9 thoughts on “Iran’s ‘A Separation’ Wins Best Foreign Language Film – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. It’s not hard to imagine how proud Iranians are of Asghar Farhadi given still-potent Iranian pride in achievements from centuries ago. And his contribution to the understanding that we are, in every way – emotion, desires, and dreams – just like everyone else is enormous to the promotion of our identity over the stigmatization and hype of war.

    Another important footnote, one notoriously silent here suddenly as the shoe is on the other foot, is that this film had to go through the same government censors that all Iranian films must traverse. Here, we see proof that the Iranian government is not the fascist censor of all art that the media depicts it to be. Rather, dead-end lives, the issues of emigration, aging fathers, and other issues are ever present in this film. There is evidence of the censor adding religious overtones to certain parts of the movie, such as when the “dial-a-Cleric” hotline is used by one of the movie’s actresses when she is unsure of whether or not she should help bathe an elderly demented man who could not do so himself (for he would be naked in front of her). It didn’t seem natural that even a religious person would find a moral dilemma at hand – the answer to the question she asked was obvious. Interestingly, in the opening scene, we see the two main characters before a Cleric/Judge/Mediator who is finalizing the divorce and specifying who will get custody of the children. The male is favored and the message is clear: women get the shaft in these proceedings and it is a social issue.

    Women’s issues in Iranian divorces was one of the main agenda items in Karroubi’s campaign in 2009, one of the reformists. As you may recall, candidates are hand-approved by the Iranian government. Thus, it was a message endorsed by the Iranian government. Again, we see that the media is lying about the Iranian government in the hype for war. They are reduced to binary, dark, short, bearded, unshaven people, turban wearers, religious fanatics, and caricatures to invade and mercilessly slaughter (along with the millions who will subsequently be brushed off as “collateral damage”)

    1. ps – I am also looking forward to watching Footnote. I enjoy Israeli films a lot. I loved “A Band’s Visit” and the documentary, “Defamation”, is probably one of the most important ever made. Watch the ADL heads from the West coast openly admit they exploit the Holocaust and try to share inside chuckles with the Israeli filmmaker who they ask coyly to remove the footage later from the final edit. Ahmadinejad – that’s exactly what he was saying at the “World without Zionism” (not “Holocaust Denial”) conference before he got turned into a Holocaust denying, Jew killer. Again, not trying to take the guy out for dinner. Just being truthful.

    2. “It didn’t seem natural that even a religious person would find a moral dilemma at hand – the answer to the question she asked was obvious.”

      I am not sure if this is “obvious”. I would guess that if young Haredi woman in that situation would call her Rabbi, she could get different answers dependent on the branch. It could also be a propaganda point, on the other hand. Shia clerics are very proud of their correct teaching particularly when they are different from Salafis who are both barbarian and heretic. My take is that those guys (the ruling clerics) really think in Medieval terms. However, in Middle Ages Persia was a very advanced country. Their Medieval ideal is not an austere warrior from the desert but a ruler who sponsors artists, scientists etc.

    1. Indeed. Israelis don’t consider the Iranians as their enemies and have no issues about going to see an Iranian film. I haven’t seem the film yet, but I hope to get it to soon.

    1. How funny. I was thinking about exactly the same film ! And about a Finnish documentary I saw on the television some years ago, proving that Betty Mahmoody’s story was partly (mostly ?) fake, and that it’s ‘success’ had to be understood in the context of a wider promotion of Iranophobia in the States, according to an American professor in mass media.

  2. “Here, we see proof that the Iranian government is not the fascist censor of all art that the media depicts it to be.”

    I do not watch TV so I am not sure what media says about “censoring all art”. Based on printed media, Iran has insanely dominating husbands, moooollahs, burqas, Hitler, desire for nukes, support of terrorism and an attack on 300 Spartans with no justification whatsoever. There are no arts and no censors — what would they censor?

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