30 thoughts on “As UN Vote on Palestinian Statehood Approaches, U.S. Careens Toward Irrelevance – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I wouldn’t worry too much about Turkey going to the ICC. There are 2 reasons to go to the ICC. If two disputing states request it. Israel won’t request it. Secondly it is referred to it for an advisory decision from the UN. It’s doubtful Turkey would ask for another advisory decision after the UN’s Palmer Commission found the blockade of Gaza and the interception of ships trying to break it fully legal.
    Does Turkey want Israel to bring the constant slaughter of Kurds to the ICC? How many woman and children were among the 100 Kurds recently killed by Turkey?

    1. Ah, do you not recall that the PKK has killed hundreds of Turkish soldiers & civilians? So why would Turkey fear a referral to the ICC? Besides, I’d say that both Turkey & Israel kill their own citizens and those under their jurisdiction. But Israel of course kills many times the numbers that Turkey does.

      Turkey of course WILL bring this to the ICC though I’m sure hearing from you will give them great pause before doing so.

      1. You wrote:

        “Both Turkey & Israel kill their own citizens and those under their jurisdiction. But Israel of course kills many times the numbers that Turkey does.”

        I do not think this statement is accurate.

        Estimates that I have seen indicate that the total number of Israelis and Palestinians killed in conflict between 1948 and 2009 is approximately 14,500. Since 1987, the number of Palestinians killed is just under 8,000 according to B’tselem.

        Whereas, since 1994, the number killed in the PKK conflict in Turkey is estimated at over 37,000 (with the vast majority of those casualties being on the Kurdish side). Civilian casualty figures range widely depending on the source. The Turkish government itself claims to have killed 32,000 PKK members since 1994.

          1. B’tselem does a pretty comprehensive job tracking Palestinian and Israeli casualties.

            Between 1987 and 2000, they list a Palestinian casualty total of around 1,500, and between 2000 and 2011, they list a Palestinian casualty total of around 6,300. Together that totals a little under 8,000 Palestinian casualties since 1987.

            All of those figures are listed on the B’tselem website in their “Statistics” section.

            With respect to the Turkish numbers, Human Rights Watch has a pretty extensive report on the conflict there. Their report states: “The fighting has killed an estimated 44,000 people: soldiers, PKK members, and civilians.”

            The report includes the following reference with respect to casualties: “The official figures were stated as follows: 6,482 soldiers; 32,000 PKK members; 5,660 civilians killed.”

            The report can be found on the Human Rights Watch website under “Publications” – it is entitled “Protesting as a Terrorist Offense.”

            If you put the information from those two sources together (B’tselem and Human Rights Watch), they seem to establish that over the last 25 years or so, the Turks have killed its own citizens in far greater numbers.

            Are you aware of other sources that dispute these figures? I am not understanding why you find them to be so suspect.

          2. Bob Mann how many people are in Israel and how much in Turkey? Well Turkey is about 10 times bigger in population than Israel is. So when comparing both situations we must look at the size of the nations.
            Turkey 40 000 killed
            Israel 14 500 killed * 10 = 145 000

            The Israel/Palestine conflict is much bloodier than the Kurd fight in Turkey if try to make the figures “comparable”, which by the way is impossible. Would you consider for example if Finnish Jewish population would be “erased” a minor incident. There are about 1300 Jews in Finland. With this body count logic basically nothing had happened, because the figure would be only 1300.

            The Kurds situation in Turkey is not good but neither is the Palestinians situation in Israel/Palestine.

          3. SimoHurtta,

            Here is what I was addressing:

            “Both Turkey & Israel kill their own citizens and those under their jurisdiction. But Israel of course kills many times the numbers that Turkey does.”

            That was the statement that I did not think was accurate. I do not believe that Israel kills many times the numbers that Turkey does. I think that the evidence I have provided supports the opposite conclusion.

            I do not mean to suggest anything else about the relative bloodiness of either historical conflict, nor do I mean to minimize the significance of the numbers of people killed in either circumstance.

    2. Grendal (apparently) does not know the difference between the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice.

      Grendal, baby, n.o.b.o.d.y. asks for an advisory opinion from the ICC.

      What they ask of the ICC is that it issue indictments for war crimes.

