15 thoughts on “Arad Exposed Secret U.S. Agreement to Jump-Start Israeli Civilian Nuclear Power Industry – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. “The story claims the nature of the nuclear cooperation is civilian,…”

    Israel has NO civilian nuclear power program. Israel has weapons enrichment reactor and “research” reactors, but no civilian power generation reactors and no plans to develop the latter capability. It is ALL military.

    1. come on…
      you can at least use google before you make such statements (hint – use ISRAEL NUCLEAR ELECTRICITY as keywords).
      Israeli minister if infrastructures has announced several times in the past year that construction of a nuclear power plant is in his ministry’s roadmap for the next decade.

      1. ROLFMA

        If I had a dollar for every time Israel government officials say they are going to do something, plan to do something, might do something, are considering doing something, etc, I’d never have to work a day the rest of my life.

        It will never happen. I’ve been reading the Israeli press for 8 years. “Hot air and no follow-through!” is your national motto. It won’t be long before Israel isn’t able to buy the necessary machinery and nuclear fuel from abroad even if it were serious about it.

  2. the US is coming out more pathetic for everyday, watch the obama speech today, will he condemn israeli refusal to peace? No he will do the aipac-funded-rant about Iran..as usual,.not to mention what netanyahu will deagagoue about tommorow in congress or what the aipac-meeting in washington this weekend will be about.

  3. I do not understand. Maybe Richard you should clarify this, why does Israel needs any ones permission for a civilian nuclear project? and what does it has anything to do with NPT.
    For example France, UK, Russia, china all have both nuclear weapons, and civilian nuclear plants.

    Israel does not sign NPT, because then the world will know EXACTLY how many weapons it possess. Its just a strategic choice of a delicate ambiguity over sheer intimidation, like in the case of Pakistani-India-China triangle.

    1. To create a nuclear power plant for civilian use you need all sorts of permits & importation of major pieces of equipment. A country cannot built its own nuclear power plant with all its own parts & machinery. The other nations you mention are all NPT signatories. That’s why they have nuclear power plants & nuclear weapons.

      1. Wasn’t it the other way around ?
        Those countries posses Nuclear weapons and the Used the NPT to prohibit other nations from having them ?

  4. The way I see it, Arad has done the world a favour, wouldn’t you agree?
    The question is, if he leaked the information deliberately, why? Scuttling Israel’s prospects for a civilian nuclear program probably wasn’t on his mind, so what was?

    1. He wanted to brag about how much Israel was getting away with in gaining equivalency with India. Israeli leaders are almost all braggarts, to their embarrassment in situations like this which require delicacy & discretion.

  5. “Since the 1970s, Israel has been punished for not signing the NPT by being prohibited from building a civilian nuclear program.”

    Given the problems in dealing with nuclear waste, I’m not so sure that “punished” is the right word to use here.

  6. Richard…
    .there are many unknowns which are only now coming out thanks largely to FOIAs of declassified materials which discuss Israelis actions in “obtaining” US HEU material– whether the U235 was ‘taken’ from NUMEC in Pennsylvania or 200 tons of NEU from Argentina routed thru W. Germany the US govt turned its head…even covered it up (as did Johnson and Helms). CIA’s NIE on Israel back in 68 concluded that they already had nuclear weapons.

    As for ‘dealing with” nuclear waste….I have read more than one report which indicated that low level nuclear waste has been dumped in areas in proximity to the poorest Bedouins camps, who are “allowed” to live in proximity to the waste piles. I dont think that there is much thought has been given to management of nuclear waste (which doesn’t really exist, (wink, wink, nudge nudge).

  7. Search: WikiLeaks Israel nuclear issue egypt “uzi arad”

    Are you sure the truth doesn’t lie in between both stories?


    ¶5. (S) Due to the U.S. administration’s prioritization of arms control and nonproliferation, Arad also noted that the GOI had recently reconvened a high level committee on these issues comprised of GOI officials and experts from outside the government. He noted that the committee had been formed during President George Herbert Walker Bush’s administration to analyze treaties such as the CWC and CTBT, but stopped meeting in 2007. U/S Tauscher expressed interest in meeting with the group during her next visit to Israel; Arad took the
    request on board.

  8. Ynet Special Coverage WikiLeaks and Israel

    (Sept. 2010) – Special Ynetnews coverage from Israel: Hundreds of thousands of secret documents uncovered by WikiLeaks website reveal ‘behind the scenes’ of diplomatic world.

    WikiLeaks exposé: Israeli officials accused Egypt of undermining ties

    (Haaretz) Nov. 30, 2010 – The cable, from the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, quoted Uzi Arad, chairman of Israel’s National Security Council, as accusing Egypt’s Foreign Ministry of harming relations with Jerusalem.

    The central topic of discussion was preparations for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference that took place six months later in New York. In the lead-up to the summit, Egypt applied heavy pressure on the U.S. to support a call for the supervision of Israel’s nuclear facilities and the convening of an international summit on denuclearizing the Middle East.

    Tauscher met with a group of high-ranking Israeli officials involved with the nuclear issue and asked that Israel show flexibility on its nuclear facilities ahead of the conference.

    According to the document, Arad described Egypt’s Foreign Ministry as a “‘nagging problem’ in the relationship, particularly regarding the proposal for a nuclear-free Middle East, and noted that Israel wanted to see a ‘reversal of trends’ from Egypt regarding Iran’s nuclear program.”

    The documents shed light on Israeli political squabbling as well. On April 18, 2007, the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv sent a cable summarizing a meeting between Benjamin Netanyahu, then opposition leader, and visiting U.S. congressmen in which Netanyahu lambasted then-prime minister Ehud Olmert for his handling of the Second Lebanon War.

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