$$$$$$ Such a deal…buy a toaster and we’ll throw in the insolvent bank or financial institution of your choice for FREE! Yes, no money down, no need to pay!
This was sent to my wife by, who else, a bank lawyer!
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1 thought on “FDIC: Buy a Toaster, Get a Bank…FREE – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم”
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GOOD ONE Richard!!! Years ago I had to go to the bank to open an account for my Girl Scout troop. They had a very CONVENIENT promotion going on, open an account and get a free Coleman cooler. What a BONUS! Given what the banks are today I’ll take a toaster or a cooler any day LOL. Lord, I’m cracking up! Considering the situation THANKS for the good endorphins!
GOOD ONE Richard!!! Years ago I had to go to the bank to open an account for my Girl Scout troop. They had a very CONVENIENT promotion going on, open an account and get a free Coleman cooler. What a BONUS! Given what the banks are today I’ll take a toaster or a cooler any day LOL. Lord, I’m cracking up! Considering the situation THANKS for the good endorphins!