42 thoughts on “Angel of Death Struck Gaza’s First-Born Sons – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. This is too heartbreaking to bear. Israel must stop its inhumanity. Israel will live with justice toward Palestine or die with few mourning its passing.

  2. ‘…I’ve crafted a darker, contemporary drash related about what some Jews are calling the Passover Massacre. I call it makat b’chorot azah, or the Killing of the First-Born Sons of Gaza…’

    The moral of the story would seem to be that Zionism has made a mockery of your religion.

    1. @ Colin Wright: I don’t think Zionism has made a mockery of Judaism. I think they’re two separate entities though anti-Semites and Likudniks try to conflate them. Those who do this like settlers I like to call Judeans, rather than Jews. That protects my religion from being overly polluted by their pagan idolatry.

  3. Tomorrow’s Friday: rematch!

    B’Tselem is calling on Jewish soldiers to refuse orders to shoot unarmed civilians.

    ‘“This is part of the moral ethos of this country, something Israelis are taught in school, that army officers are taught as part of their training and that is the moral compass we’re all supposed to follow,” said Hagai El-Ad, B’Tselem’s executive director. “And we’re stating that front and center and demanding that we will follow it now.” ‘

    Uh huh. Maybe the ethos isn’t all that firmly a part of the morality of Israel. I imagine the Jews will willingly shoot all the Palestinians they’re asked to.

  4. [comment deleted: comments may not spread rumor or opinion especially when they are contentious issues. Claims must be based on credible sources and fact.
    Your claims about Hamas’ views are false and unsupported by credible evidence. Your next comment rule violation will result in moderation.]

    1. ‘Throw Molotov’s at soldiers and risk being shot’

      Pray and risk being shot. In fact, be Palestinian and risk being shot, eh, Frank?

      …and you don’t even need to go to Israel for the service. Israel will shoot you over on your side of the border!

      What would you Zionists do without Palestinians? Who would you butcher instead?

    2. ‘I’m going to stick my neck out, and predict that today there will be no riots on the border today. Israel’s (sometime excessive) resort to violence will have deterred further bloodshed.’

      Translation: you’re hoping that Israel, having obviously blown it last week, orders a halt to the murders for today.

    3. [comment deleted: off topic. Comments must be directly related to the subject of the post and not new topics generated by you.]

      1. [Comment deleted: comment rule violation. Yet another warning on this matter. You don’t make the rules, I do. Rather than whine about this, find someplace where you like the rules better.]

  5. ‘Throw Molotov’s at soldiers and risk being shot.’

    The only party claiming the Palestinians threw molotov cocktails is the IDF — and the IDF inevitably claims its victims threw molotov cocktails.

    Why don’t you say they came at the soldiers with a knife, Frank?

  6. ‘Throw Molotovs at soldiers.’

    ‘Palestinians say protesters were fired on while posing no threat to soldiers, and that they were 700 to 1,000 metres away from the border fence, where Israeli snipers and infantry brigades were stationed behind man-made sandy hills.’

    Damn. Hell of an arm on those Palestinians, huh? Can you picture them in the majors?

    1. ‘I ask again, ‘Is Hamas blameless in this bloody game? Lily white?’’

      By George, Frank, you’ve got a point!

      I’m writing my congressman right now. I’m going to demand we reduce our support of Hamas to levels no greater than those we offer Israel. Fair is fair, that’s what I say.

  7. ‘‘I ask again, ‘Is Hamas blameless in this bloody game? Lily white?’’’

    Then too, there’s another point. Why should an organization be ‘blamed’ for organizing a protest on its own side of a border?

    …and how is that even remotely equivalent to the party on the other side of the border calmly proceeding to shoot hundreds of the demonstrators even though they have yet to enter its territory?

    Now, in the extra-Israel world, that might be considered a horrifying act of unprovoked aggression. You know, ‘Frank’, you’re not actually allowed to shoot people in other countries.

  8. ‘I ask again…’

    And now I’ll ask you something again, ‘Frank.’ What would you Zionists do without Palestinians? Who would you butcher instead?

    1. @ Colin Wright: While in general I appreciate your contribution here, I think in this comment you’re engaging in provocation for the sake of it. I think the comment section should not consist of people provoking each other in this fashion. Frankly, not many people here care what people like Frank have to say. So what you’re doing is drawing out that nasty streak in him. It really doesn’t add value to the discussion. It makes peoples’ eyes glaze over.

      1. ‘@ Colin Wright: While in general I appreciate your contribution here, I think in this comment you’re engaging in provocation for the sake of it. I think the comment section should not consist of people provoking each other in this fashion. Frankly, not many people here care what people like Frank have to say. So what you’re doing is drawing out that nasty streak in him. It really doesn’t add value to the discussion. It makes peoples’ eyes glaze over.’

        Aw — and I was just coming back with more rocks. Oh, alright..

  9. The slaughter’s continuing for a second week, albeit on a reduced scale: score for today is three dead so far plus over a hundred wounded.

    One does have to wonder what the Jews of Palestine seriously think will happen. Will they be able to keep their victims caged forever? When they are finally forced to release them, do they think they will be magically forgiven? How much retribution would last week’s victims alone exact?

    This HAS happened before. Germany moved settlers into Poland in 1939-1945. If the Jews of Palestine want to know what’s in store for them, they could look into what the fate of those earlier settlers was.

    1. These were Nazi plans for their glorious future, but as far as I know, they were never put into practice. Instead, there were ancient German speaking areas in Poland and other eastern European countries that we’re ethnically cleansed after WW2, because of the Nazis exploits. (Which not their fault: Linguistic borders are just that. They usually do not follow state’s borders.) Please do not gloat about their fate. I saw their abandoned villages and churches when I was on holiday in the Czech Republic two years ago.

      1. ‘These were Nazi plans for their glorious future, but as far as I know, they were never put into practice.’

        No, you’re wrong about that. The Germans had difficulty finding as many settlers as they would have liked, but they did start settlements — and as far east as Zamosc. In particular, all the Germans of Bessarabia were evacuated from that Romanian province when Russia occupied it in 1940 and resettled in those areas of Poland that had been incorporated into the Reich.

        Aside from the historical details, a rather good account of this — and a good look at Nazism in general — is ‘Account Rendered,’ by Melita Maschmann. Melita was a young Nazi activist who found herself as the ‘fuhrerin’ of a group of several hundred rather hapless Bessarabian German settlers in Poland.

        1. The Bessarabian Germans (I had not heard of them before)lived there from 1812 to 1940, according to Wikipedia. So they were settled there by the Nazi’s in 1812? Interesting.

          1. ‘The Bessarabian Germans (I had not heard of them before)lived there from 1812 to 1940, according to Wikipedia. So they were settled there by the Nazi’s in 1812? Interesting.’

            Oh honestly, Elizabeth.

            I should just demand that you grow up, but here:

            When Hitler and Stalin split up Eastern Europe, Stalin demanded Bessarabia. Hitler said ‘fine,’ but we want to get out the Germans first.’

            Needless to say, the Bessarabian Germans didn’t want to stick around to experience Stalin’s tender embrace, so off they went. And Germany knew just where to put them…

          2. You compare farmers, pushed around by the great powers, to settlers from Israel or the US, who, voluntarily, and for ideological reasons, settle on Palestinian land, without being forced to do so in any way? Thinking well before you post silly comparisons is a sign of adulthood, mind you.

      2. ‘…Please do not gloat about their fate. I saw their abandoned villages and churches when I was on holiday in the Czech Republic two years ago.’

        I don’t gloat over their fate at all. Just the contrary. However, there is a cautionary tale there.

        1. So the cautionary tale from the Bessarabian Germans is: If you have been ethnically cleansed once, from one area, and have been forcefully located to another area, you can be kicked out again. That seems a cautionary tale for the Palestinians of Syria, Kuwait and other places. Is that what you meant?

          1. ‘So the cautionary tale from the Bessarabian Germans is: If you have been ethnically cleansed once, from one area, and have been forcefully located to another area, you can be kicked out again. That seems a cautionary tale for the Palestinians of Syria, Kuwait and other places. Is that what you meant?’

            Bizarre. For some reason, you seem to be trying to make me say something untrue, that I don’t even believe. Are you channeling Frank?

            But okay. My POINT is that the Germans of Eastern Europe suffered a horrific fate. Rightly or wrongly, they suffered that fate because the Nazis behaved bestially in Poland and the Western Soviet Union. When the Nazis lost, the Germans — all Germans — suffered.

            Israel has behaved in a fashion apparently almost calculated to enrage her gentile subjects and leave them filled with hate. Obviously, should Israel ever lose, the Jews of Palestine are at considerable risk of suffering a fate similar to that of the Germans of Eastern Europe.

            …and of all the things I could add, perhaps the most pertinent is that everyone always loses eventually. Even Rome’s hour in the sun came to an end. Right now, the US is rapidly ceasing to be global hegemon. When we’re no more potent than — say — Russia, who is going to arm, protect, and finance Israel?

          2. No. You specifically referred to settlers and their fate (look back to what you wrote) and I pointed out that those Germans that were kicked out of eastern Europe had been living there for centuries, and were NOT ideological settlers. Choose your bloody ‘cautionary tales’ better or expect complaints from me in the future as well.

  10. ‘You compare farmers, pushed around by the great powers, to settlers from Israel or the US, who, voluntarily, and for ideological reasons, settle on Palestinian land, without being forced to do so in any way? Thinking well before you post silly comparisons is a sign of adulthood, mind you.’

    Okay. That’s enough.

    If you can’t conduct a polite conversation, and insist on misunderstanding and even reversing my point, I fail to see the point in attempting to talk to you.

    1. Maybe mr Wright reading a couple of history books among your fishing hobby and writing tens of comments to this blog would increase the quality of your future comments.

      Ancestors and grandparents from my Austrian mother’s side lived in the so called Sudetenland which after WW1 became part of Czechoslovakia and was ethnically cleansed from German speakers which my mother’s parents were. Before WW1 there was no Poland and German Empire was in one “piece”, Poles were a small minority among Germans. After WW1 Germany was considerably smaller and in two pieces. In the Versailles treaty formed Polnischer Korridor (Polish corridor) was one of the main reasons for WW2. Poland was not ready to give Germany enough transport rights between the two parts of Germany. In Estonia the Germans were not very liked because for hundreds of years the lands had belonged to German speaking upper class and the finno-ugrian Estonians were land slaves. Estonia was a part of Russia for hundreds of years and became independent for a while in 1918. Europe is full of such tribal and ethnic historic “problems”. By the way St Petersburg (former Leningrad) was built on land which belonged to a Finnish tribe and was once part of Sweden. The name Tallinn, capital of Estonia, comes from the words castle of Danes. We could also speak about Elsass-Lothringen, is it French or German ? Or about South Tirol which is now part of Italy, but were the people speak German and would like to be Austrians.

      Anyway what Elisabet did write about German minorities are real facts and well know to us Europeans. Germans lived for hundreds of years on large area form Ukraine to France. Yddish by the way is based on German language and it was spoken on a large area where the Ashkenazi Jews lived. Believing that everything what happened between WW1 and WW2 was manipulated and caused simply by Hitler (Nazis) and Stalin (Communists) is a huge American/Hollywood “simplification”.

