I regret to say that this blog’s RSS feed is not updating properly when using RSS readers like Google Reader, Feedburner or Feedblitz. If you’re subscribed using these services, you’re probably not seeing my most recent posts. I don’t know why this is happening. Usually in situations like this there is a plugin conflict or it may have to do with issues related to my server in which the site has been down momentarily due to reaching memory limits.
At any rate, if you’re reading with a reader and it’s not updating properly I can suggest subscribing directly to my own notification plugins (per post or daily digest) which are updating reguarly with e mail notices.
Again, I apologize for the inconvenience. And if you have any technical ideas why this may be happening or how to correct it let me know.
UPDATE: Thanks Jonathan for figuring out that W3 Total Cache plugin prevents the RSS feed from updating properly. Other users take care. Don’t allow it to cache your RSS feed unless you want trouble.