What ‘international law’ entitles the grand-children and great grand-children of original refugees to their own ‘right of return’?
You make me laugh. What gives Jews the right to ‘return’ to a land where, possibly, one of their distant ancestors MAY have lived?
Do you Frank really know who are the children of Hamas leaders and can you recognise them? Come-on, Israel officially said that they did not even know that a Finnish maternity clinic in Gaza had operated in a building for years even there was a huge painted red cross on the roof. IDF however did know for certain, that Hamas was “hiding” weapons in the same building. You are funny people (politely said).
Frank what international laws entitle the ULTRA great grand-children of “original” refugees from 2000 years distance to their own return. Frank admit you are living on stolen land or do we begin to argue did God gave that land to your cult? If it was so that heavenly power did not trust that you can and are able to rule yourself. During the past 4000 years Israel has been independent only for a couple of hundred years. Seems that in your cult’s moral code your people have the eternal right of return, but the gentiles do not have that right even their expulsion happened a short while ago. Also you seem to give yourself always the right of demanding and getting compensation for lost properties, but you are not ready to do the same to those whose properties you did steal. Real exemplary Herrenvolk indeed.
@ Simo
Jews are the indigenous people, same as the Sami people are indigenous to ‘Finland’. The Sami people, whose lands you stole and that you are now living on.
Just give it back.
Yup, the Middle east was full of light skinned, blue eyed Europeans once.
And by the way, as far as I know, Finns are one of the oldest ethnic groups in Europe, but I will leave that part to Simo.
@Frank: Many tribes over thousands of years were indigenous to the land now called Israel. Israelites were only one of many. Today’s Jews are no more indigenous to Israel than 10th generation Irish or Germans in the U.S. are indigenous to those countries. Does this give them the right to claim a home abandoned 10 generations ago? A home they abandoned and weren’t even expelled from as Palestinians were in 48?
@Frank: your faulty reasoning argues that the Right of Return means Isrsel’s destruction. It doesn’t. Not by a long shot. Israel can easily resettle and absorb that 400-500,000 Palestinian Nakba refugees who would choose to exercise this right through returning directly to Israel.
That crack about”societal morms” was racist and inexcusable. Try s$%t like that again and you’re gone for good.
Whether Hamas arranges or controls the protests is irrelevant. Hamas is the governing entity in Gaza and thus has responsibility to the protests and protesters. Not to mention, Hamas has the power to prevent them or make sure they are controlled.
Every time an individual Israeli harm a Palestinian Richard blames the entire nation and the leadership. But when thousands of Palestinians are rioting, Hamas somehow has zilch to do with it.
I see. According to you it is the responsibility of Hamas to shoot the protesters. Sure, makes sense.
If you think the only way to stop protesters is by shooting them, why do you have an issue with IDF doing so?
Hamas controls that side of the fence and has tools to control the crowd. If it doesn’t, it should give the keys to someone else.
It is a grass roots initiative, no matter how much you would like to spin it in different ways buddy. Why would Hamas keep the natives submissive for you, the way the PA does?
‘Whether Hamas arranges or controls the protests is irrelevant. Hamas is the governing entity in Gaza and thus has responsibility to the protests and protesters. Not to mention, Hamas has the power to prevent them or make sure they are controlled.
Every time an individual Israeli harm a Palestinian Richard blames the entire nation and the leadership. But when thousands of Palestinians are rioting, Hamas somehow has zilch to do with it.’
As far as I know, not one Palestinian has crossed into Israel, nor has a single Jew been hurt.
This is entirely an unprovoked Zionist atrocity — aimed at people who aren’t even in Israel, no less. All you accomplish by defending it is to condemn yourself.
Well, you make it hard for me to keep my breakfast down — but I’m not sure that qualifies as an accomplishment.
Lol. I’m still trying to answer my own question as to what extent an attempt to ‘storm the border’ actually happened, but meantime, I ran across this:
Apparently, the IDF decided to shoot up a couple of moored fishing boats. Hey: they’re getting frustrated.
