11 thoughts on “Israel-Palestine Proximity Talks, Game of Charade – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. I think this nonsense is the last step in the endless dance, and these shuffling fools will at last realize that they’re not fooling anyone with their silly “proximity talks.” This is merely a formality so that no one needs to be the guilty party throwing in the towel, after which this mess will finally end up before the Security Council, and oh please God, will someone finally intervene???

    The only thing that might come out of it is that Netanyahu will be pressured enough to back off from any plans to attack Iran. It’s going to take some serious carrot-and-stick to get his cooperation; we’ve seen that Bibi doesn’t like to be told what to do by the likes of Barack Obama. I’m sure there are some bombs, tanks, anti-aircraft missiles, phosphorus and DIME shells lying around in the US arsenal that Obama can wave under Netanyahu’s nose to dissuade him from attacking Iran. He can remind Bibi of what a fun time it was last year when Israel killed all those Palestinian civilians with US-made weapons.

    1. For goodness’ sake, Mary. What on earth makes you think Obama or any one else in authority in the US even wants to rein in Netanyahu? As I’ve said many times before, their ends, and means, are the same. Palestinians, Iranians, be damned.


    ALSO SEE: Secret Israeli report: U.S. cozying up to Palestinians – Haaretz, 03/07/10
    (EXCERPTS) The U.S. administration will not put a lot of effort into the upcoming indirect negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, opting instead to focus on the November Congressional elections, according to an internal Foreign Ministry report that was distributed to Israeli diplomatic missions abroad….
    …U.S. Vice President Joe Biden is due to arrive in Israel Monday afternoon. The Obama administration hopes to be in a position to announce the resumption of talks before his arrival so that his visit can concentrate on U.S. relations with Israel and with the PA rather than on bridging the gap between Israel and the Palestinians.
    Biden is expected to present the administration’s broad vision of the peace process and to avoid focusing on the details of the conflict…
    …According to the report Washington is aware of the domestic political problems faced separately by both Netanyahu and Abbas and has decided to concentrate on achieving the limited goal of restarting the negotiations. The peace talks will not be at the top of the Obama administration’s agenda, the report claims.
    “In our assessment the administration will focus in the coming year on domestic issues that are expected to determine the results of the Congressional elections,” the report’s authors wrote. “As such, and due to the difficulties to date in achieving significant gains in the peace process we can assume that the administration’s focus on this issue will be limited and will predominantly remain in the hands of Mitchell’s teams.”
    According to the report, Washington can be expected to portray the resumption of the Israeli-Palestinian talks as a domestic and international achievement, in the hope of creating an atmosphere that is conducive to direct negotiations between the parties on the core issues.
    The authors of the report also predict that the administration will avoid taking any position that suggests disagreement with Israel, because of the support that Israel enjoys among both parties in Congress.
    SOURCE – http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1154530.html

    1. Of course this is true. It saddens me that on ALL sides the hardship Palestinians are experiencing is not what motivates the parties to restart this process. What they all have in common is the need to stage a political play to survive politically, especially Obama and Abbas, while Netanyahu plays their game of peace talks but then approves more illegal settlement activity while he buys more time to expand the state of Israel and make the two-state solution impossible, hence sabotage peace.

      Once again, Palestinians are merely a political football in a game where everyone wins something except them.

  3. I think its better that the effort is made, at least to partially contain Netanyahu, if that is what is occurring. Its hard to tell which would be worse.

    1. Richard Witty, I would agree with you, but I really think it is all theatre and not a bit of reality. But maybe you are right and at least there will be some genuine effort to rein in Netanyahu. I hope you are right in this.

  4. Why doesn't Biden bow while he shakes Netanyahu's hand? Why not fully act out the part? After all, this visit is nothing more than a sham formality, a show, a charade and let’s makes an effort at make-believe peace for political interest. May as well depict the truth in gestures as well as words. Netanyahu is shaking hands with one hand while he signs onto 1600 more illegal homes on the West Bank with the hand behind his back.

    The U.S. is enabling a crime against humanity and war crimes. Evicting people and transferring people out of occupied land and building and transferring foreign settlers onto that land is a war crime and an act prohibited in the Geneva Convention. Meanwhile, the collective punishment of people in Gaza is a crime against humanity.

    Building a wall on occupied land is illegal and the military oppression of people under occupation is also illegal.

    Why is Biden shaking the hand of someone who is approving illegal activity with the other hand?

    This is an unethical, unholy, immoral alliance and it can’t be described any other way.

  5. Two-state solution was implemented in 1922 when british administration of occupied Israel allocated more than half Israel territory to palestinian muslims and created Transjordan (now Jordan). Therefore, all so called "palestinians" must be relocated there in compliance with the 1920 UN Resolution. Enough stealing Israel land. Britain and Jordan must compensate Israel for stolen land and natural resources.
    Ref: Jewish legal rights to Judea and Samaria
    By prominent International Law specialist Ted Belman | 12/08/09 | 06:19 AM EDT |

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