I kid you not, the best that the brightest minds behind the Israel lobby could devise in preparation for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s upcoming appearance at the UN in New York is taking out this full-page ad in the N.Y. Times, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, and saying the way to stop Iran’s ‘unquenchable thirst’ for nuclear weapons is to stop using oil. Well, OK, not all oil, we can keep guzzling good ol’ U.S. crude, but “foreign” oil is bad. And Iran is the worst oil of all.
Of course, the ad doesn’t tell you that with sanctions already in place we hardly use any Iranian oil. But hey, why quibble with a righteous cause? Facts would only get in the way, right?
What’s interesting about the ad is that it doesn’t just target Iranian oil. It targets big, bad Arab oil:
Our addiction to foreign oil…pours funds into the coffers of foreign regimes that hold anti-American and anti-Israel sentiments, support terrorists, and threaten America’s and Israel’s national security.
Who else could they be referring to? Saudi Arabia, of course. Those guys are really anti-Israel. Did you get a load of that nasty anti-Israel Saudi peace plan proposed by those jihadists? Man, imagine retreating to 1967 borders? How anti-Israel can you get? But what I want to know is how does S.A. “threaten America’s national security?” I thought we were allies? Did I miss something? Did I take a nap when Obama announced we were no longer friends?
Then of course there’s Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela. We’ve been sucking up his oil far too long. Then there’s all those other anti-American countries whose black gold we import, like Canada, Mexico, Nigeria, Iraq, the U.K. and Brazil! Just think of the sound of all those dollars being sucked out of our economy and transferred, as the ad quotes Bibi Netanyahu saying:
…To some of the world’s most odious exporters of terrorism and fanaticism.
Canada? Mexico? Britain?
What’s actually hilarious about this ad is that it manages to meld together a supposedly Green environmental message with pro-Israelism and national security, thus hitting the Trifecta! I feel so uplifted knowing via this ad that Bibi Netanyahu has become a Green warrior in pursuit of the cause of peace. Just listen to his wisdom here:
Reducing the world’s dependence of oil would help cleanse our world after more than a century of industrial pollution.
I tell you, with ads like this Iran has nothing to worry about. Its enemies will spend themselves into oblivion and have nothing to show for it except this histrionic, mind-numbingly dumb ad copy.
While we’re at it, let’s give credit where it’s due to the bright lights who associated in this car wreck of an ad. There are the usual right-wing suspects like Aipac, Conference of Presidents, ADL, AJC, Bnai Brith. But there are a few liberal groups as well who got into the act including Reform Judaism, the Reconstructionist movement, and Hadassah. Let’s give them all a big round of applause for a job well done in defending Israel’s honor from the Arab-Muslim hordes.
The best antidote to this stupid ad is the article which appeared at http://www.alternet.org/story/146673/
The funny thing is that USA has deliver Israel the oil they need in time of crisis after the agreement made after peace with Egypt. So Israel and its “tentacles” in USA can bully how ever much they want, USA is obliged to take care of the consequences (and pay the bills). Israel is no good example in using environmental friendly energy despite their heavy propaganda and unjustified self bragging. Even with nuclear energy Israel uses it almost solely for weapon production. A real good “moral” example for the world.
Israel has contributed much to the oil’s price peaks. Trouble Israel creates in the region has meant in the past and will mean in future more gold in the coffers of Arab and Iranian rulers and international oil companies. To build a non oil dependent new world “order” will take decades in the best case. The Jewish lobbies know that perfectly well but the continue repeating this stupid propaganda.
Maybe Arab and Muslim lobbies should start a campaign
“Help in making USA again a sovereign country and end religious apartheid in Holy Land. Stop eating mini tomatoes, stop using ecstasy and do not buy diamonds.”
Nah, the govt. of Steve Harper ( who depends a lot on the pro-Israel Canadian lobby to get re-elected ) will open the gates to the US at the expense of its own citizens (sarcasm)
The US gets most of its oil from the Alberta tar sands. Eastern Canada has to get its oil from the Middle East, including Iran.
If the US quit all its Middle Eastern suppliers, it would have to get even more of its oil from the tar sands, forcing Canada to buy more from the Middle East.
So where does that get us?
Hilarious! I’m still laughing, as I read this again.
Love the campaign idea. 😛
RE: “…Then of course there’s Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela. We’ve been sucking up his oil far too long…” – R. Silverstein
MY COMMENT: Fear not, the “red Chinese” are coming to the rescue!
SEE: Hugo Chavez moves to diversify sale of Venezuelan oil away from US refineries, By Dan Molinski and John Lyons (WSJ), The Australian, 04/19/10
(excerpt)…CHINA has promised to lend $US20 billion ($21.6) to Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez said over the weekend, underscoring the Asian giant’s push to deepen ties with oil-rich nations in the developing world.
The credit – which Mr Chavez said ranks among China’s biggest foreign loans ever – shows the growing importance of oil in China’s energy mix, and the lengths that the fast-growing nation is willing to go to secure it.
Once a net oil exporter, China is now the world’s third biggest oil importer.
Mr Chavez, an outspoken US adversary in Latin America, has long grumbled that the US remains the biggest buyer of Venezuelan crude. The loan is a boost to his efforts to diversify sales of the major oil exporter away from US refineries….
….Mr Chavez said the money will be used to build new power plants, highways and other projects and would be repaid with Venezuelan crude oil. The countries also formed a joint venture to develop an oil field in Venezuela’s eastern Orinoco region….
….The White House declined to comment on China’s loan to Venezuela and the State Department didn’t respond to requests for comment….
SOURCE – http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/news/hugo-chavez-moves-to-diversify-sale-of-venezuelan-oil-away-from-us-refineries/story-e6frg90x-1225855441105
This almost inspires me to abandon my longtime non-motorist ways and get a car…
Yeah, if you think about it Bibi’s comment should mean he’s going zero emissions as well. What are the odds he’s not a hypocrite on this score (as on so many others)?
I thoroughly enjoyed this article! Does this mean Israel’s going to stop flying its F-16’s over Southern Lebanon and Gaza?
After all, the war machine’s a real gas guzzler!
Yeah! Maybe they’ll develop zero emission tanks & fighters? Planes running on solar power? Maybe they can develop Green missiles (not as in Muslim Green, but earth Green) fueled organically & sustainably!!