39 thoughts on “Ronen Bergman Confirms IDF Soldier Deliberately Killed by His Own – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. most of your above article is conjectural prejudice.
    your statement”In this particular case, Israeli soldiers are not “captured.” They are “kidnapped.”
    I assume you are differentiating between חטף ושבוי which would require you knowing what is exactly going on in the mind of the captor or kidnapper. in addition to this in the Shalit case, Hamas never kept any of the Geneva convention conditions like the right of the ‘Red Cross'[sic] to inspect and visit the kidnapped etc. this has also been the practice of Hisballah with ‘corpses’ etc yet the world is מעלים עין.
    for your info i have no ‘hasbara’ ties, i just have a ‘hobby’ of studying anti-semitism in its various forms.

    1. ” i just have a ‘hobby’ of studying anti-semitism in its various forms.”
      If so, what are you doing here? Go practise your sick hobby somewhere else.

      1. i would hardly call it a ‘sick habit’ as probably one could get one form or a degree or another in anti-semitism today taking into account the academia in the US is at an all time low.
        on the other hand this blog is the ‘perfect place’ to observe self-hating jews and their special kind of anti-semitism.

        1. I think you just got yourself banned. I only needed to point you to the rope, and yup, you went for it.

          1. You being fake is not an ad hominem, but a description of what you are doing here. You are here in an organized effort to spout propaganda, not because of a real interest in the things discussed here. So yes, you don’t care because everything about you here is fake

    2. to “walter benjamin”,
      “… i just have a ‘hobby’ of studying anti-semitism in its various forms.”
      you appear to exhibit partiality. i.e. compromise the ability to think critically, and find what is sought.
      once again “walter benjamin”, Walter Benjamin:
      “The distracted person, too, can form habits.”

    3. Do your hobby’s ‘various forms’, Walter, include the exotica of antiPalestinian apartheid racism??

      Palestinians being, after all, a Semitic people.

  2. -“As usual, the IDF explanation defies logic and common sense. Not to mention that the IDF hasn’t produced the “aerial footage” on which it bases its claim the courtyard was empty. If it has such evidence it should produce it rather than merely to claim it exists. The claims of the IDF are useless.”

    You can find your desired footage in this link:

    As you know, raw footage can never be published immediately (at least based on the past). I see you never lose an opportunity to publish assumptions, when you don’t have all of the information. I’m also sure that even after you see the footage, you’ll have something to say which is totally irrational, just to prove your point (even when its wrong based on facts).

  3. Koestler claims in one of his novels that the people who had to constantly lie on behalf of the Soviet Union started to suffer from “tiredness of the synapses”. Since I wonder whether hasbara spreaders might experience the same syndrome I googled on that term also because I have always believed that Koestler engaged in a bit of scifi fantasy here. But, indeed, there is such a thing as “synaptic fatigue” says Wikipedia but the relevant article doesn’t tell us whether it is brought about by an increasing estrangement from the truth. So, in the interest of science, I wonder whether Fake Benjamin and the Citizen of the Land of Yahoos can tell us whether they have perceived any symptoms yet.

    1. As I would expect, your comment has nothing to do with the article and the information I’ve posted in my comment.. Wonder why @RS doesn’t delete your comment (as he did for the same reason for many other comments on his blog…).

      When you claim that info posted by me is a lie, you should prove it. For now all I see is a pro-terrorist propaganda in panic.. It’s really can be observed when you target my (or anyone who shares opinion close to mine) nicknames. You remind me of Munayyer Yousef when interviewed by Sean Hannity (avoiding the facts and the discussed subject)..

      1. When you mentioned Sean Hannity you outed yourself as a brain washed neo-con who seems to get his ‘facts’ from Fox News

        1. I was not talking about Sean Hannity as my mentor. I was talking about the reaction/response of Munayyer Yousef in this interview.. Try to read the whole text instead of finding one word/name and believing that you undersdand the context..
          In the interview Munayyer avoided directly answering a question, because he knew that his answer will definitely play against him, even though the question was a legitimate one.

    2. i am assuming you live in the US. if so, IMO, you comments and opinions are totally irrelevant.

      1. That is where your dough, part of your weaponry and your getting a free pass at the UN is coming from – isn’t it

  4. ‘allo citoyen de la nation yahooaise – the topic of a thread is set by the moderator’s introductory article, not by an individual contributor. I was particularly reacting to Richard’s:

    “A number of commenters here derided my earlier report about the killing/murder of Guy Levy. I won’t go into the various epithets used. Suffice to say they were strong, mean and abusive. I put anyone on notice who disputed the accuracy of this report that unless I read in the comment thread here an acknowledgement that I was right, they won’t comment here again. Anyone who does not do so will lose their comment privileges. I’m sorry for the taking such a strong position on this, but I’m sick and tired of the crap people write when I report major scoops like this one. It’s easy to write crap. It doesn’t cost you anything. Well, I want them to know it has a cost and I’m taking payment.”