‘After dark, Hamas said an Israeli drone fired missiles at two boats moored off the Gaza shore and caused damage. No casualties were reported.
The Israeli military said in a statement that its warplanes “targeted six military targets belong to the Hamas terror organisation’s naval force in the Gaza Strip”…’
Shades of the ‘large naval targets’ Iran used to fire off Silkworm missiles at.
‘Jews are the indigenous people, same as the Sami people are indigenous to ‘Finland’…’
Frank: I try to ignore you — but the above is a falsehood. Worse, it’s at the heart of the Zionist delusion — so it’s definitely an falsehood that needs to be addressed.
The Jews were never expelled from Palestine. ‘The Jews’ — such as they were — of Palestine stayed right there, by and large, and today their descendants are ‘Palestinians,’ some Christian and some Muslim. For what it’s worth, the bulk of the remaining indigenous Jewish population of Palestine seems to have adopted Islam at some point around the ninth century. People — naturally — have come in and gone out over the centuries, but until 1948, there was no wholesale population replacement in Palestine.
Them’s the facts — at least so far as they can be ascertained. If you want to give Palestine ‘back’ to its indigenous inhabitants, that’s easily done.
Get the Zionists to leave.
[Comment deleted: exceeded daily comment limit]
The Palestinians are Arabs and probably arrived during or after Mohammad conquests.
In addition, many Arabs immigrated to Palestine in the last 200 years and have no previous connection to the land.
Not sure where you take your information from.
‘The Palestinians are Arabs and probably arrived during or after Mohammad conquests.
In addition, many Arabs immigrated to Palestine in the last 200 years and have no previous connection to the land.
Not sure where you take your information from.’
Nope. There is evidence of large-scale Arab immigration into Iraq. However, the conquest of Syria and Palestine saw the arrival of some elite families, but no wholesale demographic change.
Of course, there was no massive Arab immigration into Palestine in the last two hundred years. That’s a Zionist fantasy.
Zionist faithful really believe this stuff about the entire Jewish population having been expelled from the promised land by the Romans, and nothing will convince them otherwise. Even though there are no records of it, it would have been against the Roman interests (no farmers, no tax income) and the archaeology does not support the idea either. In fact, it is an anti-Semitic medieval myth, invented to claim that the Jews were condemned to wander the world for not accepting Christ. But the idea seems to have been internalised to the point that it has become a Zionist article of faith.
The advance of DNA research is destroying the mythology, to the point where it will soon be firmly in the realm of pseudo science.
The whole descent thing should not matter, but it has been made into such a central claim to justify ownership of the land by the Zionist ideology, that it simply has to be reacted to.
‘Yup, the Middle east was full of light skinned, blue eyed Europeans once.’
That’s the comic bit. I remember when Yishai, Israel’s Interior Minister — he of ‘Israel is for the white man’ fame — made his immortal remarks.
He’s a Tunisian Jew. I got inspired, and started scanning photos of (presumably gentile) Tunisians. Yup. I found Yishai’s long-lost twin brother.
I imagine Yemeni Jews look a whole lot like other Yemenis. Netanyahu is of Polish stock — and sure enough. He looks similar to many modern Poles.
The truth is RIGHT THERE. Literally, in front of everyone’s eyes. Jews, like anyone else, are above all descendants of the people they’ve been living among for centuries. Hate to break it to all the racial purity aficionados, but people do screw the maid. Peasants take up the faith of their overlord. Etc.
Yet we’re to subscribe to the singularly pernicious and demonstrably false fantasy that Jews are all descendants of a people supposedly expelled from Palestine two thousand years ago — and never mind that there’s no evidence for that expulsion in the first place.
…and the evidence goes on and on — this just isn’t the place for it all. Yet people insist otherwise. It is literally like people who deny global warming is happening. Look: you may not want to face it. But here’s the truth…
[Comment deleted: exceeded daily comment limit]
Why don’t you stick to measuring people’s craniums and noses.
You seem to have a knack for for that.’
