9 thoughts on “Aliyah Down from France, U.S.; Social Rifts Widening Within Israel – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Identifying as “left” is out of vogue – for the past 5-10 years or so. Relates to the failure of Oslo, Intifada-2, Gaza withdrawal and aftermath, and the very vocal activities (and counter-activities) of far-left (btselem, shovrim shtika, NIF, Gisha, etc. etc) “civil society” organizations.

    However the “left” isn’t exactly dead – they simply choose to identify as “Center”. Thus, Yair Lapid (a vain and empty populist), whose positions are basically mainstream “Avoda” (e.g. Rabin) – who identifies as “Center” currently leads (or is neck and neck with Bibi) in the opinion polls. And before – Kdima (which briefly almost replaced “Avoda” (which remained as a small secondary party) – also played the “center” card (though in that case – it did have ex-Likud members)..

    1. @ lepxii:

      Identifying as “left” is out of vogue – for the past 5-10 years

      Nonsense, the left, such as it was, died in 1977 when Begin arose to power. It’s slow decline began then & continues to the present day.

      Relates to the failure of Oslo

      More nonsense. The Israeli right caused Oslo to fail by refusing to implement its provisions. The left had nothing to do with it, except insofar as they came under bombardment from the right & became too scared to do what they’d agreed to do when they signed it.

      Gaza withdrawal

      Now you’re bordering on outright bullshit. The Gaza withdrawal failed because of Ariel Sharon. The left had nothing to do with its failure & wasn’t even in power.

      far-left (btselem, shovrim shtika, NIF, Gisha, etc. etc) “civil society” organizations.

      Only someone on the “far-right” would call lib Zio groups like these “far left.” They’re about as far left as the Labor Party which isn’t “left” at all.

      the “left” isn’t exactly dead – they simply choose to identify as “Center”.

      More gobbledy-gook: You can’t be left wing, but identify youself as centrist. If you’re a centrist, you’re a centrist. Though in fact, much of what you call the left isn’t even centrist.

      Yair Lapid (a vain and empty populist), whose positions are basically mainstream “Avoda” (e.g. Rabin)

      Rabin would be disgusted by Lapid & you know it. For all his faults, Rabin was a straightforward, honest man. He wasn’t an empty suit like Lapid. Rabin said what he believed & tried to do it. No one knows what Lapid will do. They know what he says, not what he will do. Odds are he will do nothing. Rabin could not be said to have “done nothing.”

      Kdima (which briefly almost replaced “Avoda” (which remained as a small secondary party) – also played the “center” card (though in that case – it did have ex-Likud members)..

      So your argument is that Kadima, with its former Likud members, was somehow leftist, but only identified as centrist. Do you realize how lunatic this is?

    1. @ DH: Are you implying that Haredim are somehow not Israeli? Last I checked they not only were, but were the fastest growing sector of Israeli society. So I’m afraid you will have to be content with Haredim remaining within Israeli society & their views being fully reflected in such polls.

      1. I take their word for it.
        In any case – they are growing, but one more Haredi doesn’t mean one less in the other sectors, so it’s not that as if they are taking over. You also have to take in to account the rising number of Haredim enlisting and integrating in to Israeli society.
        I have nothing against them being in the polls, but it’s not honest to present the data as it has been presented here, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”.

        1. @ DH:

          they are growing, but one more Haredi doesn’t mean one less in the other sectors, so it’s not that as if they are taking over. You also have to take in to account the rising number of Haredim enlisting and integrating in to Israeli society.

          Several false premises here. As I said (& you seemed to ignore or minimize), Haredim (& Israeli Arabs) are growing at a far faster rate than secular or even modern Orthodox Israeli Jews (Haredi population growth is double that of non-Haredi Israelis). The power of Haredim politically is huge now & will continue to grow. As the percentage of secular Israelis continues to decline it will have a major & deleterious impact on society. IT will move closer & closer to a theocratic state–much like Iran is today.

          As for Haredim joining the army, they are changing the army much more than the army is changing them. The vast majority of senior officers are settlers. Now add to this a rising number of Haredi officers as well in the future. That will turn the IDF from a people’s army to an army that defends theocracy and Jewish supremacy (which is already does).

          It’s quite convenient to accept science & statistics which prop up your own prejudices, while rejecting them as false science or lies when they don’t. You’ve offered us a perfect example. You denounce the poll without offering any proof that it is wrong.

  2. Richard offers this nugget: rising racism and political repression in Putin’s Russia;

    How do come with this? As far as I can see their is no evidence for such a trend. Of course, there is some serious antisemitism in Russia. That can be seen in the comments sections in the number of English language Russian outlets I routinely read. But rising? Or rising political oppression? What are your sources?

    1. @ ToivoS: I am not going to waste time explaining to you what is obvious to almost everyone else reading this blog; or anyone reading the newspapers about developments in Russia. You may want this blog to become a discussion forum about Russia and Russian politics. I don’t. So lay off.

      1. I am not the one who brings up Russia. That is you. Problem is that you repeat mainstream memes about
        Russia that are not supported by the evidence. Even if “almost everyone else” believes MSM anti-Russian propaganda, that does not make it true.

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