Israeli media is filled with headlines claiming the Palmer Report vindicated its attack on the Mavi Marmara and tut-tutting about Turkey’s threats against it. You read headlines saying Erdogan is a dangerous megalomaniac, that Turkey aims to start a war, etc. But you don’t hear hard-headed realism in many quarters. This isn’t surprising since the Israeli media is largely a megaphone for the political and military elite. But every so often there are still, small voices of reason and pragmatism. When you hear them you need to pay attention. Such a voice is Maariv columnist Ofer Shelah, who penned a sharp-eyed piece, Turkey-Israel Relations: IDF Erred, the Nation Will Pay (Hebrew). It should be noted by anyone seeking to disparage Shelah’s devotion to Israel or its security, that he was a deputy company commander in the paratroopers (usually the rank of captain) and lost an eye to an IED in Lebanon.
Here are some excerpts:
The deterioration of relations with Turkey causes serious strategic damage to Israel. Turkey is a natural Israeli ally in that both are democracies tied to Europe. The former is also the scarlet thread that runs through the triangle of non-Arab powers in the region, Iran, Turkey and Israel.
…Blame games and self-justification have become the only foreign policy of Israel in the age of Netanyahu-Lieberman. The price we will pay if this deterioration continues will be much higher than anything the Turks will pay…
What should trouble us is how we got to this place. Here is the truth that no one will dare say: because of pride [ed., in the sense of “hubris” or “face”]. Not the pride of Israel, but rather of its army. You can always disparage politicians, but the truth is that the IDF is responsible for the incompetent operation which assaulted the Mavi Marmara. It designed, approved and executed the plan. It was the IDF which refused to understand that its mission wasn’t to detain a ship, but to deal with a protest having a potential for violence. And that the most important goal was to contain and disperse it without causing injuries, which would cause far more damage to Israel than anything the passengers could inflict.
The IDF refused to bring sufficient non-lethal force to deal with the incident. It did not engage in serious negotiation with the intended targets before the assault. The IDF killed people in a manner that even the Palmer Report, which Israelis are hailing as quite favorable to us, called “inexplicable and unjustifiable.” This is the same IDF by the way, which has refused to concede any of these errors publicly, but which well knows it erred.
…[The problem is] when the IDF errs the Israeli ego is knocked off its feet. This shows itself in circling the wagons around our soldiers, our kids, so that anyone who criticizes the operation doesn’t love them. This includes the use of a cynical “love” for the soldiers which allows people to hide [those errors] behind it. It continues with a flawed inquiry whose intent wasn’t to correct the errors, but to conceal the shame [of them], by claiming that any other outcome would involve betraying them [the soldiers].
The Palmer Commission claimed that Israeli soldiers shot people in the back. From the Israeli side, we heard from no one who was prepared to grapple with this claim, which should’ve been investigated because of the ethos of the IDF, not because it was important to the rest of the world.
So because the IDF never errs, we reach for the usual suspect and raise the finger of blame upon our [poor] hasbara. We always prefer to think that our actions are OK, and the fault lies with those who don’t explain them well enough [to the world]…
No politician will be willing to deviate from this pattern at any cost because he will always be held inferior to the sacred military apparatus. No politician will dare say that the IDF screwed up. And certainly won’t be willing to demand that other than military considerations be taken into account in the event of future such incidents. Instead of this [bringing other considerations like diplomacy to bear], Israel will be forced on the defensive and the damage will be what it will be. This is what turns tactical failures into wars which have no purpose like the second Lebanon war; and failures of execution and planning into diplomatic crises causing great damage to relations with a vital ally, which it isn’t at all clear how to repair.
It is time to put an end to the fantasy of the AIPAC-controlled congress that funds with US tax payers’ hard-earned money the program of an anachronistic cabal of conspirators that has blockaded Gaza for now nearly 44 years in attempt to subjugate its indigenous people – an action that has ensured that there will be no free access of people or goods by land, sea or air. This has been and is a deliberate attempt to make the former land of Palestine, free of all Muslims and Arabs. However, there are many thousands of Jews, like myself, who refuse to collude in this deliberate oppression and subjugation of another people. And many of those thousands of dissenters live not only in the EU and America, but in Israel itself! The declaration by the United Nations, this month, of its recognition of an independent Palestinian state, is the start of this long-overdue process.
Israel has created for itself the identity that nineteenth century Prussia used to have and that is increasingly that of the US as well: a nation owned by its army.
19th century Russia is passe’, now we’re talking 18th century Russia. Guess what’s next.
(that was supposed to be a reply to AB at 3:09 AM)
Of course, if there is only one person who thinks like you, maybe this should be telling you something. Or do you think that having the whole of the Jewish people disagree with you somehow makes your correct? It makes you pathetic
They said the same thing about Galileo. Those who felt like you forced him to recant his view that the earth revolved around the sun. Now they’re seen as thuggish bullies & he’s a scientific genius. And who do you think is “pathetic” now? Galileo or the pope who threatened him?
A good part of America’s Jews do not agree with me and, while that does not determine the justice of my own view, it hints in the right direction at least. But, I agree that any lonely voice here and there is “pathetic.” like Galileo’s recanting was pathetic, but still right and true..
Arad Nir also spoke up for apologizing to Turkey in a fiery arguement with the un-official Government and army spokesman, Ronni Daniel, on Yair Lapid’s Friday news slot on the second Israeli channel.
For an Israeli it’s tough to apologize for anything (even when bumping someone else’s car no one will ever apologize, and the insurance companies even instruct not to admit guilt!)
So give major credit to all the small voices who go against their genes and know when to apologize even if it’s only for tactical reasons!
Thanks for letting me know about that news segment. If you find a link to the video let me know.
Here’s the link to the Yair Lapid “discussion”