A high school friend of my wife’s tells the following hilarious story on her Facebook page. She was sitting in her living room watching Sarah Palin’s Tea Party speech and when the latter got to the part of her speech where she said: “My plan is quite simple.” The high school friend’s 85 year-old mother said, without skipping a beat: “It would have to be.”
I couldn’t stop laughing.
It reminds me of the time when I was in Pakistan visiting my exhusband’s family. His sister-in-law, a very dignified lady with few English skills, sat silently in on our conversation about American politics. Suddenly she spoke very clearly: “George Boosh can go f*#@ himself.” It was priceless.
As for Sarah, I hope with all my heart that she disappears into obscurity. I pray that she never gets so dangerously close to the presidency as she did in 2008. Because of her stupidity and her personality cult, she is the most dangerous person in American politics.
Just for your amusement:
And, in case you don’t know it already, the first part: