17 thoughts on “Curse Like a Settler – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I’m sure it was written by Avigdor Lieberman. Maybe he should teach them to curse in Arabic, although I’m sure they’ve had plenty of practice.

    I’m curious, who made him the Minister of Foreign Affairs precisely? Was it through the coalition agreement that made him Deputy Prime Minister? If that’s the case, then I’m just shocked that with all the hasbara efforts there is no oversight considering there’s documentary footage of his virulent racism and his years of living on what the world, unanimously, considers illegally occupied territory. I mean, I know that due to the circumstances, nearly anyone in real charge of Israel has some racism against Arabs (not a justification, just being realistic), but he doesn’t even hide it. And then when he tries to justify that hate by calling it nationalism and gets elected, it makes one think that the racism is epidemic in the country. If this is the case, then simply creating another state for the Palestinians RIGHT NEXT to the Israelis will not solve anything. Indeed, the separation does nothing to end the cycle of violence other than create an atmosphere of constant suspicion and paranoia in Israel, which, judging by the basic characteristic of how Israel has acted over the last 62 years, will lead to all sorts of doctrines justifying Israel’s #1 export, Arms, and its many wars. There is no two state solution.

      1. It’s true, I ranted a bit. I was waxing poetic regarding one particular settler and figured the category was appropriate. I’m open to having my post removed if it’s too out of context.

  2. Do they use the name of Rahab as a curse because she was a prostitute? Or because she betrayed her own people in order to help the Israeli spies?
    You would think that would elicit some gratitude at least.

    1. I actually thought of how unjust such a term is because Rahab actually helped the two Israelite spies. You’d think they’d show a bit more gratitude. But then again, she wasn’t an Israelite & so doesn’t deserve respect, right? Sounds familiar…

    1. As regards Rahab – the Hilltop boys don’t know their bible, she may have been a prostitute (Jewish sources prefer to see her as an “innkeeper”), but she recognised the Jewish god and saved the spies thus is in fact considered to be a positive character in Jewish sources, so much so that the Midrash says she married Joshua who was the Jewish leader of the time! The “son of Rahab” may in fact be considered complimentary to the person to whom this “curse” was addressed.

      Indian – meaning Native American or Red Indian. The Hebrew still coins them “Indians”, and here the reference refers to the “scalping” which is removing the skullcap of the demonstrators.

      1. # Jenny)
        You’re right. Why Indian ??
        From a historical point of view, the Palestinians are the ‘Amerindians’ of the Holy Land. Settlers came from Europe and took over their land, pushing the frontier not westward but eastward by ethnic cleansing.
        I think it’s time to adapt the ‘The Last of Mohicans’ to a Middel Eastern environment.

        # Shmuel)
        Referring to ‘Indians’ because of the ‘scalping’ of skullcaps is a false historical exemple.
        In fact, the scalping of the ennemi has NEVER been an indigenous Amerindian habit, but was introduced by European settlers. Scalping facilitated the paying of each Indian killed, as the professional Indian-hunters did not have to bring the whole corpse.

        As in Palestine, the colonizers have done a lot of rewriting history to blame the victims.

          1. # Shmuel)
            I wrote my thesis on racial stereotypes of Native Amerindians (though concentrated on Mexico), so I’m sorry, no ‘wikipedia’ entry would convince me of the responsability of the Natives – neither in the Americas nor in Palestine.
            After all, the Palestinians didn’t not go to Europe to drag you out of the sthetls and bring you to Palestine. Your forefathers came without any invitation, didn’t behave as guests are supposed to behave according to Arab customs and though the hospitality of the Arabs is well-known, when the guest takes over the entire house, the orchards and the fields, leaving you in a shack in the back garden and oblige you to ask every time you want to use the bathroom, it’s time to say NO.

        1. @Deir Yassin
          “Your forefathers came without any invitation, didn’t behave as guests are supposed to behave according to Arab customs and though the hospitality of the Arabs is well-known, when the guest takes over the entire house, the orchards and the fields, leaving you in a shack in the back garden and oblige you to ask every time you want to use the bathroom, it’s time to say NO.”

          I think your historical narrative is rather different from mine.

          From my history lessons I learnt that there was a continuous Jewish presence in Palestine since the destruction of the 2nd. Temple in the year 70 (and, of course, before this as rulers) until the mass Jewish return to Palestine that began in the second half of the 19th. century.
          Four major cities always had a Jewish presence – Jerusalem, Tsfat, Hebron, and Tiberius.

          Your post seems to imply that the Jews “invaded” an Arab populated land and pushed them out. NOT SO!!! Jews were always there, sometimes as rulers, sometimes as an (oppressed) minority, but always there.

          Many of today’s Palestinian ancestors are also immigrants to Palestine over the centuries from the Magreb and the Hadrmaut, no different as far as their indiginous belonging to the land from the Jews who also joined their fellow Jews in Palestine at different points in time.

          As long as we can’t agree on a basic narrative such as this we can never really come to agree on any point which will lead to a solution.

          We may argue about “the facts” as to what happened in the modern era (1917-today), but putting forward your opinion that the Jews as it were invaded from Europe an Arab land, or accepting Hertzl’s famous error of dreaming of “a people without a land to a land without a people” do not help solving the modern-day issues and leave us without any common denominator for the most basic of dialogue.

          To start to try and have a fruitful dialogue we must accept that “Palestine” has for at least a thousand years been populated by both Arabs and Jews of various ethnic and\or geographical origins, and from there to try and find a way now to live either together or separately in the land of contention.

          1. Agreeing on a ‘basic narrative’ is totally besides the point in the search for a solution. What is wrong with basic human decency ?

            Who invaded who in the Middle Ages is really besides the point when right now families that have been living on lands for generations, are harassed by agressive religious settlers from America, Russia or where-ever, backed by a double standard-double agenda government and society that obviously doesn’t know its limits.

            There are borders that are internationally agreed upon. It’s the 1967 line. Old arab villages on the western side are unfortunately destroyed and it’s former inhabitants should be compensated for that.
            On the eastern side, the Westbank (and Gaza) there should be Palestinian jurisdiction and authonomy.

            Is that so difficult to concede ?

          2. # Shmuel)
            This discussion is way OFF topic and we’ll surely come back to it later. Just: I know Jews have lived in ‘The Holy Land’ for the last 4000 years, so have other ethnic and religious groups, before, after and alongside the Jews. The Jews of the Old Yishouv were largely against the Zionist project of creating a Jewish state. Am I wrong ?

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