Yesterday, I posted the flyer for Sunday’s Yom Ha-Zikaron ceremony sponsored by Combatants for Peace. It is the eighth year in which they’ve offered an event that incorporated the political and national narrative of the suffering and sacrifice of two peoples in this land called Israel. Each year, the NGO must submit a list of those Palestinians from the Occupied Territories who will participate. Usually, most names are approved, while some are rejected for “security reasons.” Those rejected are usually offered some reason that applies to their case.
This is the first year in which all 109 Palestinians have been summarily rejected. No individual reasons were offered. But the Civil Authority did say in a phone call seeking clarification that the IDF opposes this ceremony in a fundamental way. The Authority intensely dislikes this request and it is rejected at the most senior level.
That means that the Defense Minister himself, Bogie Yaalon has determined that this ceremony presents an existential danger to the State. How so? How does a memorial ceremony incorporating two peoples endanger the State? Because, the conventional Israeli narrative says that we Jews suffered immensely during our history, but especially during the Holocaust. We exploited and transformed that suffering into a Jewish state. Whereupon the Arabs determined that they must do their best to continue the bloodletting that anti-Semites have imposed on us through the millenia.
Yom Ha-Zikaron is a fundamental national holiday that imposes a rigid psychological and ideological yoke on all Israeli Jews. It is a commemoration that combines honoring the national dead and giving homage to the ongoing national mission.
Combatants for Peace’s ceremony threatens to subvert this unifying national myth. That’s why it’s especially dangerous.
There are few avenues left for the democracy movement in Israel, but one that remains is the Supreme Court. There, with the assistance of human rights attorney, Gaby Lasky, the group will turn in a few hours time to file a preliminary motion (here is the Hebrew language press release) demanding that the IDF allow the Palestinians free movement to attend Friday’s event in Tel Aviv. This news has not been published anywhere till now. Not even inside Israel (though it will shortly).
MKs such as Zahava Gal-On, Dov Khenin, and representatives of President Peres have appealed to Yaalon to relent–to no avail.
The profound irony of this matter is that CfP conducted a first of its kind tour of Yad VaShem (Hebrew) with Israeli and Palestinian survivors of terror attacks. The visit made a very deep impression on the Palestinian participants, many of whom were the very same individuals whose permits to attend the memorial Day service had been denied. Apparently, when Palestinians embrace the Israeli national narrative by visiting Yad Va’Shem, exceptions can be made for them. But when they are threatening it, then none can be made.
I urge you to contact your nearest Israeli consulate, embassy, or UN Mission (in New York), and the Israeli foreign and defense ministries to protest this outrageous breach against freedom of expression and Israeli democracy. Israel is not yet a police state. But with decisions like this, Bogie Yaalon has brought Israel farther down the road toward this catastrophic outcome.
Due to the popularity of past ceremonies, CfP decided to rent a larger hall for this year’s event. As a result, it incurred added expenses which it has not yet covered. If you’re so moved, please give a tax-deductible gift via Razoo.
Why did they decide to hold their ceremony in Tel-Aviv, where it would not be possible for some Palestinian participants to arrive (for example, ex-combatants or Palestinians with a criminal record in Israel), and not in the West Bank?
It is only impossible for Palestinians to come to Tel Aviv if the Israeli security state forbids it–as they have. Why should Israelis hold a Memorial Day Ceremony in the West Bank? They’re Israelis aren’t they?
Sometimes I don’t know if you’re brain has a short circuit & you’re only playing dumb.
The West Bank is Palestine. Why hold an Israeli event in the West Bank, which is still NOT part of Israel?
Mary, the answer is because if the Israeli minister of defense is an ass, and the Palestinians and CFP wants have an event, having it in the west bank might be a good solution. There are many ceremonies conducted all over the world that day in memory of Israel’s soldier’s . Why in your opinion there is no room for such ceremony in no other place then tel-aviv ?
“There are many ceremonies conducted all over the world that day in memory of Israel’s soldeirs. Why in your pinion is there no room for such ceremony …. blahblah…..”
