A French Jewish Kahanist named Gregory Chelli, using the code name Ulcan, has been terrorizing pro-Palestine activists in France and around the world for months. He’s engaged in obsessive pathological activities like stalking and hacking of at least 100 websites supporting the Palestinian cause. A French reader of this blog wrote me:
He started a chat on-line called ViolVocal (Viol means ‘rape) where he and others encouraged participants to perform ‘transgressing actions’, for instance one of the participants called the Jewish school in Toulouse where Merah killed the Jewish kids 1350 times and made anti-Semitic insults
Presumably he or one of his followers calls pretending to be an Islamist and threatens the school with a terror attack. This will presumably further smear French Muslims in his mind.
Lately, he’s taken to attacking French journalists who’ve criticized Israel’s massacre during the latest Gaza war. Benoit Le Corre, who writes for an online publication affiliated with Le Nouvel Observateur, wrote an expose about Chelli’s activities, which didn’t sit well with him. As a result, Chelli began harrassing phone calls to Le Corre’s elderly father. In one, he told the father that his son had died. Another time, he called the police claiming the father had just murdered his wife and son. The police came to the home at 4AM with guns drawn. The father was so distraught that five days later he had a massive stroke. Shortly thereafter, he died.
Chelli later called Le Corre to “offer condolences” and suggested that he and Le Corre could band together to make money off the story. He records all the calls and airs them on YouTube or the net for the delectation of his fellow pro-Israel psychopaths.
If that were the end of the story, it would not be newsworthy beyond the confines of France. But in this case, Chelli has fled to Israel (or made aliyah, depending on your perspective), which has offered him a new home from which to plan his ghoulish behavior. French officials have notified Israel that he is wanted. Israeli police have done nothing. So Chelli is free to continue his psychopathic rampage against all who cross him.

Is Chelli engaging in this behavior alone or does he have support? If so, are his supporters individuals or associated with official sources. Does the Israeli government or security services have a hand in his activities? This isn’t a far-fetched question. A French national has violated serious laws and Israel refuses to take any action. It leads one to wonder: is it just police incompetence? Or do the Israeli police tacitly support his agenda? Or do even more powerful political interests support him?
The Israeli media still haven’t written a single line about this case, which is shameful. There has been a single post in a local Ashdod-based blog. It’s now been covered by the BBC and JTA. Nowhere else, except the French media.
There will be some of claim that people like Chelli are an aberration, not reflective of the rest of Israel. I’d like to believe that. But the list of similar Israeli psychopaths infused with ideological zeal and immense hatred for Muslims is too long to be glossed over as a one-shot deal: Baruch Goldstein, Eden Natan Zada, Jack Teitel, Ephraim Khantses. The list goes on. These are Israel’s Joans of Arc. They lead the rallying cry to which many Israelis hearken. Even if Israelis reject mass homicide of the sort these figures perpetrated, the mass are sympathetic to the political ideas that underpin their agenda.
Israel has become a state that harbors such murderers and terrorists because the state itself has become a murderer and terrorist after crimes like the Gaza war. To modify a recent popular Bibi locution: Israel is Chelli, and Chelli is Israel. Just as Israel acts with depraved indifference to life in the Middle East, it harbors Jewish terrorist who wreak havoc on the lives of other Jews, Palestinians and journalists who seek nothing more than to express their views in a democratic society. Just as Chelli engages in “transgressive acts” so does Israel. Just as Israel exploits anti-Semitism for political purposes, so does Chelli. Just as Chelli engages in fraud, hoaxes and lies to advance his agenda, so does Israel. It’s a match made in heaven…or hell.
If Israel wishes to disprove this, let them arrest him and ship him back home where he will face justice. If not, they can have no complaint about the above paragraph.
I have a special interest in such a figure because another pro-Israel hacker employed by IBM Israel, Semion Kras (like Chelli, Kras’ family immigrated to Israel–from Russia), sabotaged this blog. Kras’ efforts were supported by other pro-Israel hoaxsters and social media frauds like David Lange and Brian London.
Fellows like that never seem to realise that the net effect of their actions is exactly the opposite of what they, presumably, desire. They might annoy and harass a handful of people but they inspire contempt, for them and their cause, in thousands.
Richard, you analogy between Chelli and Joan of Arc is totally unfounded and stunning. Maybe you are not familiar with Joan of Arc. Please find a more appropriate comparison. Thank you.
@ Ortygia: You’ve heard of irony, have you not? Now go back & read it keeping that in mind.
” ..there will be some of claim that people like Chelli are an aberration, not reflective of the rest of Israel. ”
Uhh….shouldn’t that read, ‘not reflective of the rest of France’?
France is where he acted out. He only recently fled to Israel and is probably not a even a citizen.
How can you say that, “Israeli police have done nothing”?
How do you know what they’ve done, or failed to do? Has France requested Chelli’s extradiction? Yes or no?
@ Fred: Chelli isn’t attacking these people & websites because he’s French, but because he’s pro-Israel. His obsession is Israel & I’m afraid Israel gets to take credit for him whether it wishes to or not. He acts on behalf of Israel & in its name.
The article itself (which you appear not to have read) made clear France had requested his apprehension & Israel had refused to take action. Please read all links in blog posts before commenting to save yourself embarrassment & me having to waste time writing sentences like this one.
The online publication affiliated with Le Nouvel Observateur is Rue89 cofounded by Pascal Riché and Pierre Haski. The latter has himself been harrassed by Chelli, and both Rue89 and Haski have filed complaints with the police, and intend to follow up until he is brought to justice. I think that Chelli has some help from members to the Ligue de Défense Juive who themselves have engaged in various racist actions (some with police protection), and some within the police.
