CORRECTION: Joseph Weissman and his right-wing blogger choir note that I made an error in this post. In his deceased Blogspot blog, he links to the post below under the heading “Bastions of Truth,” which I mistakenly thought was also written by him. Apparently, this blog is independent of Weissman and yet another part of the vast UK Christian Zionist right wing pro-Israel blog conspiracy targeting Sizer and other insufficiently supportive clerics. Please note my error of attribution as you read below.
But given that Weissman links to the post under that heading, one would presume that he endorses the sentiments. If you don’t, Joe, tell us why you linked to it?
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Thanks to reader Robin, I’ve just been noodling around at Joseph Weissman’s (aka Mordechai Ben Emet, Yeze Yezekiel) old blog, Christian Attitudes To Jews, Israel, and Zionism (which must’ve predated the Blogspot blog the police asked him to remove), where he first began cyberstalking and bullying Rev. Stephen Sizer. Unfortunately, I can’t find the latter blog in Google cache or the Wayback Machine.
Here’s a delightful nugget titled so appropriately, Rev. Stephen Sizer’s Goose-Stepping Admirers:
If Hitler had a blog, who would be included in his list of links? Alright, use your imagination. Imagine that people write blogs in hell – the hell bit being that nobody ever reads them. I suspect that this fellow might be included among Hitler’s links: Anglican vicar and Supercessionist , Revd Stephen Sizer.
And here are some other choice steaming bits of hyperventilation served up by Mr. Weissman:
Stephen Sizer’s hatred for the Jewish State has been vomited forth in the form of many books and articles.
[Neo-Nazis] feel he articulates their feelings about one particular group of people in a way they can normally only express by grunting noises, beating people up, smashing headstones and painting swastikas on synagogues.
Look, I’m not saying this guy doesn’t have a right to be an infantile jerk if he wants to and spout such utter nonsense. But think of who’s taken up his cause: the Jewish Chronicle, the BBC, the Guardian (ferchrissakes!), Melanie Phillips, Harry’s Place, Engage. So OK, let them explain this fellow whom they’re trying to make a poster boy for free speech. Does Joseph Weissman have the right to such lunacy? Sure. But who wants to turn him into a hero for this garbage? I always say in situations like this: if you lay down with a dog, you’ll get up with fleas. Did any of the serious journalists who’ve taken up Weissman’s cause do the least research on what this guy really stands for and has written? Am I the first? I simply find it hard to believe that people have been snookered by this guy.
“Am I the first?”
It looks like you are. Just wait; they will all end up looking very silly.
I suspect you are indeed the first. When I encountered him, I didn’t do such a search.
This is because I tend to judge people on what they do, not who they are. As you rightly remark, quite a lot of those involved in all this are only concerned to yell “Nazi! Nazi!”.