17 thoughts on “IDF Torturer Doron Zahavi Wants to Sodomize Arabs and Get Medal for It – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. ” Yossi Gurvitz reports ( in Hebrew) that Zahavi ordered one of his subordinates to undress and rape Dirani. Another Zahavi subordinate, who blew the whistle on the whole military torture complex he ran, says his commander sodomized Dirani with a nightstick.”

    That’s not what Gurvitz reports.
    Gurvitz reports that Captain Gorge ordered one of the soldiers to undress and approach Dirani in a THREATENING MANNER, and told Dirani that the soldier is going to rape him. Capetian Gorge reprimand the soldier – who was embarrass by the situation – telling him it was a serious matter and he shouldn’t smile.

    שהוא אמר לחייל צה”ל להתפשט ולהתקרב לדיראני באופן מאיים, ואמר לדיראני שהחייל עומד לאנוס אותו. הוא אף נזף בחייל שחייך במבוכה ואמר לו “זה עסק רציני.”

    Gurvitz doesn’t claim that there is a witness who saw Gurvitz rapping Dirani with a nightstick, where did you get that from ?

    1. On the contrary, this is what Yossi’s English translation of his blog post states (& I linked to it so you have no excuse for missing it):

      he ordered a male IDF soldier to undress and approach Dirani in a threatening manner, and then told Dirani the soldier was about to rape him. He even reprimanded the soldier, who was smiling in embarrassment: “Behave correctly, this is serious business.”

      Do you not understand the insider wink-wink, nudge-nudge in this “banter” between boss & subordinate. This was a carefully orchestrated operation planned beforehand between Zahavi & the would be “rapist.”

      Your last sentence is a total mess & you might want to devote more care next time before you publish. You certainly didn’t mean to say that “a witness saw Gurvitz rapping Dirani…” Gurvitz didn’t “rapp” or rape anyone. The only reason we know about all this is because of another whistleblower who I’ve written a post about which you can find here, who reported the details of what Zahavi did to Dirani.

      1. There is a huge difference between ordering a soldier to rape Dirani (which is what you reported) to ordering a soldier to approach Dirani in a threatening manner (which is what Gurvits reported).

        Please link to your original story about the whistle-blower i was unable to find it.

        In the last sentence just replace the 2nd Gurvits, with cap. Gorge. and rapping with raping.

        1. You’ve conveniently left out the fact that Zahavi ordered the soldier to take off his clothes. Then he ordered the naked soldier to approach Dirani. What message do you think that was conveying? That they were going for a walk in the garden? Clearly he was threatening him with real rape as opposed to “merely” rape by pipe as actually happened.

          If you wish to be thick-headed you’re welcome to it. But please don’t expect us to fall for what you’re peddling.


          1. And you call me think headed ?
            just a reminder, you quoted Gurvitz saying “Yossi Gurvitz reports ( in Hebrew) that Zahavi ordered one of his subordinates to undress and rape Dirani.”

            Gurvitz never said that, and between i didn’t leave anything out. I quoted correctly on my first response.

            Capt. George was playing psy-ops on Dirani, as part he ordered the soldier to undress, it is entirely different then ordering the soldier to rape Dirani. Such never happened.

          2. What is wrong with you? Have you missed this passage?

            George admits – he has little choice, there is a witness – that he ordered a male IDF soldier to undress and approach Dirani in a threatening manner, and then told Dirani the soldier was about to rape him

            I’m rapidly losing both patience & interest in this exchange. If you want to be a clod, do so on your own time somewhere else.

            Don’t post another comment in this thread. You’re done here.

  2. Israel ant its agents are no different than any of the brutal Arab or Iranian dictatorships they constantly criticize. The constant propaganda to show it as a democratic, developed, humane society is not going to change this fact.
    It’s a shame because the country was created out of the ashes of horrible human acts and it should have become the nighest example of human dignity in the World. Instead, it is fast declining to the bottom of the pit, using our assistance and tax dollars.

  3. I’ve pretty much struck 972 off my blog-list. Some of the writers are worth reading but the editors will immediately suppress any comments that are contrary to the 972 party line.

    I’m beginning to think that this nasty, my-way-or-the-highway edge is just the way Israelis are, on either side of the issue. Maybe its the de-salinated water they drink.

    Who needs it. There are enough well-run blogs on the topic and life is short.

    1. If you were a dedicated fighter on behalf of your nation and kidnapped by the enemy and tortured for information that would help the enemy chances are you wouldn’t have revealed anything you know, if you were tough enough. Dirani apparently was tough enough. Not to mention that Dirani may not have known anything. We’ve seen Israel kidnap Dirar Abusisi in the belief he could help free Gilad Shalit. That turned out to be based on Hamas trickery. Who knows on what intelligence info Israel based the decision to kidnap Dirani?

  4. There are those who applaud the Israeli Supreme Court for outlawing torture in a landmark ruling.

    Richard, the Israeli Supreme Court didn’t outlaw torture at all. In paragraph 38 of its ruling, it allowed torture to meet immediate and otherwise unavoidable grievous threats to innocent life. So that whenever Israel wants to torture someone, it declares them a grievous threat et voilà, business as usual.

    Israel’s “landmark rulings” always come with a caveat that renders them irrelevant. My latest blog post is precisely devoted to this issue.

  5. It is amazing what you people are quibbling about. The fact is the man was tortured. How twisted can you be to think otherwise whether the man was penetrated or not? It is like Abu Graib when the soldiers put attack dogs on the prisoners. It is no less torture because the dogs did not bite anyone. The perpetrators are the ones who need to be in prison. Did these tactics reveal any information? Probably not. Freaking barbarians.

  6. Richard,

    One small correction. The 300 bus incident was uncovered by the then Israeli paper Hadashot, and the Israeli photographer Alex Libak who photographed the hostage takers alive. As a result, as punishment for breaking the gag order, the paper was closed for four days. The only reason Libak was able to take that picture was because the Military Police were slow in cordoning off the area and blocking access to the press. I have it on personal knowledge that a number of Military Police were court-martialed as a result.


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