Of course Chelli and his friends have not limited their attacks to Rue89, several other news sites and blogs have been similarly targeted. Major Jewish organizations like CRIF (Conseil Représentif des Institutions Juives), have brilliantly indicated their indifference regarding attacks on those who oppose the actions of the Israeli government.
A big thanks to your French reader who informed you of this affair.
@ James WHitney: Actually, an Israeli-American first alerted me to the BBC article about this. I then tried contacting French people I knew including that reader, who graciously filled me in on the story. I also tried to tweet to Haski & Le Corre, but they haven’t responded.
After many many years of waiting for the law to right some wrongs and impose some sanity on the world I have come to conclusion that the best cure with the least collateral damage would be a Almighty Swat Team… You steal, you die, you cheat you die, you lie you die, you kiill you die, you war monger you die. Period.
Yes, sometimes you do have to as your enemy does to defeat him.
French news site Rue89 suffers cyberattacks, staffers harassed
Rue89 on July 29 published a profile by Benoit Le Corre of a self-described “militant Zionist” hacker, identified as a French national named Gregory Chelli, who says he is based in the Israeli city of Ashdod. The article described how the hacker had attacked and disabled websites of associations and personalities he judged hostile to Israel. It said a French court had condemned Chelli and issued a suspended sentence for an attack against a pro-Palestinian Paris bookstore in 2009.
Last week, Rue89 suffered waves of denial-of-service (DOS) attacks, its director, Pierre Haski, wrote in an editorial.
[Source: Committee to Protect Journalists – CPJ]
Thank for covering this, Richard.
The JTA-article is really too nice to Chelli when it states: ” (…) he called up Benoît Le Corre to express his condolences”
Here’s the conversation that Chelli posted online immediately after (this is not his posting):
Instead of presenting his condolences (‘condoléances’ in French) he presents his ‘condescendances’ (condescension) twice before saying ‘I’m not so good in French, I’m stupid’, and then proposing they make money together on the story….
With supporters like Chelli, Israel needs no enemies.
@RS “Israel is Chelli, and Chelli is Israel.” you cite as a paraphrase of a Bibi slogan which I presume is “Israel is Netanyahu, Netanyahu is Israel.” or something like this. Is this latter phrase in print anywhere (English or Hebrew). I’ve never seen it.
I think Richard was referring to Bibi’s ‘Hamas is ISIS, ISIS is Hamas’ statement.
@ strange friend: You’re right.
Hamas may well be like ISIS.
“[Some] have said Hamas wants to create an Islamic emirate in Gaza. We won’t do that, but we will build an Islamic state in Palestine, all of Palestine.”–Mahmoud Al-Zahar [Al-Ayyam, Oct. 1, 2014]
@ Fred: First, Hamas is a long way from running Palestine, let alone creating an Islamic state. Second, many Middle East nations are “Islamic states” including Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, etc. The main question is what sort of Islamic state it would be? There is absolutely no indication that Hamas would create a state governed as ISIS or Al Qaeda would govern whatever state they ran. In fact, there is no indication that Hamas has anything in common with ISIS or Al Qaeda except that each calls itself Islamic.
Where’d you pick up this piece of hasbara? I challenge you to show us where you found this dumbass quote. The quote itself isn’t dumbass, but your appropriation & interpretation of it is.
@ Fred
Even if Hamas wants to create an Islamic State in all of Palestine, it still has nothing to do with ISIS.
Do you guys have no idea what the “Jihadists” of ISIS are fighting for: the restablishment of the Califat, Hamas is – whether you like them or not – a national movement.
[comment deleted: if you wish to state something as fact and what you’re stating is false or contentious, and you don’t support your claim with credible evidence, this violates the comment rules.]
I – Israeli
S – Secret
I – Intelligent
S – Service
Of course, no mention at all of the harassment of Robert Faurisson…
Robert Faurisson is a French “négationniste,” a person who denies the importance of the Holocaust, for example he wrote that the gas chambers were used not to kill people but as anti-lice treatment. He also contested the ligitimacy of the Diary of Anne Frank. Of course this puts him in the “anti-Zionist” camp and thus makes him a target of criminals like Chelli. But there is an enormous gap between Faurisson and people like Pierre Haski, Benoit Le Corre, Richard Silverstein etc.
By the way, the important Lebanese/French historian Gilbert Achcar, author of “The Arabs and the Holocaust” wrote in this book about how the French “loi Gayssot” of 1990, a law which outlaws denial of the existance of crimes against humanity as defined by the Nuremberg tribunal, backfired in the case of another “négationniste” Roger Garoudy prosecuted for violating this law in an antisemitic book (he probably plagiarized some of Faurisson’s writings). As a result of the big publicity of the trial, this book which otherwise would have aroused little interest, it became a big hit in Lebanon, Jordan, Qatar and Egypt. He descibes how Garaudy was given a triumphant tour of these countries where a lot of money was raised for him, much more that what was needed to pay the fine imposed by the French court. A sort of Aesop’s fable on the freedom of expression, no?
No. It’s your reply that sounds rather like a sort of George Orwell fable on the walking brain-dead. Wake up. Look it up in detail. The facts are here, all over the internet, and there is no way they will go away.
― Sincere condolences to Benoit Le Corre and his family. – I am outraged by the despicable character of Gregory Chelli. This Israeli-Zionist Fanatic has no moral limits, no honor, no respect …. pathetic psychopath !