If you’re wondering what’s that faint stink is wafting from your radio when you turn it on in the morning, it might just be you’ve gotten too close on the dial to whatever station’s broadcasting Rush Limbaugh’s latest anti-Semitic diatribe. Now, I’ll have to admit as even Abe Foxman did, that Rush’s latest dump isn’t straight to the gut anti-Semitism like you’ll get from truly Jew-hating populists out there. It’s more prettified stuff–nudge, nudge, wink, wink stuff to quote the old Monty Python routine.
In his diatribe, he begins by noting that independents turned the tide for Scott Brown in the Massachusetts Senate race. Then he falsely claims that Jews want to hide their liberal political status by calling themselves independents. So since independents won the day for Brown this must mean that independent Jewish liberal voters are turning their backs on Barack Obama (did you follow that?). This of course makes Limbaugh chortle with glee as the turd drops in the bucket:
LIMBAUGH: To some people, “banker” is code word for Jewish; and guess who Obama is assaulting? He’s assaulting bankers. He’s assaulting money people. And a lot of those people on Wall Street are Jewish. So I wonder if there’s — if there’s starting to be some buyer’s remorse there?
Abe Foxman, who chides Republicans for anti-Semitism about as often as the Pope enters a synagogue, even Abe had to admit this crossed the line. When Abe goes after ’em you know they’ve crossed a major red line.
And if all of this wasn’t disturbing enough, we have a line-up of Jewish sycophants waiting to kiss Rush’s ring and tell the world of all the good he’s done for Israel:
Jewish groups praised Rush Limbaugh for his “outspoken support for Israel” after his controversial remarks on Jews and the banking industry.”There has been controversy recently over statements made by radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh about Jewish voting patterns, political ties and the recent Massachusetts election. We are deeply dismayed by the unfounded criticism of the talk show commentator’s observations,” read a statement issued Wednesday by several Jewish organizations, including American Friends of Likud, the news monitoring group CAMERA, Emunah of America, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, National Council of Young Israel, Religious Zionists of America and Z-Street.
“While one may agree or disagree with Mr. Limbaugh’s views on many subjects, his outspoken support for Israel has been eloquent, informed and undeniable. Moreover, in commentary on the Jewish people, he has been nothing short of a philo-Semite. We are grateful for his strong and singular voice on these issues,” concluded the statement.
This is almost a precise repeat of the John Hagee situation in which Jews like Aipac and Elie Wiesel make a cold calculation concerning what’s less odious–the anti-Semitism or losing the pro-Israel support of strategic celebrities like Hagee or Limbaugh. They hold their nose over the noxious anti-Jewish vapors and kiss their pro-Israel ass every time.
Among the Jewish loony groups listed is one that is all but virtual, Z Street, consisting of Allyson Rowen Taylor and Lori Lowenthal Marcus. Now here I lied–the Alexa ranking for their site is all of 2,388,000.
Pammy Geller, Mike Ledeen, and Norm Podhoretz have also joined the holy Rush choir as well. And the big man himself says “Hell no” he won’t apologize.
I had to look up the John Hagee-Elie Wiesel connection before I could believe it. Is it possible for Elie Wiesel to sink any lower?
In a way it makes sense for anti-Semites to be fans of hard-line Israel, as after all, they enjoy seeing Arabs being kept in their place.
Elie Wiesel, Professional Holocaust Victim, is an unprincipled hypocrite. His much-touted “humanitarianism” is highly selective and one-sided, and is therefore not humanitarian whatsoever.
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Gimme a break: It is idiotic to suggest that the percentage of Jews that are involved in banking is so large that it was them who turned the vote in Massachusetts against the Democrats. What a theory!
You know the Zionists are desperate when they resort to sucking up to Rush Limbaugh. It’s like eating dog food while pronouncing the “pate” delicious.
Wow, Limbaugh defends both bankers and Jews.
What a scumbag.
Just goes to remind you, whatever you think of Obama’s stance on Israel, the Republicans would be far worse and do absolutely zilch for Palestinian human rights.