      The difference between the German speakers land claims and the Israeli settlers “reasoning” is the huge “time difference”. Germans justified their claims because some tens of years ago the area was inhabited by German speakers. The Israeli Settlers justify their “claims” that their ancestors might have lived there 2000 years earlier. If Mexicans demand one day California and Texas back, they can justify the demand by saying that our ancestors owned that >200 years ago. Still their justification is almost 10 times younger than the settlers claimed property rights. 🙂

      1. ‘Maybe Mr Wright reading a couple of history books…would improve the quality of your future comments…’

        ? Thanks for the mildly insulting yet quite unjustified abuse. Perhaps you would care to point out one inaccurate statement I have made on this subject.

        I think that like Elizabeth, for some reason, you’re reading something into my remarks that simply isn’t there. As a matter of fact, one of my ancestors came from Memel in the 1860’s — one of those German cities that now isn’t.

        So I could pretend to a cloak of victimhood — but I shan’t pretend my family’s ties to the region were exactly profound by 1945. However, I do know a great deal about what happened to the Germans of the East, and my point is not that they are somehow morally equivalent to Zionists.

        My point has nothing to do with morality. My point is merely that just as Nazi atrocities more or less made the destruction of the Germans in the East inevitable — rightly or wrongly is beside the point — so Israeli behavior makes it improbable that the Jews of Palestine will survive any collapse in Israeli power. They might or might not decide they want to stop being mean and play nice from now on — it’s questionable if they’ll have the option.

        I’m not getting into whose claim to their homes is more authentic. Still less am I getting into who bears greater culpability for the crimes in question. And finally, I’m not comparing the crimes that will lead to the expulsions. I’m merely pointing out that the outcome is likely to be the same in both cases.

      2. Hello Simo,

        “The Israeli Settlers justify their “claims” that their ancestors might have lived there 2000 years earlier.”

        I’m not sure what “claims” you’re talking about.

        Many nations made claims at the San Remo Conference. The claims of the Jews and the Arabs were accepted, and States were carved out for them.
        The claims of the Assyrio-Chaldean delegation to the conference were dismissed, as were calls for Armenian independence and Kurdish autonomy.

        Jews were subsequently invited to settle in Mandatory Palestine by the League of Nations.

        Jews that answered the call and migrated to Mandatory Palestine and settled all over that territory, including settlements in Judea and Samaria, like the Gush Etzion, where Jewish ‘settlers’ now live.

        Have a great day.

        1. @ Frank: Of one thing you may be sure, any hasbarist who points to the San Remo conference has taken their lessons from the same Hasbara Center manual. The San Remo conference has no bearing on anything. Not on policy, not on reality. It has no value, no meaning and no purpose. The League of Nations doesn’t exist and hasn’t for well over half a century. It doesn’t give Israeli settlers the right to do anything. You are surely desperate when you resort to citing an irrelevant dusty old document as if it is still in effect today. It would be like saying the Treaty of Ghent offers Belgians the right to occupy, conquer and rule Germany.

          Keep in mind that you are now moderated. Ordinarily I wouldn’t approve this comment for publication as it is WAY OFF TOPIC. If you post irrelevancies in future they will be rejected.

  11. This loss of life is so sad. I wish the Arabs in Gaza would stop their futile provocations- otherwise there will be more casualties and yet another unnecessary war. So sad indeed…

    1. @gil gul: Your concern trolling is so touching. Your affection for Palestinians and empathy for their suffering is so remarkable. Please send our regards to your hasbara handlers for your ersatz emotions. Impressive (not)

      I wish Israel would stop its futile massacres which lead to .unnecessay wars. So sad indeed. Especially when your generals and and leaders end up in the Hague. We’ll all be shedding the same crocodile tears you’re shedding for Gaza.

  12. Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

    Sometimes, Israeli lies get piled on so thickly, the tone becomes distinctly demented.

    ‘Israel to Strike Hamas During Gaza Protests if Attempts to Breach Border Fence Continue.’

    Since there have been no ‘attempts to breach the border fence’ except in Israel’s imagination, what exactly does this mean?

