12 thoughts on “To War, To War, Fredonia Goes to War! – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. i still would be surprised to see an attack. more likely all this warmongering is part of a good-cop-bad-cop routine making ever harsher sanctions seem like the peaceful altnernative, even as iran starts to suffer as painfully as iraqis suffered under sanctions. see this also on increasing pressure,

    “Swift, the body that handles global banking transactions, says it will cut Iran’s banks out of the system on Saturday to enforce sanctions.

    The move will isolate Iran financially by making it almost impossible for money to flow in and out of the country via official banking channels.

    It will hit its oil industry, but may also have a heavy impact on Iranians who live abroad and send money home.

    The move follows EU sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme.”


    PS. i’d probably have stolen from the three stooges bit with Hassen Ben Sober instead of the marx brothers. as moe follows the map ‘over the giva-dam and the insane river’. a classic.

    1. “i still would be surprised to see an attack. more likely all this warmongering is part of a good-cop-bad-cop routine making ever harsher sanctions seem like the peaceful altnernative, even as iran starts to suffer as painfully as iraqis suffered under sanctions. see this also on increasing pressure,”

      I don’t know how likely war is, but you’re right about how sanctions are always portrayed as the peaceful alternative i the US press. I think this is because only Iranians suffer under sanctions, whereas a war might cause American deaths even if limited to air strikes. Pilots could get shot down, there could be terrorist attacks, or maybe successful attacks on some US navy vessel. Sanctions, no matter how brutal their effects, are seen as non-violent. Imagine the reaction if foreigners could do that to us, or to Israel.

  2. Intrade has it at 60/40 against by the end of 2012. Here’s hoping that war can be averted! By the way, that song is hilarious – Groucho was quite a talent.

  3. RE: “I spoke today with a peace activist who is putting together an international petition campaign against war with Iran.” ~ R.S.

    ALSO NOTE: Please help Tikkun/NSP run the following ad (cosponsored by the Shalom Center under the direction of Rabbi Arthur Wasko) in major American newspapers.

    No Mr. Netanyahu, No President Obama:
    No War on Iran and No First Strike

    Some who have signed this ad believe that the best path for homeland security is through rejecting the old-fashioned “domination strategy” to get your way…
    …Click HERE to see a draft of how this ad would look in the newspaper.

    If you would like to help Tikkun/NSP run this ad, please make a donation.

    1. P.S. SEE: Hawks Steering Debate on How to Take on Iran, By Eric Lichtblau and Mark Landler, New York Times, 3/18/12

      (excerpts)WASHINGTON — Even before President Obama declared this month that “I have Israel’s back” in its escalating confrontation with Iran, pro-Israel figures like the evangelical Christian leader Gary L. Bauer and the conservative commentator William Kristol were pushing for more…
      . . . Urging diplomacy are liberal groups like J Street, which is helped by $500,000 a year in contributions from the liberal philanthropist George Soros, and Tikkun, a Jewish journal that has begun running newspaper advertisements here and abroad that urge, “NO War on Iran and NO First Strike!” Tikkun, based in Berkeley, Calif., is hoping to link its antiwar message with the Occupy protests.
      “A lot of people talk about the ‘Israel lobby’ as if it’s a monolithic thing,” said Dylan Williams, head of government affairs for J Street. “It’s a myth. There is a deep division between those who support military action at this point and those who support diplomacy.”
      Clear fissures have developed among pro-Israel groups — not only between hawks and doves over whether to use military force against Iran, but among hard-liners themselves over just how aggressively to confront it.
      Sheldon Adelson, a billionaire casino owner who is a staunch supporter of Israel, was once a major donor to Aipac. But because of Aipac’s support for American aid to the Palestinian Authority, he has broken from the group. This year, Mr. Adelson has given at least $10 million, along with his wife, to support Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign…

      ENTIRE ARTICLE – http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/19/world/pro-israel-groups-differing-approaches-on-iran.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1

  4. It is only truly in times such as these that I earnestly wish I were a billionaire because I would favor so many issues such as the “no first strike” publication with real money instead of the $20 at a time per cause I am restricted to now in retirement. Clearly, the world would be better off in the hands of the Marx brothers and the Three Stooges! You know what I mean — thoughtful sensitive people. C’est la guerre!

    1. In this world, it appears most people who are billionaires get to be so after doing some pretty sleazy things in life eg. Sheldon Adelson. But I sure wouldn’t mind a few more George Soroses.

  5. Obama may have much more to worry about than a few pounds of modestly enriched uranium. Like the dead Saddam and the dead Qadaffi before them, the Iranians are trying to sell their oil to India and China in their currencies or for gold — i.e., rather than petrodollars. The US may want to try to stop them the same way it stopped the other two: murder and regime change.

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