Wow, you’re basically asking the Palestinians to honour the fallen Israeli soldiers that helped stealing their land. But of course there’s no room for the Palestinians in your sick world view, just as you denied the West Bank is closed down during Jewish holidays, just as you deny the impunity of settlers etc etc.
I’m getting more and more convinced that you actually are the Elan Rubin that Oui linked to. Your hasbara is too slick to be your own.
“This is the first year in which all 109 Palestinians have been summarily rejected. No individual reasons were offered. But the Civil Authority did say in a phone call seeking clarification that the IDF opposes this ceremony in a fundamental way. The Authority intensely dislikes this request and it is rejected at the most senior level.”
If Palestinians are not permitted to attend, why should it be held in Occupied Palestine??? And why would any Palestinians want it there?
Elad, I think Deir Yassin is right about you.
@ mary you do realize this ceremony is celebrated according to the Jewish calendar ?
I understand that the Nakba day is off significant to the Palestinian however celebrating the memorial day according to the Jewish calendar is all about honoring the memory of Israel’s soldiers.
Deir Yassin, once again continues with her personal vile attacks (talking about my sick word view off she knows nothing about) she doesn’t deserve the respect of a reply.
I have the impression that the request for those participants may simply be an occasion for the military authority to extend its authority The military is not very attentive to the orders of lower courts. In numerous cases, the findings of lower courts are disregarded without consequences. I don’t know about the Supreme Court. It will be interesting. Thanks for the scoop.
לוחמים לשלום מנסים להעביר מסר של שיתוף פעולה, זהו מסר חתרני עבור משה יעלון, שר המלחמה של מדינת ישראל. כל ניסיון לומר שלום הוא הכרזת מלחמה.
Combatant for Peace are trying to convey a message of cooperation, this is too subversive for Moshe Yaloon, the War Minister of the State of Israel. Any attempt to utter peace is a declaration of war.
By the way Mr. Silverstein why you call Moshe Yaloon “bogie”. Is he a friend? Like calling Benjamin Netanyaho “Bibi,” or Ariel Sharon “Arik”. Using nicknames is a common practice among friends. Isn’t it?
Meir, “Bibi,” “Bogie,” and “Arik” are nicknames which are recognized enough to be used in the newspapers and such. At this point, the nicknames are used as much as the actual names.
This is the same as using “Bill” Clinton instead of William Jefferson Clinton. I don’t suppose all those who use the nickname “Bill” consider themselves friends of the former president.
I think it makes them sound rather silly. Plus most Israelis call him Bogie. Even if you hated them, Americans called presidents FDR, LBJ, JFK, etc. They called Eisenhower Ike too, even if they disliked him.
But if you come up with a suitable nickname for him that’s derisive & descriptive I’d consider using it.
Who do not know what you reasoned, Matan P.? The well known Israeli “familiarity” – Chebreh – with people like Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu and the rest of the Israeli ‘leaders’ is part of the problem. I prefer calling them in their full names. I have no names other than the names they have, to call them. It is bad enough.
Meir Amor
No, I get it. Meir feels that using a nickname in reference to these people suggests a familiarity that is somehow incrogruent and inappropriate. That’s why I find the the sobriquet; “that sack of shit ——- (insert politician of choice) to be quite handy. Clears up any misunderstandings. Lol
Moshe Yaalon doesn’t care if Palestinians embrace the Israeli Jewish narrative. I believe that few of Israel’s leaders, past or present, give a flying fig whether Palestinians recognize or acknowledge Jewish suffering. To people like Yaaron, the Palestinians are insignificant except as a nuisance to be gotten rid of.
“@ mary you do realize this ceremony is celebrated according to the Jewish calendar ?
I understand that the Nakba day is off significant to the Palestinian however celebrating the memorial day according to the Jewish calendar is all about honoring the memory of Israel’s soldiers.”
@EladR, I said absolutely nothing about the Nakba or the Jewih calendar; I don’t know how your statement above addresses my comment at all. You are wasting my time.