When all else fails, right, Frank?
‘Hamas controls that side of the fence and has tools to control the crowd. If it doesn’t, it should give the keys to someone else.’
What a fascinating theory. So if — say — there’s a protest in Vancouver, and the Canadian authorities can’t police it to our satisfaction, it would be reasonable for the US to strafe the crowds with Hueys?
If those Canadian tried to break onto American soil – you bet!!
Frank says:
Here is the video of the attempted breach.
link to timesofisrael.com…’
Dunno whether to laugh or to cry. Your video shows (1) two individuals running up to the fence and then running away from it, (2) perhaps a dozen individuals running along it, (3) Some Palestinians dragging away the barbed wire that the IDF had planted on the Palestian side of the border.
No breach, attempted or otherwise. Certainly no vast crowds to explain the hundred+ shooting victims.
…and here I was thinking there might actually be some evidence to somehow ameliorate Israel’s culpability. Thanks, Frank: you’ve reassured me.
Israel is pathetic, isn’t it? The way it keeps trying to justify its crimes?
[Comment deleted: after you were warned about the daily comment limit you once again exceeded it. You are now moderated. Only Comments by you which respect the rules will be published.]
At least learn to spell ‘caliper.’
[Comment deleted: read my lips. You don’t like the rules of the game or how I enforce them, you don’t have to play.]
Start your own blog Jimmy, I promise I won’t visit it. ‘Frank’ is a juvenile little pest. Surely even you can see that?
[Comment deleted: you were warned and are now moderated]
It’s his blog. And when someone, who you have to admit, is given the opportunity to post countless comments here, is being a childish irritant, it is his prerogative to swat him away when he feels like it. A small payback for all the time invested in this blog.
@Elisabeth: thanks!
‘My video, at least the first 10 seconds of it, shows hundreds of people milling around the fence, and a dozen or two are hiding in a berm while trying to burn down the fence with tires…’
That’s another thing. I love how in Hasbara-land, you can burn down a metal fence.
OBVIOUSLY, the nasty Palestinians are setting fire to tires to make it harder for the good Israelis to shoot them. They’re certainly not setting fires in hopes of destroying the fence.
Frank Jews were actually originally Egyptians with a different religion than the majority had. They were simply religious refugees when they entered Israel, which was as you perfectly well know inhabitated already before that invasion.
What comes to the Sami people, were they the first on this land after ice time? No they were not. Most of Sami people got mixed during times with Finns. Finns are so also Sami people. Both languages Finnish and Sami belong to same language group. Actually most of Russia belonged to Fenno-ugrian tribes. When the Slavic invasion started the many of Fenno ugrian tribes were smelted in the new main population. Ukrainian Nazis claim that Russians are actually Fenno ugrians who speak Russian. There is much truth in that. By the way Frank you have almost one million “Finns” there in Israel. 🙂
“Frank Jews were actually originally Egyptians with a different religion than the majority had”
Where did you ever come up with this absurdity?
The expression ‘Frank’ in the Jewish world is some few hundred years old possibly more.
It is used in the pejorative by Ashkenazim about Sephardi Jews.
The Jews in Egypt were in possession of customs, they dressed differently and had their own jargon and were a homogeneous tribal group who stuck together and as history says were enslaved by the Egyptians. Moses dressed as an Egyptian prince and thus until a certain point his own people did not know he was one of them.
There is a concept in Judaism, before the giving of the Torah and after the giving which for the most part introduced a system of jurisprudence which then obligated them under the Law.
After this it gets quite complicated but I wanted to clear up the point ‘Frank’.
yisrael you are not a very talented example of your strange “tribe”. You are obviously an ordinary “Frank”.
Of course Jews were Egyptians in the time of Moses or what country’s passports do you think they had in their pockets? Naturally Jews had different customs and religion etc compared to the main population (in ancient Egypt were many tribes and cults). Equally today Hell Angeles motorcycle club members are a separate “tribe”. Also they are in possession of customs, they dress differently and have their own jargon and are a homogeneous tribal group who stick together (even in prison).
