Thousands of Israelis joined Combatants for Peace’s Yom HaZikaron ceremony marking Israel’s Memorial Day. Among those who led and performed at the event were Israeli-Arab TV star and singer, Mira Awad.
Only 44 Palestinians attended the event, because the defense ministry refused to allow most of the 109 invited to attend. It only relented for these 44 after being threatened with a lawsuit by the human rights NGO. There were, of course many Israeli Palestinians attending, who did not need IDF permission to do so. Unfortunately, Haaretz’s coverage did not clarify this point and left the impression that these were the only Palestinians in attendance.
Haaretz notes also that there was a huge contingent of young people attending, which is a hopeful sign that many of this generation do not buy the nationalist sentimentality they’re being sold by the mainstream national consensus: martyrdom, eternal suffering and Arab enmity.
Sadly, Judeo-Nazis have taken to defacing Facebook with their disgusting screeds featuring images of the event and comments decrying that “Hitler didn’t finish the job” and that “leftists to the gas chambers and ovens.” Others threaten to march with “metal bars” on any Palestinian village in which anyone celebrates the holiday. The Facebook group which features this garbage, “We’re All for Death to Arab Terrorists” has 42,000 Likes!