In the ten years I’ve lived in Seattle, I’ve never been on the local NPR station, KUOW (I have been on KBCS, another local station). This week I’ll be on the air TWICE due to the disaster unfolding in Gaza. Yesterday, John O’Brien, a producer for the public affair show, The Conversation, asked if I’d be interested in talking about Gaza on air. I agreed of course. Then I contacted a number of potential guests including local Israelis and Gazans (here in Seattle), Gazans and Israelis living under the gun, and a local Jewish community representative to provide a pro-Israel perspective.
Some of the guests I contacted made it on the show and a few who would’ve been stellar like Assaf Oron, didn’t. I thought having the Israeli consul general AND the American Jewish Committee’s local director was superfluous. Having only one Palestinian as opposed to five Jews (among them two Israelis) wasn’t terribly balanced. I also wish we could’ve gotten into U.S. policy and how it can help end the crisis.
But hell, I give Ross Reynolds and John tremendous credit. I’d guess that almost no radio station in the nation has done such a show. We should thank them for what they’ve done.
Americans need to know what’s going on. And their broadcast media is largely avoiding the subject. That’s why I hope you’ll give a listen to today’s show.
Several weeks ago, I spoke at a local bookstore about the new essay collection, A Time to Speak Out, to which I’ve contributed. John O’Brien taped that appearance for another KUOW show, Speaker’s Forum. I’m pleased that my talk will air this Thursday at 8PM. You can listen to it live or via podcast.
Hi Richard,
It is indeed rare to have someone with your point of view given air time. Good job.
Your blog was one of the ones I put on a leaflet we gave out yesterday at a protest. [‘for more info…’]
One Muslim man asked if he could give out the leaflet at an event Sunday in New York City. It is a religious observance and he said there would be “thousands of people”.
Even though you and I don’t agree on everything, I always respect your principled stand.
It wasn’t mentioned that now Hamasnikim are now dressing up as doctors! This is according to the head of Shabak-Yuval Diskin.
NILI, I bet there are many Israeli doctors who are also reservists in the army. So let’s bomb them, shouldn’t we?
Is the article available in English? Not that I’d blindly swallow anything from that shining light of truth known as Shabak…