6 thoughts on “Retiring IDF Chief of Staff Accused of Selling Advanced Military Technology for Personal Gain, Sabotaging Competitor for His Job – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. 1. Ashkenazi is not former yet. he will be replaced tomorrow.
    2. The government should vote today on nominating Beni Gantz for the Job.

  2. “while he was director general of the Defense Ministry during the Sharon government”

    He was the director in 2006, in Olmert’s government.

  3. RE: “What strikes me as damn stupid about Ashkenazi’s behavior is that he used his wife’s cell phone to conspire with Lt. Col. Harpaz”

    POSSIBLY GERMANE: ‘Secret clause lets Shin Bet get data from cell phone firms’, By Yuval Yoaz, Haaretz, 09/24/2007

    (excerpt) The licenses that Israel gives to cell phone companies contain a secret codicil requiring them to give the Shin Bet security service information about conversati­ons and messages that its customers transmit on their cell phones, according to the Movement for Freedom of Informatio­n in Israel (FOIM).
    However, the cellular companies – Pelephone, Cellcom, Partner and Mirs – as well as the Communicat­ions Ministry and the Prime Minister’s Office, which oversees the Shin Bet, all declined to confirm the existence of such a directive. If this addendum does exist, it would potentiall­y impair the privacy rights of millions of cell phone customers in Israel without their knowledge.
    FOIM says that the security appendix “permits the security services to access citizens’ communicat­ions data, including in real time, without judicial oversight or other supervisio­n and without the citizens’ knowledge.­”…

    ENTIRE ARTICLE – http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/secret-clause-lets-shin-bet-get-data-from-cell-phone-firms-1.229937

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