Are you yisrael ashamed to be an offspring of ancient Egyptians? Jews have been ruled by Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans etc. Rarely by Jews. Not a very glorious history so you have to satisfy what real history offers you and not rely on the folklore you would like your cults history to be.
The Eastern Lakes Goshen is located in the northeastern Nile Delta region of Egypt. When Joseph’s family came to escape the famine in Canaan and live in Egypt, they settled in an area called Goshen, also referred to as the land of Rameses (Genesis 45:10; 47:11)
So as I said read your Bible. The Hebrews did not originate in Egypt but in Mesopotamia where Abraham was. In Goshen they were on a stopover and things were rough so they went ‘down’ to Egypt to see if things were better there.
@ yisrael: what I find oh so charming is that Orthodox Jews like I presume yisrael is take the Bible as recorded history. It’s not. We have no way of knowing what in the Bible is historically accurate and what isn’t. Some of it may be. Some of it definitely is not. But to presume that the Biblical account of the Israelites settlement in Egypt is historically accurate in every, or even in the main details, is foolish.
@ yisrael: Oh dear. What you write about the word “Frank” and its use in a Jewish context is indeed true. But it’s completely wrong in this context, and embarrassingly so, as Elisabeth points out so well.
Yisrael, the comment was directed towards another commented called ‘Frank’. That should have been clear.
Your misreading of this, agrees with what has crossed my mind several times regarding your comments: You proud yourself on being able to read several languages, but you fail to understand the true meaning of any of the languages you quote.
[Comment deleted: you may not repeat a comment or the same argument twice.
Goshen was a place in Egypt. Try to understand that yisrael. You can not deny your Egyptian roots 🙂
@ Elisabeth: You saved me writing virtually the same comment. Except that you said it far more wittily than I would have!
Palestinians never got anywhere near the Apartheid “barrier” but did reach and partially breach a barbed wire fence 30 yards from the “Barrier”. Even the Apartheid Barrier is built well inside Gaza. At no point were Palestinians anywhere near Israel.
It is really “hilarious” that in war using teargas is prohibited (really it is by international treaties) to be used, because it is a battle-gas and so a real chemical weapon. Using it in crowd control is obviously legal, even we can see in pictures of Gaza it is used like in a way like chemical weapons are used. By the way in most often used tear gases (CN and CS) one component is CHLORIDE.
Israel likes to portray (when it suites them), that Gaza is a fully independent entity, not Israeli territory (what it is). So is Israel attacking a sovereign entity using chemical weapons? Or is Israel doing the same as Germans around Warsaw Ghetto did – crowd control – in order to protect Polish and German lives and security equipment (the IDF explanation of the present situation). Israel and the international community should make their mind what Gaza really is. If Syrian state army and Russian troops attacking encircled areas in Syria occupied by forces, which make Hamas look like secular liberals, is seen as a war crime why has Gaza not equal red lines?
We could also ask why do the people of Gaza not use the resent trick and stage a yellow chlorine barrel bomb being dropped from an Israeli helicopter on some building. A good blurry video in social net where people are spraying water on children in panic and cruise missiles begin to rain on Israeli chemical weapon sites. Well in theory …
‘…So is Israel attacking a sovereign entity using chemical weapons? Or is Israel doing the same as Germans around Warsaw Ghetto did – crowd control – in order to protect Polish and German lives and security equipment (the IDF explanation of the present situation). Israel and the international community should make their mind what Gaza really is…’
You’ve got it exactly backwards. Equivocation is one of the few rhetorical devices left to Israel to defend her actions. Gaza (and the West Bank) need to be foreign territory when it comes to Israel ignoring the rule of the law, democratic principles, ensuring the welfare of the inhabitants, etc — then part of Israel when it comes to preventing foreign interference, settling and exploiting the land, and policing the inhabitants. Sometimes, both need to happen at once: witness her current murders in Gaza. Of course they’re not subject to the rule of the law; Gaza isn’t part of Israel. Of course Israel can ignore the border and kill people in Gaza; Gaza’s part of Israel.
