4 thoughts on “Israel’s Zionist Left “in the Toilet” – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Isn’t all this the inevitable consequence of the obvious — to me, anyway — contradiction between Zionism and leftist ideology in general?

    In hindsight, it’s only remarkable is that it took so long for this to become apparent. The parties of the Israeli right have merely adopted what is ultimately the only ideology consistent with Zionism. It’s absurd to attempt to reconcile any form of egalitarian, pluralistic, democratic doctrine with a Jewish state imposed upon an unwilling gentile population. It’s internally inconsistent. The Bennetts, Leibermans, and Yishais are merely stating what has to be accepted if there is to be a Jewish state in Palestine.

    One is either a Zionist or one is not. It’s futile to try to have this cake and eat it too.

    1. Colin, you’re defining “Zionism” to fit your conclusion. In light of the long history of left-wing Zionism, If the contradiction so “obvious” to you, many you should rethink what those things mean.

      1. ‘Colin, you’re defining “Zionism” to fit your conclusion. In light of the long history of left-wing Zionism, If the contradiction so “obvious” to you, many you should rethink what those things mean.’

        Maybe the leftwing Zionism contained latent contradictions that became evident as soon as the Jewish state in Palestine was realized.

        ‘A land without a people for a people without a land.’ It’d be nice if had been so — but it wasn’t. Once it became clear that it wasn’t, leftwing Zionism could never be reconciled with what had to take place. About all that happened is that there was an interval of hypocrisy — now we’re getting the Zionists who frankly admit what Zionism is, and always had to be

        For how long was the story that the Palestinians ‘voluntarily’ fled? That canard lived for a good fifty years.
        The primary distinction I see between the ‘leftwing Zionists’ of yore and the Zionists of today is that the former had to lie about what they did — the latter can freely admit it.

        1. @ Colin Wright: I prefer to call those you’re defining as “left wing Zionists” as liberal Zionists. There are left-wing Zionists who hold views to the left of these liberal Zionists which actually can find common cause with Palestinian nationalism and all it entails.

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