6 thoughts on “IDF Cyber Warfare Unit 8200 Press-Ganged Felonious Hackers and Pedophiles for Service – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Cyber warfare has exactly the same drawback as biological warfare, in that once you’ve released something infectious, you’ve absolutely no control over where it goes next, even if you can immunize your own people/computers against it. (One definition of a biological weapon is anything you have a vaccine for and the enemy doesn’t.)

    This can be a two-edged sword in another way:
    Iran’s ability to retaliate against Israel, if they were indeed responsible, is very limited. However, if this doing economic damage across a whole region (as I thought it might be DESIGNED to last time I commented about this) and that region includes China, the depth of mire that Israel is now in should not be under-estimated.

    Doubtless there will now be lots of posts about how the IDF could take China on and defeat them in a day or two, but that’s a fight where AIPAC wouldn’t be able to get the White House to give Israel a single round of rifle ammunition in aid. China owns practically all of America’s debt.

    Causing mayhem across India and Indonesia wasn’t exactly bright, either, and if the worm gets back to Russia and does harm there, then Israel will really know about it.

    Random economic damage on a global scale makes Israel a more pressing problem for the world than the Somali Pirates. I don’t think the great powers will take an awful lot of time out to listen to Israeli lobbyists before they respond, somehow.


    …Jeffrey Carr, author of “Inside Cyber Warfare,” describes what he believes is the first example of Stuxnet’s destructive power: the loss of India’s INSAT-4B communications satellite which shut down in July. The satellite’s control systems use Siemens S7-400 PLC and SIMATIC WinCC software, both of which are targeted by Stuxnet…

    ENTIRE ARTICLE – http://warincontext.org/2010/10/01/israel-smart-enough-to-create-stuxnet-and-stupid-enough-to-use-it/

    1. I don’t much like your line in the warincontext comments that “Israel is an existential threat to all of us”. The current regime, maybe, but that regime is an artifact of a malfunctioning electoral system and not an expression of national will and support.

      The Israeli military is akin to the Revolutionary Guard, in that it sees itself as being almost entirely outside democratic oversight, too. All it needs is its own system of finance, outside the tax system, and the IDF will BE the Guard.

        1. If Indonesian railways use Siemens PLCs in their signaling system, then I fear that Unit 8200 could have just run up a bigger body count for the year than the rest of the IDF put together.

          If it was meant to target a nuclear facility, that worm could have been so much more specific than it evidently is.

          It looks increasingly as if this worm was intended to do generalized economic damage (as I’ve said before, a PLC is a universal tool), and no effort was made to stop it doing such damage outside the target country.

          If the IDF is actually banking on divine intervention to save them from the consequences of doing evil to peaceable nations, that may prove to be their biggest miscalculation of all.

        2. Given that Siemens makes trains and a whole lot of other railway hardware, it is by no means an esoteric possibility that Indonesian and other railway signaling and power-switching systems will utilize Siemens PLCs.

          Quite large parts of the UK’s Network Rail may do so, too, as well as Eurostar. Signaling errors at 160MPH in the middle of the Channel Tunnel, anyone?

          Railways are the part of the UK’s industrial infrastructure most likely to employ Siemens PLCs. Most factories use Rockwell, except for the giant Japanese car plants, which all specified Japanese-made PLCs to UK equipment builders.

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