    And I was speaking about hasbara spreaders in general so you are right in saying that “your comment has nothing to do with the article and the information I’ve posted”. . See, I acknowledge truth where I find it.

    1. You’ll just prove my point… + My comment addressed directly to a part of the article and proved it [the part] wrong with a strongest evidence possible.. That makes you angry, isn’t it? You hate facts when they prove you’re wrong..
      You are everything but “peace” seeking person… Ignoring completely one of the sides in the conflict just makes it much much deeper.

      1. ” Ignoring completely one of the sides in the conflict” If I see some heavily armed policemen roughing up a prostrate weedy individual who can’t do more than kicking I know which “side in the conflict” to ignore.

  5. Oops. I did indeed mention Fake Benjamin and the Citizen of the Land of Yahoos by name. Now how could I make such a mistake.

  6. Is it unreasonable to interpret these comments to mean that he was simply accidentally or unintentionally killed during the course of trying to prevent the capture? Hostages are unintentionally killed (but more often intentionally by the captors) during hostage rescue operations conducted by the best militaries in the world; it’s an accepted risk of these types of operations, and that risk is certainly far greater during an impromptu attempt which is seemingly what happened in this case. I’m not debating the existence of the Hannibal Directive, I’m simply saying it’s impossible to know what happened w/out an understanding of what was going on in the minds of the men involved in attempting to stop the would be captors- mens rea. Just something to consider.

  7. I am not sure if Richard is correctly representing ancient Sparta. What is true is that fleeing the enemy on the battlefield was very strongly deprecated, and it is also true that Sparta was ready to make considerable concessions to free her captured prisoners, as it happened during the Peloponessian war. But I do not recall them killing their own.

  8. in addition to this in the Shalit case, Hamas never kept any of the Geneva convention conditions like the right of the ‘Red Cross’[sic] to inspect and visit the kidnapped etc. this has also been the practice of Hisballah with ‘corpses’ etc yet the world is מעלים עין.
    Walter Benjamin:
    and the difference between this and Israelis illegal imprisonment of thousands of Palestinians, including children is………

    1. Michael, there is a definite difference here. Israel is a sovereign state and what it does within its border is up to them. The example that{fake} Walter Benjamin brought is in violation of acceptied international law which is abided by most civilised nations.

  9. Richard, the most controversial conclusion that can be drawn is that the IDF solider was killed by friendly fire. This is not anything close to what you said. And nobody else has the same report as you.

  10. “Killed the in course of preventing him from being kidnapped” is hardly the same as murder. No prosecutor in the world would take a case like that for murder, UNLESS there was evidence that they intentionally killed the soldier, as opposed to him dying during a firefight with the other side. Since you don’t have any evidence of intent, there is no murder. Period.

    1. @ David B: I didn’t ask you or anyone else to prosecute Hannibal Directive killings. Nor do I believe you have any legal background to make any such determinations. But the fact that you fire on a building with lethal force in which you know an IDF soldier is being held captive is murder. You can call it murder with extenuating circumstances, but it’s still murder.

  11. Though I have my regards on the military use/abuse of hebrew, I can’t accept your description of the tunnels as means for defending Gaza.
    How a tunnel from Gaza into Israeli area defends Gaza?
    Please explain the logic…

    1. THe IDF has invaded Gaza. Tunnels within Gaza certainly defend Gaza. The few that reach Israeli territory are used to assault Israeli troops who are part of the invasion force that has killed 1,100 Palestinians.

      1. @RichardStlverstein,
        in the article you write “Israelis refuse to acknowledge the validity or (often) even the existence of Palestinians or Palestine.” perhaps if palestinians and pro-palestinians in their writing/speaking always stressed that Palestine exists then perhaps we would not appear to be buying into the hasbara attempts at denying the existence of Palestine.

        your last comment reads:
        ” THe IDF has invaded Gaza. Tunnels within Gaza certainly defend Gaza. The few that reach Israeli territory are used to assault Israeli troops who are part of the invasion force that has killed 1,100 Palestinians.”

        Think how much stronger it would have read if you (always) stressed Palestine’s existence by writing it thus:
        “THe IDF has invaded GazaPalestine. Tunnels within GazaPalestine certainly defend GazaPalestine. The few that reach Israeli territory are used to assault Israeli troops who are part of the invasion force that has killed 1,100 Palestinians [in GazaPalestine].”

        Just a suggestion. try it and see how hasbara promoters will find it difficult to handle their vocabulary and expressions when they systematically refuse to us “GazaPalestine” and open themselves to the correct interpretation that HAMAS is fighting this war in order to prevent Israel from gobbling up GazaPalestine and make it (Gaza) just an province of Israel. Again just a thought.

        1. My own approach to that, jjcostandi, is to try always to refer to ‘Occupied Palestine’ rather than the Britannically implanted ‘Israel’ colony.

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