Israel CAN’T make up her mind. If she did, her actions would be simply and obviously indefensible. At the moment, she’d either (a) be engaged in a campaign of murderous aggression against people harmlessly demonstrating within their own country, or (b) slaughtering her own subjects without regard to the rule of the law. Make it both at once, and you can throw up enough smoke so people don’t have to admit to themselves what is going on.
And oh yeah: Gaza isn’t quite the same as the Warsaw Ghetto — but the analogy gets better every year. Great minds think alike, and all that.
Of course Gaza is equal to Warsaw Ghetto. The function of Gaza and the WW2 ghettos is exactly the same from the stronger side’s interests, storage for unwanted population. The main difference is that the outsiders keep feeding the people of Gaza and paying the costs. In Warsaw Ghetto were no outsiders donating bred. We also know how the Warsaw Ghetto ended.
How Gaza will end/be solved we do not know, but the solutions Israel has to offer do not promise a better solution to that of how Warsaw Ghetto ended. Only a naive optimist believes that Egypt will take Gaza and those 2 million Palestinians without a war against it. Will Israel offer the people of Gaza citizenship and equality? Israel has a some years in maximum before Gaza collapses totally and becomes to polluted to continue. What then? If Israel takes the people of Gaza and West Bank then Israel transforms permanently to Palestine. So the solution left is …
[Comment deleted].
Why not try to behave in a less childish manner Frank?
Frank is right. Colin published 13 entries as of this morning and Frank only 8 including deleted. RS doesn’t like something or it is too close to the truth -gone-. Aside from the extreme verbosity of CS’s post he is what we call in Hebrew a נוד נפוח, correcting typos is certainly childish and it is sort of a given rule that it is overlooked on the internet.
RS has many misspellings but I assume it is just a mistake and overlook it.
But when bloggers start with ‘blue eyes and blonde hair” and CW with his phrenological speculations that takes us back to the late 19th century and the subsequent Nazi extreme use of all these theories.
Should be excised, no?
As far as skin color the Talmud says “a Jew is neither black nor white” comments of this order are invalid.
As far as Elizabeth is concerned that she is Dutch she herself has mentioned over the years this fact.
And her stating do the Jews really believe on returning to Israel I ask her, as she has said she is a Christian, does she not believe in the second coming JC? That could sound quite absurd to a lot of people.
So it seems a lot of people are throwing stones while living in glass houses while others don’t know what they are talking about
I am not a fundamentalist, and I am not into end-times speculation, thank you. So no, I do not believe in any ‘second coming’. As ‘Frank’ is supposedly new here, how can he know that I am Dutch? I recognize his childish behavior from earlier banned characters.
‘…As ‘Frank’ is supposedly new here, how can he know that I am Dutch?’
Meh. I gathered that you were Dutch somehow, and I haven’t been here all that long.
I have been here since the first Gaza massacre, and have seen many people come and go. I recognize Franks style. He is not new here, unlike you, Colin.
Another thing concerning your comment Yisrael:
Both religious Jews, as well as Christians, expect, or hope, for some kind of deliverance of this world from suffering. This is a religious kind of hope, not a nationalist agenda of action like Zionism. You seem to equate this religious hope, that was at least one of the things Christianity and Judaism had in common, with Zionism, which is a nationalist ideology.
Zionist ideals are supposedly based on historical facts. Anyone therefore has the right to question whether the historical claims of Zionism are indeed based on fact.
The coming of the Messiah on the other hand (or his return, as Christianity would have it) are in the realm of religion.
The fact that you cannot separate the two confirms what many have claimed before me: Judaism has been merged with, or even replaced by Zionism. Something which was in origin a secular and nationalist ideology, has become a religion.
Yisrael really is special.
‘But when bloggers start with ‘blue eyes and blonde hair” and CW with his phrenological speculations that takes us back to the late 19th century and the subsequent Nazi extreme use of all these theories.
Should be excised, no?’
