8 thoughts on “When Jews Broke a Blockade and Violently Resisted… – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I think there is a difference still. The passengers of the Exodus were affected themselves. They fled Europe, they sought a new home where they can live their lives. So they have a greater reason to be desperate and fight back. They never claimed (as far as I understand it) to be peace activists.

    The people on the turkish ship were not affected themselves by the siege of Gaza. They were underway on a political action they decided to do, but it wasn’t for themselves, but for people they think are in need (which is a honourable thing).

    But they are not as directly affected as the passengers of the Exodus back then, so I think, this makes a difference.

    1. The people on the turkish ship were not affected themselves by the siege of Gaza.

      These are meaningless distinctions. The Gaza flotilla activists were deeply affected by the suffering of Gaza, just as many Jews are deeply affected & intimately engaged in the suffering of Israelis. They had every right to do what they did. Those in Gaza are also attempting to make a new home for themselves in an independent Palestine. That’s the issue, not how directly affected the flotilla passengers were by Gaza’s suffering.

      1. The difference between the two is obvious. One was a ship of refugees trying to reach their home. The other is group of political activists trying to accomplish some goal by deliberately provoking a violent engagement to be seen on TV. A circus, really.

        The comparison between the two ships is really superficial. It would have had merit if the members of the convoy intended to live in Gaza for a long time, in effect to make Gaza their home as Exodus’ passengers did in Israel.

        Somehow, I doubt there would have been a convoy if it’s purpose was to settle in Gaza and help them rebuilt and live normal lives. Hamas would have handed them a reality check really quickly.

        1. One was a ship of refugees trying to reach their home.

          That’s ridiculous. THey were EUROPEAN refugees, not Israelis. That’s why the British violently intercepted them. Which is similar to the way in which the Gaza flotilla was intercepted.

          In the case of the Exodus, the passengers were fleeing persecution & seeking freedom. In the case of the flotilla the passengers were attempting to support an imprisoned people who seek their own home and nation. Virtually the same thing despite all yr sophistry.

          1. What I find interesting is the need for some Zionists to always turn the narrative back to Jewish suffering. This narcissism prevents them from seeing clearly the reality of Palestinian suffering. And here it is again, the comparison of the Exodus to the flotilla, like comparing apples to oranges.

            And it’s also similar to the Israeli tactic of acting aggressively and then somehow miraculously becoming the victims.

  2. @mary:
    I think this is the basic pattern for both sides: Aggression and then playing the victim. I think one big step would be if we did not speak of Israelis and Palestinians, but of aggressors (the leadership and those who follow willingly) and the victims (those directly affected by the aggressions).
    I think getting this distinction rather than Palestinian-Israeli distinction in people’s heads could add to solve the conflict.

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