An Israeli reader has e-mailed me a message meant for the Efrat community, a major West Bank settlement founded by former Lincoln Square Synagogue Rabbi Doctor (his own website attaches the honorifics to him) Shlomo Riskin:
בימים שני ושלישי הקרובים (19-20/4/10)
יום הזכרון והעצמאות
לא תתאפשר כניסת פלשתינאים לאפרתThis coming Tuesday and Wednesday, Memorial and Independence Days, no Palestinians will be permitted to enter Efrat.
My correspondent’s ‘wicked’ rejoinder:
So who’s going to wipe the settlers’ asses on Independence Day?
It should be kept in mind that Efrat is a settlement known for being an especially cruel neighbor to surrounding Palestinian villages, whose misdeeds have included stealing surrounding land for its own expansion and polluting farm land with its own untreated sewage. Perhaps Efrat’s residents think their turds are golden and have special medicinal powers that would benefit their Palestinian neighbors. If so, that’s mighty white of ’em.
Also, Efrat is one of the settlements which received largesse from Christian Zionist Pastor John Hagee and his pro-settler Christians United for Israel.
RE: “So who’s going to wipe the settlers’ asses on Independence Day?” – Israeli reader
FROM WIKIPEDIA: Groom of the Stool
(excerpt) The Groom of the Stool was a male servant in the household of an English monarch who, among other duties, “preside[d] over the office of royal excretion,”[1] that is, he had the task of cleaning the monarch’s anus after defecation.[2][3]
In the early years of Henry VIII’s reign, the title was awarded to minions of the King, court companions who spent time with him in the Privy chamber. These were the sons of noblemen or important members of the gentry. In time they came to act as virtual personal secretaries to the King, carrying out a variety of administrative tasks within his private rooms. The position was an especially prized one, as it allowed one unobstructed access to the King’s attention.[4] David Starkey writes: “The Groom of the Stool had (to our eyes) the most menial tasks; his standing, though, was the highest … Clearly then, the royal body service must have been seen as entirely honorable, without a trace of the demeaning or the humiliating.”[5] Further, “the mere word of the Gentleman of the Privy Chamber was sufficient evidence in itself of the king’s will,” and the Groom of the Stool bore “the indefinable charisma of the monarchy.”[6]…
But but but, what about Palestinian Christians?
Them too? Wouldn’t he have to make an exception to keep the pipeline coming from Hagee? (note, COMPLETE sarcasm)
Here is a post I have written about Efrat. This was in response to “Akbar Palace”/”Bar Kochva” the propagandist making all sorts of assertions i Syria Comment about how the poor settlers are not invited to live in Palestine:
Also, Efrat is home to racist MK David Rotem.
Interesting rules in Efrat: “Supervision of the workers will be carried out by the resident, preferably armed”
It sounds more like a chain gang.
Unfortunately, Arab gardeners, laborers of all sorts have been found to murder their employers, often including housewives. This was reported in Jerusalem Post as I clearly recall. It therefore became prudent for the employer to be armed.
Well, if it was reported in the JPost it must be true. But have they reported about the Israeli Jewish employers who exploit their hired Palestinians laborers? Have you forgotten the Israeli Jewish terrorists who exploit Palestinian laborers by offering them rides to or from work & then murdering them as Asher Weissgan did? Or who hire a Palestinian taxi & then murder the driver as Julian Souffrir did (he’s in a mental asylum btw so he doesn’t have to serve a day in an Israeli prison)? You’ve forgotten those incidents haven’t you?
Elisabeth: It says a lot that there are people who are so desperate that they will submit to these conditions.
Also, what if you live in Efrat and you want to invite some Palestinian friends over to your house? (I’m sure many Efrat residents would tell us that some of their best friends are Palestinian.) Do these guests have to pass the same security checks and be subjected to the same “supervision” that workers do?
You are absolutely right about the dismal situation of the Palestinians, when there are people among them desperate enough to submit to these ‘chain gang’ conditions.
Hmm, Palestinian friends in Efrat? I can imagine the fun parties with their armed hosts!
the squats can return to using nothing, fingers, rocks, potatoes as they and their ancestors in khazaria and brooklyn did and still do.
Palestinians are restricted from entering Efrat on holidays due to their tendency to bring bombs to public events and supermarkets. The same palestinian worker who shared coffee at his employers kitchen table in Efrat many times, decided to blow himself up in the supermarket one day. Restrictions are not baseless.
Proof of the suicide bombing claim?
There were two suicide bombing incidents in Efrat. The one mentioned above was on 20.02.2002, no casualties except the attacker who was a constructor builder working in Efrat (so said the settlers).
The second attack was on the Mar 31, 2002 – An MDA paramedic was very seriously injured along with three other people at 17:00 Sunday afternoon in a suicide bombing at the emergency medical center in Efrat.
Links in Hebrew:
List of the suicide and bombing attacks since 1994
Israel Foreign Ministry site:
You had a suicide attack 8 years ago & you use that to justify continuing to treat Palestinians like dirt? And how long will these stories continue being useful to you in explaining the injustice of Efrat’s treatment not just of its Palestinian workers, but the entire surrounding Palestinian countryside. And do you think that perhaps local Palestinians might feel more favorably toward Efrat were it not a thieving, violent bunch of thugs in its ‘neighborly’ relations?? What about properly treating its sewage so it didn’t poison surrounding Palestinian land? What about acknowledging that the city itself is built on private Palestinian land which Efrat didn’t own or pay for?
” ועל זה נאמר במקורות: “בא עליו במקלו ובתרמילו
You asked for proof of the claim, you got it.
Back when I studied Tanach they taught us to provide a source when we used a quotation. It’s quite condescending & obnoxious to try to drop in a quotation to prove yr superior knowledge of the sources w/o letting anyone in yr audience know what you’re talking about. That says a lot about you & it ain’t pretty.
Same goes for you. It’s quite condescending to conclude before hand that I share the same views with the one who wrote the comment. (I don’t, but that not the point)
Kol Toove
Actually it’s not from the Tana”ch, it’s from Baba Batra klg (koof.lamed.gimel) sefer ha’agada beit chet lamed vav: “Attacked him with all he has in his hand”.
You’re speaking in tongues unfortunately. I have no idea how the quotation responds to yr original comment nor what you are trying to say in general other than that you’re delbierately trying to be unpleasant & hostile.
So is it that
a) in Efrat public events are held and supermarkets are open only on holidays, or
b) is there some unwritten suicide-bombing law that permits attacks only on Jewish holidays (and then only on supermarkets?), under penalty of the attacker losing his claim on the 72 virgins?
This reasoning has as many holes as the so-called “security barrier” that has allegedly prevented so many bombers from crossing into Israel, but miraculously lets through undocumented working migrants by the thousands.
“Palestinians have a tendency”, my arse.
jews should be restricted from entering palestine on any and every day due to their tendency to bring hellfire missiles, cluster bombs, napalm, white phosphorus, tanks, DU, typhus, psychopaths.