I never made any ‘phrenological speculations.’ Frank attributed them to me for some reason that probably makes sense to him — but no, I didn’t make them. Then he started mispelling ‘calipers’ a lot…and here we are.
‘As far as Elizabeth is concerned that she is Dutch she herself has mentioned over the years this fact.
And her stating do the Jews really believe on returning to Israel I ask her, as she has said she is a Christian, does she not believe in the second coming JC? That could sound quite absurd to a lot of people.’
This one surpasses comment. How DID you decide all these things about Elizabeth?
Anyway, Richard’s going to come stomping in here and delete everything at some point — so we might as well have fun while we can.
Do continue.
[Comment deleted: address other commenters by their names. Do not add snark forms of address. Consider this your last warning before being moderated]
Calm down.
Calm down.
Calm down.
An American friend once told me that at his synagogue you could question the existence of God, and people would not bat an eyelid, but if you questioned one of the sacred tenets of Zionism you were ostracized.
‘An American friend once told me that at his synagogue you could question the existence of God, and people would not bat an eyelid, but if you questioned one of the sacred tenets of Zionism you were ostracized.’
That actually brings up a point I’d be interested in discussing — and hearing Richard’s input on. Sadly, the hasbaristas running wild in the living room would make the conversation difficult here.
To what extent has Israel replaced religion, culture, and a sense of ethnicity as the touchstone of Jewish identity? A Jew can be ‘for’ Israel,’ or critical of Israel, or even outright hostile to it — but can he simply be indifferent to it? Has a ‘Jew’ above all become a person who feels — voluntarily or not — identified with Israel?
Good question. I have mentioned here before, that I hope Judaism will survive Israel. (You answered something to the extent that you couldn’t care less.)
By the way, it is clear that you have selectively quoted from this site: http://www.crusaderkingdoms.com/jews.html
Nothing there validates the idea that the Jewish population was expelled from the Holy Land by the Romans.
I don’t suppose it’s occurred to you that nothing you posted refutes anything I posted.
@Golem Wright
Golem wrote:
“For what it’s worth, the bulk of the remaining indigenous Jewish population of Palestine seems to have adopted Islam at some point around the ninth century.”
Frank wrote:
“…from the second quarter of the 13th century until its fall, Acre became a vibrant Jewish center, a “cross-section of the different communities of the Diaspora. The leading elements were Jews from Spain and from northern and southern France, in addition to eastern Jews, whether Palestinian-born or from neighboring Moslem, countries…Here a Talmudic academy continued the tradition of the French Tosafists, whereas rabbi Salomon Petit expounded the Kabbala and Spanish Jews continued their own tradition.”
I have absolutely refuted what you wrote, since Acre, and other cities like Haifa and Ashkelon had substantial numbers of Jews in the 13th century, not to mention all the Jews in Jerusalem in 1099.
Now toss $18 into the kitty.
‘I have absolutely refuted what you wrote, since Acre, and other cities like Haifa and Ashkelon had substantial numbers of Jews in the 13th century, not to mention all the Jews in Jerusalem in 1099.’
Sigh. No, you haven’t. That there were still Jewish communities in Palestine in the thirteenth century by no means refutes the observation that the bulk of the Jews in Palestine converted to other faiths at some point in the preceding millenium-plus. There are still most certainly American Indians left in North America; that doesn’t demonstrate that the population wasn’t radically reduced in the course of European settlement. There are old English Catholic families who are still around…etc, etc.
I was in Ireland last summer; the estate at Birr is still owned by the old family who settled there in the course of the Protestant ascendancy. Does that disprove the fact that most of the Protestant land-owning aristocracy was driven out of Ireland in the course of the twentieth century?
‘Now toss $18 into the kitty?’
Why $18? I’m still puzzling over that one.
@ Colin: You are feeding the trolls. This may be something you enjoy. Perhaps others enjoy it–or not. I don’t.
Keep to the three comment per day limit and try not to feed the trolls. It only makes them more hungry.
