3 thoughts on “Moment Magazine Pockets Pearl Foundation Funds in Return for Olympia BDS Smear – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. If a graduate of Harvard Divinity Schools works as a ghost writer, is Holy Ghost involved?

    “Alhadeff will be assigned a mentor and receive a $5,000 stipend to assist with her reporting. ”

    In any case, BDS and this website are clearly premier examples of “new/modern anti-Semitism”. Mondoweiss, also dubbed “Mondofront” by the detractors, is another. There are entire departments and institutions devoted to the studies of new anti-Semitism, but it is worth to elucidate the differences between old and new. After all, New Brunswick is not all that similar to Brausweig. For example, imagine that in 1903 Kossacks in Kishinev would help organizing an exhibition of children drawing that would “make local Jewish community uncomfortable”.

  2. Dear Mr. Silverstein,
    Please correct the error in the first sentence of your blog stating that Emily Alhadeff “received a $5,000 Daniel Pearl Foundation grant (pdf) from Moment Magazine…” The Daniel Pearl Foundation is not a funding foundation and gave no money for this award now nor at any time since it was created by Moment Magazine in the name of Daniel Pearl. Sincerely, –Narda Zacchino, Executive Director Daniel Pearl Foundation)

    1. I e mailed the Foundation before I published this post and Marianne Pearl as well. She said she was forwarding my query to the Foundation, which I presume she did. If you’d replied I wouldn’t have published the error. But it is an error and I will correct it.

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