      They certainly don’t ask the ICC to opine on obscure interpretations of international law; that’s what the ICJ is for…….

    3. There are 2 reasons to go to the ICC. If two disputing states request it. Israel won’t request it.

      You are confusing the International Criminal Court with the International Court of Justice. The ICC’s jurisdiction is limited to natural persons.

      So if you look at the current crop of cases, you’ll see that there are no states, just government officials and other individuals charged with crimes. http://www.icc-cpi.int/Menus/ICC/Situations+and+Cases/Cases/

    4. It’s doubtful Turkey would ask for another advisory decision after the UN’s Palmer Commission found the blockade of Gaza and the interception of ships trying to break it fully legal.

      Let’s put that myth to rest. The Palmer Commission was not a UN advisory opinion. In fact, it didn’t even fulfill the criteria for a full investigation outlined in the UN Security Council President’s Statement:

      The Security Council takes note of the statement of the UN Secretary-General on the need to have a full investigation into the matter and it calls for a prompt, impartial, credible and transparent investigation conforming to international standards.

      The Palmer Commission didn’t have a mandate to conduct a proper investigation or to report on violations of international law.

      The responsible treaty monitoring bodies and UN mandate holders have several fact finding mission reports which say that the blockade and the attack on the flotilla were both illegal.

      According to Anne Bayefsky the purpose of the Palmer Committee was to make those other international investigations go away. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/investigation-israels-action-flotilla-continue

      Not too long ago the US wanted Turkey to drop legal claims against the IDF and to bury the Palmer report itself. http://www.jpost.com/DiplomacyAndPolitics/Article.aspx?id=230779

  2. Deflection. Turkey not in good shape. Kurds are keeling Turk soldiers daily. Turkey has been bombing Kurds and murdering hundreds of civilians and little impact militarily

    Turkey has become now a legitimate target for Iran as it will be hosting a usa radar air defence system against Iran missiles – you see USA first line defence and offense against Iran on muslim land – just few months ago Erdog and Ahminajad were kissing and saying hoe close they are.. this shows you the deceing lying islamic mentality

    Turkey has been exposed as a loser – neither Egypt nor Lybia could care less about Turkey as clearly evident by events and turkey shame clearly seen by all m east people

    Poblem – erdog has arrested thousands of journalist MP S
    OFFICERS ETC – PRESSURE BUILDING FROM OUTSIDE telling erdg to free them – poor guy doesnt know what to do
    so natually he tries to deflect – if you bother to read the turkish last free english n paper yo

    Assad id Syria laughs at erdogen as poor erdog is asking
    to stop butchering Syriam people

  3. Prediction, and I hope I’m wrong. The PA will cave. they are a fully owned creature of Israel and the west and represent their own personal interests. They are Quislings who blocked an UN investigation into war crimes against their own people during Cast Lead. the Quartet, especially the vile Blair, represent Israel’s interests much as the US does. All talk of peace negotiations are farcical and are meant to run out the clock while Palestinians are dispossessed. funny how there is never pressure from the US or quartet on Israel. Indeed the EU’s relationship with Israel is illegal under the EU constitution which prohibits special trade status with regimes that violate human rights. none of this seems to matter.

    1. “The PA will cave. they are a fully owned creature of Israel and the west and represent their own personal interests.”


      Paul does not understand the difference between the PLO and the PA.

      It is the PLO who will be approaching the UN with a request for recognition of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence.

      Which is only fair, since it was the PLO itself that made that declaration in 1988.

      And it remains true that the PLO is **still** the sole recognized representative of the Palestinian people (universally acknowleged as such, even by Israel).

      The PA has no authority to discuss or to promote final status issues with anyone, since it is (and always has been) nothing but a temporary administrative organization designed for no other purpose but to create the scaffolding around which the infrastructure of the (future) Palestinian state would be built.

      Is the PLO a “fully owned creature of Israel”?

      No, apparently not.

      It is often cowered by Israel, sure, but who wouldn’t be when you spend every waking hour with an IDF gun pointing at you?

      It isn’t able to act completely freely of Israel, sure, but who would when you spend every waking hour with an IDF gun pointing at you?

      1. The PA has no authority to discuss or to promote final status issues with anyone

        The two bodies have overlapping functions in the area of foreign relations. The PLO has signed international agreements “on behalf of the PA”, but that makes the PA the de jure contracting party, not the PLO.