[Comment deleted: besides being off topic, this sort of thing is (to me at least) boring as s—.]
Approve Trash Trash Thread Trash & Ban IP | Trash Thread & Ban IP
Technically, it hasn’t been quite 24 hours since my last stream of comments, but I’m coming in for a fair amount of criticism, so I think I’ll go ahead and start a bit early.
First, Richard has deleted my posts on occasion. I found it particularly irritating on at least one occasion, so that may help. But then, it’s Richard’s blog.
Second, I am hardly Richard’s ‘Golem.’ In fact, while I haven’t explored the point, I’m confident we differ sharply over a wide range of issues. However, at least trying to do something about the evil my country perpetrates and is drawn into via our support for Zionism takes precedence, so I’ll start arguing with Richard when we get to a better world. After all, this is Richard’s blog.
Third, looking back over my posts, one or two could go, but in general, they are intelligent, necessary responses to the more mischievious lies posted by Frank et al. Surely they don’t expect to just post falsehoods to their hearts’ content without me or anyone else commenting.
Fourth. Wahhh. Hasbarists have been methodically barring, chilling, and punishing all criticism of Israel across the internet, academia, the political arena, and every other public forum I can think of. It’s actually kind of refreshing to see them get shut down while everyone else can post freely. I could hang with that for quite a while…
Fifth, it is Richard’s blog. He can use a spinner and delete posts beginning with the letter ‘K’ if he sees fit.
[Comment deleted: you are now moderated. Next step is to ban you entirely. You have been warned]
[comment deleted: as Elisabeth noted equating Zionism to Nazism is impermissible here. Given that you routinely exceed the 3 comment per day limit I’ve imposed and that you’ve now violated a major comment rule, I offer this warning. These are serious violations. Read the comment rules again and respect them.]
I just read this! I have seriously tried to get used to you, your quirks and your omnipresence but this is the limit. Zionism indistinguishable from Nazism? I am out of here until are gone.
Dunno if my comment on this got lost, but I am out of here after this insane statement by Colin Wright.
“I regard Zionism as ideologically indistinguishable from Nazism”
For me this comment really is the limit. I am out of here.
‘@ Colin: You are feeding the trolls. This may be something you enjoy. Perhaps others enjoy it–or not. I don’t.
Keep to the three comment per day limit and try not to feed the trolls. It only makes them more hungry.’
It’s not that I enjoy it.
If I was a smallmouth bass I’d never make it through the pre-spawn. All I need to do is to see that jig bouncing over the rocks, and I’ll go for it every time…
Maybe I’ll go do some actual fishing. Put myself on the other end of this equation for a bit.
Apparently, the IDF can’t wait a whole week any more.
‘BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Three Palestinians were killed on Sunday in two separate incidents on the Israel-Gaza border, according to the Israeli army.
The statement said that the first incident occurred when two Palestinian men “attempted to infiltrate” Israel from a southern section of the Gaza border fence. Israeli solders shot and killed one of the men, while the other sustained non-fatal wounds, and was later taken to an unknown location for questioning.
The second incident transpired when, according to the Israeli statement, two men managed to cross the fence and “hurled explosive devices” at soldiers, who shot them dead.
The identities of the men who were killed remained unknown…’
What’s a little depressing is that things have reached the point where one simply doesn’t know what happened. Perhaps these Palestinians really did try to cross the border. Maybe Israel just shot them and then claimed they did. It’s improbable they ‘hurled explosive devices’ — but they may have.
Who knows? All we have are the statements of the IDF — and all those indicate is what the IDF wishes us to believe.
When it is ok to state that Zionism = Nazism and Richard does nothing, I am out of here.
And this is the third time I objected to this, and the first time my comment got through.
@ Elisabeth: I should have checked this out when you first mentioned your commenting problem. For some odd reason, my spam filter flagged a few of your comments and those of the Paranam Kid as spam. I’ve unflagged them now. Please let me know if anything like this happens again.
Alright: what do you see as the distinctions between the two?
@Elisabeth: That’ll be ok over my dead body!