    And how exactly were they planning to ‘strike’? They’ve been shooting down literally hundreds — what did they have in mind instead?

  13. My family if from the Transylvania area of what is today Romania. They were Jews who had been driven out of Poland in the late 1870’s by anti Semitic Pogroms. The town they settled in was composed of Romanians and Saxons, an ancient “Germanic tribe. During WW II the Saxon neighbors of my family helped to protect them from the local fascists. After the war the new German government repatriated the Saxons to Germany. I think it may have been West Germany but I am not sure.
    I tell this story to point out to those commenting here that in most of these areas where you are referring to Germans these were probably remnants of ancient Saxon tribes who spoke a Germanic language but were not necessarily native Germans. Ce3ertainly not GErmans in the modern sense since Germany did not have a truly national government until the late 1800s.

    1. ‘…these were probably remannts of ancient Saxon tribes…’

      Nope. The ‘Saxons’ were Germans (not necessarily from Saxony), who settled in Transylvania at some point in the middle ages and early modern period — I’m not sure exactly when. Wikipedia says mid-twelfth to the mid-nineteenth century. As a casual guess, I’d imagine most arrived at some point in the late seventeenth century — probably after the Turks were expelled from Hungary. Those who failed to flee the Soviets in good time soon had cause to regret their tardiness.

      You can still visit the cities they built — although there aren’t many Germans left in them. Hopefully I won’t get any ridiculous ‘corrections’ concerning this post.

  14. Edit. I’m glad I said ‘at a guess.’ It would appear most of the settlement in fact happened in the later Middle Ages.


    Maybe we should just drop it. It’s all distinctly off-topic. I only brought it up by way of suggesting that the fate of the Germans of Eastern Europe may turn out to prefigure that of the Jews of Palestine — but this particular molehill has turned into something of a mountain.

    1. Some Israeli responses.These are from Ynet, the Jerusalem post is usually even worse:
      David Ban
      These are typical soldiers, acting accordingly, which help win wars. Politicians, media reporters, and armchair critics will never ever understand that. G-d bless Israel and our wonderful IDF, police and security appartus.

      Evgeny Shpoont ·
      Bylaw Enforcement Officer at Arad (Israël)
      What’s to investigate?
      Was the sniper supposed to apologize after shooting and forgot to, or something?

  15. These are comments from Ynet to the video in Richard’s post. ‘Pallywood’, the mocking of Palestinian suffering is the last resort of the true believer.

    Speaking my mind
    They remind me wolves……….the only part missing is the eating of their own……..
    Like · Reply · 3d

    Michael Davison · Technical Writer and Editor at Zelfstandig
    Really? He falls after being “shot from behind”, and is then surrounded by other people in plain sight of the alleged sniper?

    How gullible does one have to be to believe that?

    Pallywood in action.
    Like · Reply · 2 · 3d

    Don Saliman · Gepensioneerd at RETIRED AND LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT!
    Maybe I missed it but after he falls down, a crowd quietly surrounds him and we never see him again.

    Where is the viedo showing his body being carried away, I have no idea from this viedo, whether he is injurend or dead.

    We also do not see what happened before the viedo, so as far as I am concerned, I have a question if this was another ‘Palylwood” or the truth
    Like · Reply · 3d

    Hannes Hutbringer
    “allahu akbar” enough said…
    Like · Reply · 2 · 6d

    Bogdan Civic · Works at Zelfstandig
    The battle cry of the religion of peace.
    Like · Reply · 3d

    Lee Balch · Londen
    Palestinian Health officials . Ha ha. Why does the world go along with this farce that Palestinian health officals UNWRA Etc simply do as they are told by Haniya and his ravening Wolfes. Maybe because any organisation that does not go along with this rubbish will have there at best credentials withdrawn and at worse die. But news rooms in the west seem happy to accept all this as its the narative that plays well. Gaza Free and fair elections. Yeah once. and the winners got to throw PLA representitives off of there HQ roof.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 6d

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