        The UN Secretary General acts as the official depositary for multilateral treaties in the UN Treaty Organization. He has accepted several instruments from Palestine. The historical notes indicate that the full powers for signature of the Agreements were issued by the Chairman of the Executive Council of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the President of the Palestinian National Authority.

        1. I’m sorry, haver, but I distinctly said that I was referring to the authority to negotiation FINAL STATUS ISSUES, and that the PA has absolutely no authority to involve itself on *those* issues.

          And in that I am perfectly correct i.e. when Israel goes into the tent to discuss final status issues with the Palestinians then the people staring at them across that table are… Abbas, and Rabbo, and Erekat.

          All PLO men.

          Compare and contrast: Faayad is nowhere to be seen anywhere within that tent, even though he is the PA Prime Minister.

          1. Johnboy the Oslo Accords did not include statehood or UN membership in the enumerated final status issues.

            In any event Dr Michael Kearney, a senior research fellow at Al Haq, and Errol Mendes, a visting legal scholar at the ICC, have both written advisory opinions for the Prosecutor which illustrated that there is no longer any division of labor in the field of foreign relations under the expired (September 13, 2000) Oslo framework. That is especially true after the ICJ advised in 2004 that all states, including Israel, were under an erga omnes obligation to remove any impediment to the exercise of the right of self-determination by the Palestinian people.

            For several years, Mr. Fayyad has engaged in direct foreign relations with the World Bank, IMF, AHLC donor states, and UNSCO in his capacity as an empowered Minister of Finance and Prime Minister of the PA.

            The final status issues are all in Phase III: Permanent Status Agreement And End Of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. However, Phase II (June 2003-December 2003) of the Quartet Road map terms of reference said:

            “Quartet members promote international recognition of Palestinian state, including possible UN membership.

    2. They are Quislings who blocked an UN investigation into war crimes against their own people during Cast Lead.

      No, they delayed a vote on the Fact Finding Mission report when Israel threatened to turn the West Bank into another Gaza. See Diskin to Abbas: Defer UN vote on Goldstone or face ‘second Gaza’ http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/diskin-to-abbas-defer-un-vote-on-goldstone-or-face-second-gaza-1.261541

      They had already filed a report from an Arab League fact finding mission headed by John Dugard with the ICC and had accepted the jurisdiction of the ICC on their own behalf. The last HRC follow-up on the Goldstone report is waiting on a referral to the Security Council and the ICC. http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/HRC/16/L.31

  4. I can’t say that I share your disappointment with your government, Richard.

    I’m inclined to think that America’s slide into irrelevance when it comes to Middle East peace is probably a good thing.

    Palestinians have often remarked that the US is not a ‘broker’. Rather it is a solid part of the Israeli team.

    I think that the more ineffectual the US becomes – and with it AIPACStreet – the better for the region.

  5. RE: “If you put the alternative out there, then you’ve suddenly just changed the circumstances and changed the dynamic,” ~ a senior administration official

    SEE: Desire and the Imagination of the Kingdom, By Wess Daniels, 04/09/08

    (excerpt) In the recent book, Dreams: Re-Imagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy, Stephen Duncombe reminds us of Ron Suskind’s New York Times Magazine story from 2004, “Without a Doubt: Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush.” In the article Suskind recalls a conversation he had with one of the president’s senior advisers:

    “The aide said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who ‘believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ I nodded and murmured something about Enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ‘That’s not the way the world really works anymore,’ he continued. ‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create reality. And while you are studying that reality-judiciously as you will-we’ll act again creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do'” (Duncombe, 2007: 2-3)…

    SOURCE – http://www.barclaypress.com/wdaniels.php/2008/09/04/desire-and-kingdom

    1. Wow, I’d never read that before. Illuminating. But guess what, whoever this jackass was isn’t creating such realities anymore. Though I have to say that in those 8 yrs. he created enough reality that it will take us several decades to undo the worst of it.

      1. RE: “whoever this jackass was” ~ R.S.

        MY REPLY: Good call! He has since apparently been identified as none other than “Herr” Karl Rove (a/k/a “Turd Blossom”).

