6 thoughts on “Seattle Jewish Federation Plans Anti-Iran Conference – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
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  1. Welcome to a world in which Jewish Federations are local extensions of Israeli consulates. To all the other readers out there, look for something similar in your community too.

  2. Richard, I’ve donated through PayPal a few dollars to the cause – wish it could have been more and hope others will follow suit to join you in the good fight, not the other kind. We – I mean too many of the American population and their leadership, along with loads of apparently good observant Jews and some not so, neo-cons and peasants alike, seem awfully keen on reversing that wonderful old Isaiah longing for shalom into “They will beat their plowshares into swords (read bombs) and their pruning hooks into spears (tanks, etc.).” Poor old Isaiah face à face with this bunch of bloodthirsty, faux-military creeps, clamoring to “let slip the dogs of war” and spill buckets of blood – of others, of course – to satisfy their paranoia and the bullshit they manufacture and then hungrily spoon up.

  3. RE: “please use the Paypal button to give”

    MY COMMENT: On my computers, when I move the ‘pointer’ to your Paypal ‘donate’ button, it changes from the pointer to the ‘cursor’ (regardless of whether I am using I.E. Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome as my ‘browser’). At first, I assumed that it would not be possible to make a donation. But even though it is the cursor (whilst on the Paypal donate button) rather than the pointer, when I went ahead and ‘clicked’ on it I was taken to Paypal so that I could make a contribution.

    I recall a few instances of this having occurred on other sites. It’s weird because normally when there is something to ‘click’ on (an active link), the pointer rather than the cursor is showing.

    P.S. “I just think thinks should work properly!” – spoken with the affectation of a “quite proper” Englishman who designs and peddles weird looking and absurdly overpriced vacuum cleaners.


      P.S. “I just think things should work properly!” – spoken with the affectation of a “quite proper” Englishman who designs and peddles weird looking and absurdly overpriced vacuum cleaners.

      *REGARDING MY ERRANT BRAIN: “I just think thinks should work properly!” – spoken with a pronounced Cockney dialect

    2. I’ve noticed that & it IS confusing. I just hope people won’t be put off by the fact that the cursor doesn’t change when you mouseover the Paypal link. If you click it it DOES take you to my Paypal acct. & I thankfully have received a number of generous contributions for the Iran-Israel conference.

  4. Another perspective would be those that call for a nuclear-free middle east, and a nuclear free world. A sane policy would insist that Israel, currently the nation that introduced nuclear weapons into the Middle East, become a part of the Nuclear nonproliferation treaty. Props to the Obama administration for at least calling for that, but again, it will take no action.

    In contrast, the Obama administration has “all options on the table” in regard to Iran.

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