I’ll be speaking later today to the Fellowship of Reconciliation on the threat of an Israeli attack against Iran. The event will be at Seattle ‘s Woodland Park Presbyterian Church, 225 North 70th Street at 6:30PM. If you’re in town, please join us. I’ll be joined by longtime peace activist Dick Blakney, former chair of the local United Nations Association and currently involved with the Network Promoting Peace with Iran. Over the past few months, we’ve spoken to a number of local church groups on the subject in an effort to promote awareness of the dangers and offer ways to address them.
I read how Seattle gays just muzzled the free speech of visiting Israeli gays.
I hope your speech tonight isn’t similarly effected.
Don’t be ridiculous. Israel wanted to pinkwash its blemishes by touting a gay delegation visiting the States where it would likely brag about Israel as a gay mecca. And Seattle gays refused to meet with them. That’s not muzzling free speech. That’s maintaining Seattle’s freedom to associate (or dissociate) from whoever it wishes. The fact that they didn’t want to bread bread with a pinkwashing delegation fr Israel has nothing to do with free speech and everything to do with Israel’s grossly exploitative hasbara campaign.
Concerning “pinkwashing”, there’a website called “The Israeli Laundry” 🙂
You’ve got pink-, green-, and bluewashing. They need to add blackwashing though.
To quote the article I linked:
” A group of gays in Seattle pressured the Seattle LGBT Commission to cancel a Friday reception for a delegation of gay Israeli leaders, citing Israel’s human-rights record with the Palestinian”.
That sounds like a freedom of speech issue, not a freedom of association issue.
Who says an official Seattle govt commission has to meet with Israeli gays? Especially if they determine that the Israeli govt has sent them on a world tour to promote the notion of Israel as a mecca for gay rights as part of a campaign to discredit Arab states? There’s no rule that Seattle govt commissions have to aid & abet Israeli hasbara.
Oh & who brought us this hasbara dog & pony show? Rob Jacobs & our good friends at Stand with Us of course. ‘Nuf said.
RE: “I’ll be speaking later today to the Fellowship of Reconciliation on the threat of an Israeli attack against Iran. ~ R.S.
ALSO SEE: Are Obama’s Efforts to Justify Drone Warfare Aimed at Iran? ~ By Thomas Darnstädt, Marc Hujer and Gregor Peter Schmitz, Der Speigel, 3/15/12
ENTIRE ARTICLE – http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,821151,00.html
RE: “I’ll be speaking later today to the Fellowship of Reconciliation on the threat of an Israeli attack against Iran.” ~ R.S.
SEE: Hawks Steering Debate on How to Take on Iran, By Eric Lichtblau and Mark Landler, New York Times, 3/18/12
ENTIRE ARTICLE – http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/19/world/pro-israel-groups-differing-approaches-on-iran.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1
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