        ALSO SEE: Imperial Delusions, By Robert Jensen, Counterpunch, 9/05/11

        (excerpt)…Empires rarely learn in time, because power tends to dull people’s capacity for critical self-reflection. While ascending to power, empires believe themselves to be invincible. While declining in power, they cling desperately to old myths of remembered glory.

        Today the United States is morally bankrupt and spiritually broken. The problem is not that we have strayed from our founding principles, but that we are still operating on those principles — delusional notions about manifest destiny, American exceptionalism, the right to take more than our share of the world’s resources by whatever means necessary. As the United States grew in wealth and power, bounty for the chosen came at the cost of misery for the many…

        ENTIRE COMMENTARY – http://www.counterpunch.org/2011/09/05/imperial-delusions-2/

  6. The admin’s behaviour is pretty lame alright, but it’s not out of character. Obama has an election to win, and after that (if he does manage to win), he will have the midterms to be cautious about. Maybe we’ll see some action from a lame duck prez?

    I don’t think that Israel would declare war on Turkey, but they sure as hell will demand that the US bomb that vile country with its Islamist administration. Personally, I’m quite happy to see that both Palestine and Turkey are taking action, since neither Tel Aviv nor Washington wants to get off their fat asses — except to do violence.

    The US and Israel are locked in a death embrace. They will go down together.

    1. Declare war against Turkey?

      Are you nuts or totally loose of reality? Turkey is a member of NATO. Do you understand what that means? USA would have to defend Turkey and go to war against Israel. The other option for USA is to demolish NATO and on the same time the rest of its international influence.

      Even in case of Israel would go to war against Turkey and others would not interfere it would be a suicide for Israel. Turkey is besides nukes enough strong to “push Israel to the sea”. The only option for Israel to win a war against bigger nations is to use its nukes. That is clear to the general staff of every army in Eurasia.

      That, that Israelis and Israel’s supporters so eagerly speak about war against Turkey, Egypt and basically every other country which is “against” Israeli demands, is and has not gone without notice. The danger is that of those unrealistic, megalomaniac warmongers some are influential Israeli politicians, who have access to to “nuke button”. Israelis should finally understand that their possibility to bully and to be megalomaniac is based mainly on Israel’s ability to control USA and partly on Israel’s nukes.

      Turkey has reclaimed its true and natural influence in the region. It is not the question of Islam or Islamic party’s policy. It is pure real politics and what ever government there will be in future they will follow this line. Turkey (and Egypt) will not any more tolerate that Israel is the dominant power. Turkey will not allow Israel and Cyprus to “take” the natural gas and oil resources. Also Egypt will have opinions where the borders of Israel’s economical continental shelf are and will be.

  7. What if Obama is doing for Palestine what he did for Libya? Appearing to stay aside while working covertly to achieve the objective which every so-called mideast analyst says is the objective he (obama) wants to avoid.
    obama’s Strategic Deception is to work for Palestine statehood while appearing to work against it.
    israel mistakes:
    (1) to have let it happen that Russia becomes part of the Quartet.
    (2) to have miscalculated on the move by true palestinians to ask the UNGA for Palestine recognition.
    (3) to have relied completely on Abbas (AbuMazen) its MossadMole to seeks the reversal of the Plaestinian UNGA effort. he can’t now because he was uncovered as the MossadMole that he was when he tried previously to stop the UN Goldstone Report.

    my two bits.

  8. “The truly great United States of America has a great role to play in unfolding events.” It certainly does, and has had since 1948, and has exemplified this role by supporting excusing, rationalizing, sublimating, even underwriting almost every Israeli outrage. Whether it’s Israel’s land grab of 1967 or its concomitant destruction of the USS Liberty, its continued destructive ghettoization of Gaza, its ongoing settler usurpation of Arab property, its refusal to accept international law, its Biblical justifications for its actions – you name it – the United States will be there to aid and abet and thus continue to demonstrate its acceptance of Israeli measures even when such run counter to America’s own well-being and, ironically, ultimately to the well-being of Israel, or of those Israelis who prefer not to be classified as citizens of a pariah state. There is, or certainly there has been, one nation, the United States, that all along could have pressured Israel in truly positive ways had it been willing and courageous enough to do so. My God, how many standing ovations did Netanyahu receive when he addressed our captive Congress? “A great role to play”, indeed.

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