One of Israel’s most extreme right-wing Knesset members, Arieh Eldad, spoke at a committee hearing about the fracas between Danny Ayalon and a J Street Congressional delegation which he boycotted. The committee was deliberating on a resolution to criticize the government’s behavior toward J Street. As part of the deliberation, MK Eldad said the following:
I remember what Rashi wrote in his Torah commentary about pig. Why do we hate it so much? Because the pig lays down and spreads its limbs and says “look how pure I am.”
What is my problem with that lobby? It is fine for there to be a lobby in Israel, in the US, wherever they want, that is in favor of establishing a Palestinian state in the middle of our country. I think it is a disaster for Israel, I think it is suicidal, I think it will destroy the Zionist enterprise. But it is perfectly legitimate. What is so infuriating about this lobby is the pure face they put on as a pro-Israeli lobby. So let everyone know. These are feathers they should not wear.
Talk about mixed metaphors! Oh my God, now he’s talking about flying pigs! When will a J Street delegation get to meeting with Danny and Yvette? When pigs fly! Naturally, the motion lost 11 to 5 and Ayalon won’t even get a slap on the wrist.
J Street’s blunder has been exposed. There was no boycott of their congressional delegation since there was never any meeting set up with the Israeli Foreign Ministry and none requested. Just a media spin for their own fundraising shenanigans.
Your third comment rule violation today. You’ve lied. The Israeli media reported that Ayalon himself bragged he was boycotting the delegation. The delegation asked for meetings w. foreign ministry & government personnel which were not provided. The leader of the delegation, who has a damn sight more credibility than you do, acknowledged a boycott. If you wish to make a claim you must support it with real, credible evidence. If you make a claim that is a lie & do not support it, this is ground for losing comment privileges.