12 thoughts on “Netanyahu Gags Shabak Director, Subverts Knesset Oversight Regarding Eilat Attack – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. You wrote: “Not so in Israel”, while you say that “Ehud Barak refused to allow chief of staff Benny Gantz to testify to a Knesset committee…”.
    Yet, when one reads the article you referred to, one see that in spite the reservation of Barak, the defense minister, Gantz was forced to appear and testify before Knesset committee.
    So the full truth show real democracy in action, where the Knesset over-rule (and have power over) the minister and not the other way around.

  2. The statement by Shaul Mofaz, (chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee) that the prime minister and the defense minister’s decision to censor the Shin Bet security service and Military Intelligence reports before the subcommittee caused….
    “deliberately and significantly damage the subcommittee’s ability to actively supervise Israel’s security and intelligence bodies” is another canary in the coalmine of Israeli democracy.

    Despite the statement by the Ministry of Defense that…. “Intelligence and operational briefings of events take place first inside the operational units and then among the intelligence bodies,” and that …”The results are presented to the IDF chief of staff and only then to the Knesset subcommittees. That is how it always was and it will remain so in the future.”……..which is correct in essence, it is also a convenient ruse to cover up or delay publication of facts about the terrorist attack which if revealed would be personally embarrassing to both the prime minister and the defense minister.

    This is another example of the increasing corruption that is now increasingly apparent in Israel.
    This atmosphere of “anything goes” and if you can get away with it then why not do it
    has also crept into the judiciary.

    This rampant “bending of the rules” cannot end well if not addressed.

  3. Parenthetical to the main point of this post, but

    > Can you imagine the aftermath of 9/11 and Pres. Bush refusing to coöperate with the 9/11 Commission?

    Why yes, I can. Bush refused to testify separately from Cheney. And, except for the usual chorus of left-wing journalists and bloggers, nobody made any fuss. (The speculation was that he didn’t want to let on that it was Cheney, not the president, who ordered the shooting down of Flight 93.)

  4. “Your own well placed source.” Is that the same source cited by Tuesday’s New York Times? Shame on you.

      1. When you realized this guy was a serious felon did you turn him in?
        He must have had great political connections 20 months in prison for the serious felonies he committed was far too little.

  5. There is a glaring fault with the dominant government system in the West. Democracy ensures everyone is equal, so no one can give orders or criticise. A decent command structure breaks down.

  6. Since Israel is acting under the emergency regulations of the British Mandate, the Knesset is not sovereign. The government, including the state security apparatus, is the sovereign. This was in fact stated clearly by the former (I think) Shabak head, who said publicly that one of the goals of Shabak is to prevent changes to the form of government, including by democratic means.

    As a matter of fact, all state security apparatuses work under the same principle whether they have a legal basis for that (as they do in Israel) or not. The British state security agency published a “scenario” for the next decades, including growing public disaffection with the political system, essentially under the assumption that its role will be to contain and to disrupt public protests. The Pentagon’s, NSA’s, and FBI’s practice, of course confirm the same mindset.

    So who’s the sovereign?

  7. Mofaz would use the opening to politicize the information, none of these guys can keep their mouth shut. I am surprised that Mr. Silversteing= can pen this “critical” screed, knowing well that the failed Kadima handled all manner of state security in the most abominable manner, shaming the country during the war with lebanon. Now they are preparing to absorb the former and disgraced Chief of Staff, an ace pilot and a small time stocks seller on the day the war bean, into the ranks of this imploding party. Mofaz, who was nominated himself to become chief of staff because Bibi regarded him as capable, a memeber of the unit that went under the command of his brother Yoni to Entebee, 1976, proved to be a second rate chief of staff, unpopular politico and a small time grifter. Tikun Olam is in the habt of finding warts, points to criticize Israel and the Likood aparatchniks. When the Tikun’s darlings, the Israeli left and kadima were taking the country to the toilet no such criticism was heard on these pages. Israel is a unique sitauation, trying to equate American norms, rules, customes and traditions, is not suitable.

  8. “In most western democracies, the legislative branch of government exercises some oversight of military and intelligence functions.”

    Not quite correct. In many parliamentary democracies, including Canada and the UK, there is almost nothing like the oversight system of the US separated-powers polity.

    In a strictly formal sense, there is more oversight in Israel than in most countries, because the relevant committees are often–as in this case–chaired by an opposition MK. Note that I said “strictly formal.” I am not challenging any point in the post other than the one I quoted.

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